Thursday, July 31, 2014

Iedereen heeft Minstens één Zielsverwant nodig, want Eenzaamheid kan onze Grootste Vijand Zijn

Iedereen heeft Minstens één Zielsverwant nodig, want Eenzaamheid kan onze Grootste Vijand Zijn

Iedereen heeft Minstens één Zielsverwant nodig, want Eenzaamheid kan onze Grootste Vijand Zijn

Als we iedere dag 24 uur alleen thuis zouden zitten raken we waarschijnlijk psychisch in de problemen.

Alles zelf doen en niemand om het plezier en leed mee te delen zou voor de meesten onder ons een ramp zijn.

Psychisch is zoiets niet vol te houden, een leven zonder communicatie is zo goed als onmogelijk en zal zeer zwaar zijn.

We zouden zelfs naar verloop van tijd onze taal verleren en de grammatica vergeten om in de goede volgorde te praten.

Daarom is vriendschap ook zo belangrijk om elkaar te kunnen steunen in
moeilijke tijden en dan een vertrouwenspersoon te hebben waar we ons
hart kunnen luchten.

Zodat wij in overleg op andere gedachten worden gebracht hoe we mogelijk
iets kunnen oplossen en daarmee een beter gevoel creëeren.

Wanneer we overal alleen voor staan en geen hulp van onze vrienden
zouden krijgen bij problemen is iets wat ons gek zou kunnen maken.

Wat moeten we dan godsjammerlijk doen tegen de muren gaan praten of
onszelf in de spiegel, het is gelukkig iets wat onvoorstelbaar is.

Maar we moeten het onszelf is inbeelden wat voor een onzekerheid we dan
disponeren en zullen ons van de zenuwen geen raad meer weten.

Eenzaamheid kan dan onze grootste vijand zijn, want zonder
vriendschappen of relaties is het als een eenzame opsluiting in onze
eigen fysieke gevangenis.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

*Vero Beach Home

Apollo and Daphne

-And Cheese


*Vero Beach Home

Paraguayan Anaconda

Paraguayan Anaconda

Macro Photography : PINKISH ❤ by nasserosman

Pink gerbera captured indoors

this photo is gifted to Helle Lehd who gives me the biggest support ❤

Macro Photography : PINKISH ❤ by nasserosman

Pink gerbera captured indoors

this photo is gifted to Helle Lehd who gives me the biggest support ❤

Everyone Needs at least One Soul Mate because Loneliness is Our Greatest Enemy

Everyone Needs at least One Soul Mate because Loneliness is Our Greatest Enemy

Everyone Needs at least One Soul Mate because Loneliness is Our Greatest Enemy

If we everyday sit 24 hours alone at home then we would probably get ourselves into trouble psychologically.

Doing everything ourselves, can bring us a little bit of pleasure, but
most of the time it only bring sorrow to us and could turn into a

Psychic is not something to hold on, a life without communication is virtually impossible and it will be very heavy for us.

If we are in loneliness for a long period, we could not even know how to talk our language and grammar in the right order

That is why friendship is so important, friends are the one who is able
to support us through thick and thin and we can also share our happiness
and sad moment together.

When we are brought together in a same circle of friends, it is possible
to have the solutions for every problems, thus it creates a better
feeling together in companion’s mind.

When we are always alone without any friends around us, the loneliness can easily drive us crazy.

And at that time, what we must do talk to the wall or with ourselves in
the mirror, this is something unimaginable when we have friends around

But we must imagine ourselves is in what kind of uncertainty, so that we
can dispose it off easily to avoid having nervous for ourselves.

Loneliness can be our worst enemy, because without friendships or
relationships, it is like being treat in a solitary confinement with our
own physical prison.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Macro Photography : new life begins by Hendrata_Yoga_Surya

Macro Photography : new life begins by Hendrata_Yoga_Surya

Macro Photography : schizostylis by MacroMeister

Taken from the garden, but shot indoors with studio lights (flash)

Macro Photography : schizostylis by MacroMeister

Taken from the garden, but shot indoors with studio lights (flash)

Everyone Needs at least One Soul Mate because Loneliness is Our Greatest Enemy. If we everyday sit 24 hours alone at home then we would probably get ourselves into trouble psychologically. Doing everything ourselves, can bring us a little bit of pleasure, but most of the time it only bring sorrow to us and could turn into a disaster. Psychic is not something to hold on, a life without communication is virtually impossible and it will be very heavy for us. If we are in loneliness for a long period, we could not even know how to talk our language and grammar in the right order That is why friendship is so important, friends are the one who is able to support us through thick and thin and we can also share our happiness and sad moment together. When we are brought together in a same circle of friends, it is possible to have the solutions for every problems, thus it creates a better feeling together in companion’s mind. When we are always alone without any friends around us, the loneliness can easily drive us crazy. And at that time, what we must do talk to the wall or with ourselves in the mirror, this is something unimaginable when we have friends around us. But we must imagine ourselves is in what kind of uncertainty, so that we can dispose it off easily to avoid having nervous for ourselves. Loneliness can be our worst enemy, because without friendships or relationships, it is like being treat in a solitary confinement with our own physical prison. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

Macro Photography : Green Sweat Bee by Moneycue

© 2014 Monique van Someren * all rights reserved * please do not use without permission

Macro Photography : Green Sweat Bee by Moneycue

© 2014 Monique van Someren * all rights reserved * please do not use without permission