Friday, May 24, 2013

A bandtail puffer

Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen.

Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen Er zijn heel wat dingen in de wereld waar wij het niet mee eens zijn.Dingen die gebeuren wat buiten ons boekje gaat en waar we geen vrede mee kunnen vinden.Wat ons kwaad en verdrietig kan maken en waar we graag verandering in willen brengen maar niet bij machten zijn om daar iets aan te kunnen doen.Waar wij als eenling nooit de zeggenschap over zullen hebben en ons woord nooit zal tellen.We kunnen stemmen en handtekeningen op gaan halen om zo aan de hogere heren te laten zien dat er meerderen zijn die het er niet mee eens zijn.Maar dat zal ook geen invloed hebben op een alleenheerser in deze maatschappij en zou verloren moeite zijn en frustratie opwekken.Daarom is het beter om Uw eigen niet te bemoeien met zaken waar we toch geen invloed op hebben.En beter ons eigen leven leiden en daar het beste van maken, want ons ergeren aan dingen die niet leuk zijn is normaal maar als we ze toch niet kunnen veranderen is het beter er niet aan te denken.Het kan ons eigen leven alleen maar verslechteren en hoofdpijn geven door het te laten malen in onze gedachten.Dingen die buiten onze macht liggen om ze te kunnen veranderen is het beter te stoppen met denken en laat een ander daar maar de zorgen over dragen.Geef jezelf die rust en vrede en realiseer dat het verloren moeite is. Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.Auteur Jan Jansen Meer Gedichten…….

via Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen..

Orange Fish

Sunflower Cake.

Orange Fish

Sunflower Cake.

Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen.

Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen.

Stop om U Zorgen te Maken om Dingen die Buiten Uw Macht Liggen

Er zijn heel wat dingen in de wereld waar wij het niet mee eens zijn.
Dingen die gebeuren wat buiten ons boekje gaat en waar we geen vrede mee kunnen vinden.
Wat ons kwaad en verdrietig kan maken en waar we graag verandering in willen brengen maar niet bij machten zijn om daar iets aan te kunnen doen.
Waar wij als eenling nooit de zeggenschap over zullen hebben en ons woord nooit zal tellen.
We kunnen stemmen en handtekeningen op gaan halen om zo aan de hogere heren te laten zien dat er meerderen zijn die het er niet mee eens zijn.
Maar dat zal ook geen invloed hebben op een alleenheerser in deze maatschappij en zou verloren moeite zijn en frustratie opwekken.
Daarom is het beter om Uw eigen niet te bemoeien met zaken waar we toch geen invloed op hebben.
En beter ons eigen leven leiden en daar het beste van maken, want ons ergeren aan dingen die niet leuk zijn is normaal maar als we ze toch niet kunnen veranderen is het beter er niet aan te denken.
Het kan ons eigen leven alleen maar verslechteren en hoofdpijn geven door het te laten malen in onze gedachten.
Dingen die buiten onze macht liggen om ze te kunnen veranderen is het beter te stoppen met denken en laat een ander daar maar de zorgen over dragen.
Geef jezelf die rust en vrede en realiseer dat het verloren moeite is.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.
Auteur Jan Jansen
Lees Meer Gedichten…….

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will..

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will

There are a lot of things in the world where we disagree with it.

Things that happen outside the box and we can find no peace with it.

We would like to change on things that can make us angry or sad, but we do not have the power for allow us to do anything.

When we are as the maverick we can never have control over it and our word will never count.

We can go for voting and get signatures among the population in order to show at our superiors that many persons does not agree with it.

But that will not change the mind of the dictator in this society and it only would give us frustration and our effort are wasted.

Therefore it is better not to interfere with it and concentrate only our own things because we can not influence on what is happening.

And its better to live our own life for the best of it, because it is very normal to be annoyed with things that are not fun but if we cannot change them anyway, it is better not to think about it.

It may only be more worsen for our own life and if we keeps thinking about that, we will be having a big headache.

We better stop trying to change things which is beyond our control and let others who possess the knowledge to take care for that concerns.

Give Yourself a peace and quiet mind and realize that Your effort generates nothing.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will..

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will

There are a lot of things in the world where we disagree with it.

Things that happen outside the box and we can find no peace with it.

We would like to change on things that can make us angry or sad, but we do not have the power for allow us to do anything.

When we are as the maverick we can never have control over it and our word will never count.

We can go for voting and get signatures among the population in order to show at our superiors that many persons does not agree with it.

But that will not change the mind of the dictator in this society and it only would give us frustration and our effort are wasted.

Therefore it is better not to interfere with it and concentrate only our own things because we can not influence on what is happening.

And its better to live our own life for the best of it, because it is very normal to be annoyed with things that are not fun but if we cannot change them anyway, it is better not to think about it.

It may only be more worsen for our own life and if we keeps thinking about that, we will be having a big headache.

We better stop trying to change things which is beyond our control and let others who possess the knowledge to take care for that concerns.

Give Yourself a peace and quiet mind and realize that Your effort generates nothing.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

 Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will

There are a lot of things in the world where we disagree with it.
Things that happen outside the box and we can find no peace with it.
We would like to change on things that can make us angry or sad, but we do not have the power for allow us to do anything.
When we are as the maverick we can never have control over it and our word will never count.
We can go for voting and get signatures among the population in order to show at our superiors that many persons does not agree with it.
But that will not change the mind of the dictator in this society and it only would give us frustration and our effort are wasted.
Therefore it is better not to interfere with it and concentrate only our own things because we can not influence on what is happening.
And its better to live our own life for the best of it, because it is very normal to be annoyed with things that are not fun but if we cannot change them anyway, it is better not to think about it.
It may only be more worsen for our own life and if we keeps thinking about that, we will be having a big headache.
We better stop trying to change things which is beyond our control and let others who possess the knowledge to take care for that concerns.
Give Yourself a peace and quiet mind and realize that Your effort generates nothing.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

 Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will

There are a lot of things in the world where we disagree with it.
Things that happen outside the box and we can find no peace with it.
We would like to change on things that can make us angry or sad, but we do not have the power for allow us to do anything.
When we are as the maverick we can never have control over it and our word will never count.
We can go for voting and get signatures among the population in order to show at our superiors that many persons does not agree with it.
But that will not change the mind of the dictator in this society and it only would give us frustration and our effort are wasted.
Therefore it is better not to interfere with it and concentrate only our own things because we can not influence on what is happening.
And its better to live our own life for the best of it, because it is very normal to be annoyed with things that are not fun but if we cannot change them anyway, it is better not to think about it.
It may only be more worsen for our own life and if we keeps thinking about that, we will be having a big headache.
We better stop trying to change things which is beyond our control and let others who possess the knowledge to take care for that concerns.
Give Yourself a peace and quiet mind and realize that Your effort generates nothing.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Stop Worrying about Things which Beyond the Power of Your Will.

Un’esplosione di col

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Baby Platypus

Crocheted Animal.

I Want yum!

Paula Deen Nachos