Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Holkam Hall saloon,.

Rustic wooden fence

Haunted Inns

Everyone will get Respect when They Leave Their Ego Behind.

Everyone will get Respect when They Leave Their Ego Behind.

Everyone will get Respect when They Leave Their Ego Behind

Life consists of ups and downs and if we learn from it we can be proud of ourselves because it indicates that we have developed our brains.
And if we are not rich or from noble descent we will have to earn it with our brains and hands, because treasure box will probably be empty and the complement will be there when we are hardworking.
To achieve and fill it up, we will have to endeavour so much things and that is not a wrong attitude, because we will proudly fulfilled it to get success in order to be a valuable person in society.
For some people it is not easy to maintain the same personality when they already be in the success zone.
It get beyond their imagination and they change own identity with a sense of greater value to others.
But everyone is equal in life, never think that we are more than others and we should show self-esteem with similar respect to all.
The saying “Just act normal, that’s already crazy enough” is the best to take for comparison.
If we change our identity, because of our deserves success and therefore think that we have become more than others, we will lose our own dignity.
An imaginative personality is so short-sighted thinking, because how we can behave ourselves when we go back to the square one?
Be sensible and wise, treat everyone the way we want to be treated and respect not to condemn anyone for their actions or origin.
Having an Ego is an incorrect assessment of ourselves, but let others to judge and find out that we know everyone have to eat and go to the toilet.
We all also need to sleep and our problems can be solved all if we interact socially with each other and believe that we are equal.
Our identity to show the world is to give respect and received without an ego.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Remarkable photo/,-

Lazy summer days

Tower and Garden

North Central Florid


Lazy summer days

Tower and Garden

North Central Florid
