Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship.

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship.

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship

Some of us like to use the leisure
approach against a small problem, but remember that it can turn into a
gigantic and if we cannot solve, it would be a disaster.

Every problem we have is too much, that is the way we should strongly think about it .

At that time it perhaps mean nothing, but if we feel we have the
responsibility to understand it, we may prevent it from getting out of
hand which possibly cause the multiple effects for us.

The problem may become so large and the panic begins, so we should not overlook it.

It is not possible to solve anything quickly because by then we will be
nervous and making mistakes when we force ourselves to clear the trouble
too fast.

Even in our personal life, it is important to stay out of the trouble
area and to communicate decently with united to each other.

It will be selfish if we are misbehaving and not will tolerate it from other, then we will always offend others with nothing.

We should be facing each other very socially, because an insult may be
perceived as a humiliation and anticipate in an illicit fight.

Patience is virtue, so try to wait for the right moment to discuss sensitive things in order to  live in peace together.

Do not lost friendship of years due to a very small argument and be loyal to each other after a tedious discussion.

Most of the times, saying sorry and admit mistakes may just be enough to resolve any disagreements.

Be reticent and patience is a noble sentiment, and this can prevent the ship on the open ocean sinks through a small hole

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Past is a History.

Past is a History.

Past is a History

Many people talk and think about it, and its keeps appearing too often in our mind.
It ‘s already happened, and all belonged to the past, but most things are still in our thoughts even we live in the present.
should not let the bad experiences to be haunted our life, instead
treat it as a lesson for us and learned from it, and engrave it as a
good memory for history in our mind.
things will not hurt us, but we can not forget those malignant events
which have happened in the past and its keep repeating in our heads.
So we have to understand the situation more and conclude it with peace because that was a part of the past and it’s over.
Try to think wisely so to give ourselves the love of life.
Do not let the pain of the past to dominate our mind and think better for the future.
The past will never come back exactly as before, now we are living in the present.
should have learned from it and the sooner we can forgive bad things,
our life will be reviving with a positive and joyful start.
Say goodbye to bitter past and only remember the positive things can make peace for our thoughts.
And this will give us no chance to think about the negative past.
‘s the whole way to lift ourselves out from the past so more joyous
moments will come to us and we can live in peace and no more wake up
because of bad dreams.
Let rest the past in peace, keep it as a history and welcome the future with a smile.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Monday, January 20, 2014

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Be civilized, simple and remain polite become difficult for many people especially when it’s all going very well.
Most of us forget that all is relative and may change from time to time, because we are living in the moment.”now”
But by hubris we no longer think about it, because it goes so good that after only can be more better.
Be confident about everything what we do is ok but don’t get over it,  because we are not going to get along any better.
It is not wise if we think we already bigger than the rest, because there is always someone else who is better .
Whichever “too” statements could cause problems in our life, too big, too small or too overconfident etc.
But we also must not be discouraged, because when we’ve done our best, we have nothing to be ashamed of.
And we may quite confident and proud of ourselves for it anyway because we have done it.
But remain humble is something which have a longer shelf-life with a better starting base.

In adversity, we will not loss of face and others are more likely to
understand about the situation, if we are modest than that then we are
overconfident against  everyone and people will not like us.
When we
are overconfident, it will show reversed to others in a bad time, they
will be more happy to say “good for that conceit sufferer.”
Better we behave normal then its already crazy enough for life, because tall trees catch much wind.
As we stand on the top of a mountain, we will always see higher mountains.
To reach the top is a long way to go, but no one can predict the speed of going down.

Be ourselves and let’s move mountains with our minds, because hubris
will only shift our character and attitude to another level.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Be a Positive Thinker and Try Not to Make the Impossible as an Option.

Be a Positive Thinker and Try Not to Make the Impossible as an Option.

Be a Positive Thinker and Try Not to Make the Impossible as an Option

If we think negatively, most things already impossible because we are not even going to start it and in our mind it is inaccessible for us.
Be positive in life but remain realistic and know our limits, don’t always try to make the impossible into reality.
There are always several kinds of challenges in our life and if we think that nothing is impossible, we have to go for it with all our passion.
As the proverb says : “Life is a journey, not a destination.”
Better remain to think positively during our life journey and to continue with the aim that we are going to make the impossible possible.
It would be completely unwise to start something with pessimistic, because our mood will be deteriorate and we going to suffer by a setback more so it will make our life a hell.
Positive thinking can give so many benefits to ourselves and others the courage to move forward, because positive energy enhances for all.
It gives us more hope, hope springs eternal, and life gives hope.
Someone who wants to burn water without adding fuel is not a positive thinker and can forget about it, because that’s impossible.
But improve on existing things and be positive about it, is an option that can succeeded.
It is better remain to think positively during our life journey and continue with the aim that we are going to make the impossible possible.
The earth is round so if we have enough time and financial resources that we want to invest then we can start from any starting point in the route and still will be arriving in Rome.
That’s why it is better for us to always be positive without rushing things so we can reach our target with a smile

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, January 18, 2014

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life

The post \”A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life.

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life From our birth we all are raised by our parents and learned to speak in a decent way. Clothes make the man so his statements with good attitude will give and get back the respect. It is so important in life to be decent and be polite to others also give them the respect what they deserve. Kindness also costs no money, so why not make an adjustment as how we like to be seen anywhere, and then others can only say that person has such a good manners and always friendly. Its simply shows the personality and character of a person, from there we can actually make a small estimation on whom we have to deal with. There are probably very few people who like to see problems or want to make it in life so it will be a lot more joyful when we present ourselves with a pleasant attitude. We shall more sooner be approached and accepted by others in a friendly atmosphere, and therefore invitations calls or letters will fall earlier in our mailbox. People who can give others a positive and optimistic feeling with a smile are actually very welcome everywhere. A good mannered and honest attitude will be so grand in our life, and the best of all is that we ourselves are getting the most benefit from it, because we can always relax and feel ourselves much more better. Be irritable or in a bad mood, we all have it so we must differentiate ourselves and opposite with others to behave decently with a respectable attitude. Differentiate ourselves from others and give everybody the best mannered attitude so they can feel the difference. Every small change of our attitude will make a big difference. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life

The post \”A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life.

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life From our birth we all are raised by our parents and learned to speak in a decent way. Clothes make the man so his statements with good attitude will give and get back the respect. It is so important in life to be decent and be polite to others also give them the respect what they deserve. Kindness also costs no money, so why not make an adjustment as how we like to be seen anywhere, and then others can only say that person has such a good manners and always friendly. Its simply shows the personality and character of a person, from there we can actually make a small estimation on whom we have to deal with. There are probably very few people who like to see problems or want to make it in life so it will be a lot more joyful when we present ourselves with a pleasant attitude. We shall more sooner be approached and accepted by others in a friendly atmosphere, and therefore invitations calls or letters will fall earlier in our mailbox. People who can give others a positive and optimistic feeling with a smile are actually very welcome everywhere. A good mannered and honest attitude will be so grand in our life, and the best of all is that we ourselves are getting the most benefit from it, because we can always relax and feel ourselves much more better. Be irritable or in a bad mood, we all have it so we must differentiate ourselves and opposite with others to behave decently with a respectable attitude. Differentiate ourselves from others and give everybody the best mannered attitude so they can feel the difference. Every small change of our attitude will make a big difference. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life

A Little Distinction in Attitude can Create the Big Difference in Life

From our birth we all are raised by our parents and learned to speak in a decent way.
Clothes make the man so his statements with good attitude will give and get back the respect.
It is so important in life to be decent and be polite to others also give them the respect what they deserve.
Kindness also costs no money, so why not make an adjustment as how we like to be seen anywhere, and then others can only say that person has such a good manners and always friendly.
Its simply shows the personality and character of a person, from there we can actually make a small estimation on whom we have to deal with.
There are probably very few people who like to see problems or want to make it in life so it will be a lot more joyful when we present ourselves with a pleasant attitude.
We shall more sooner be approached and accepted by others in a friendly atmosphere, and therefore invitations calls or letters will fall earlier in our mailbox.
People who can give others a positive and optimistic feeling with a smile are actually very welcome everywhere.
A good mannered and honest attitude will be so grand in our life, and the best of all is that we ourselves are getting the most benefit from it, because we can always relax and feel ourselves much more better.
Be irritable or in a bad mood, we all have it so we must differentiate ourselves and opposite with others to behave decently with a respectable attitude.
Differentiate ourselves from others and give everybody the best mannered attitude so they can feel the difference.
Every small change of our attitude will make a big difference.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Friday, January 17, 2014

To Know Ourselves is the Beginning of All Wisdom.

To Know Ourselves is the Beginning of All Wisdom.

To Know Ourselves is the Beginning of All Wisdom

Without action, or doing something we will never know about ourselves but through various good and bad experiences we can quickly discover it.
We will learn how far we or others can go before the bomb goes off from our body and we losing our self control.
So we can learn from the experiences how to get a good and relaxed feeling which will influence our mood with the excellent interaction.
Which topics we can use to laugh, and let us don’t forget which one make us cry.
How we can process the pain after a bad experience without having the sorrow  about that experience and after this not more think too much about since we have almost endured the pain.
If we love someone we can calm down, when the love does not come from both sides, we have to show respect to the other one that we understand it and have all the situation under control with our emotions.
When there are very serious accidents or things happen with ourselves or our loved ones, we must try not to respond as overwrought so we managed to calm down  ourselves to handle it in the right direction.
If we are overwhelmed because of badly cheated and let down by someone we completely trusted and we believed from our hearts, and then we must be strong to bid farewel to them same as we have never meet before
If we reach that point in our life, we can have inner peace within our body and soul  then we can celebrate it with a triumph as victory for the freedom.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Langzaam Groeien is Beter dan Stilstaan.

Langzaam Groeien is Beter dan Stilstaan.

Langzaam Groeien is Beter dan Stilstaan

Iedere dag zijn we bezig om onze positie in de wereld te verbeteren voor een beter leven.
En soms lijkt het wel of er geen vooruitgang in zit en daar zijn we dan niet tevreden over, maar er zijn miljoenen personen op de aarde die dagelijks een vermindering zien in hun vermogen.
Dus als wij op hetzelfde niveau blijven of een lichtelijke groei zien moeten we al heel dankbaar zijn voor onze goede inzet in deze moeilijke economische tijden.
We kunnen niet meer dan met ons hart bezig zijn op een vriendelijke manier en zo onze beste inzet tonen.
Iedere verbetering die we kunnen aanbrengen in onze levensloop of karakter is een kans om de vooruitgang te stimuleren.
Kennis uitbreiden door te leren en praktische ervaringen geven ons de kans om eerder iets te begrijpen waardoor wij niet stilstaan in de tijd.
Dingen veranderen nu eenmaal en worden steeds moderner dus is het erg belangrijk om daarmee op de hoogte gehouden te worden en er mee bezig te zijn.
Deze extra kennis zal ook een bijdrage leveren aan de groei van onze intelligentie wat een grote invloed en excellente verbetering zal hebben op ons dagelijkse leven.
Probeer er alles aan te doen als we voor een bepaalde richting in ons leven hebben gekozen om daar zoveel mogelijk over te weten te komen, want kennis is macht.
Dat zal zeer zeker helpen in onze ontwikkelingsfase en zal een grotere invloed hebben op de groei, want langzaam groeien is beter dan stilstaan.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.
Auteur Jan Jansen

Slow Growth is Better than Stand Still.

Slow Growth is Better than Stand Still.

Slow Growth is Better than Stand Still

We are working everyday to improve our position in the world for a better life.
And sometimes it seems as if there is no progress and then we are not happy about it, but there are millions of people on earth who see a daily reduction in their ability.
So if we continue at the same level or slightly see significant growth we must be very grateful for our good commitment in these difficult economic times.
We cannot do more commitment than with our hearts in a friendly way therefore we can show our best dedication.
Any improvement we make in our life or character is an opportunity to stimulate the progress.
Expand knowledge by learning and practical experience earlier will slightly give us the opportunity to understand so we do not standing still in there but moving a step in front.
Things change every now and then, and becoming more modern, so it is very important to keep us well informed.
This extra knowledge will also contribute to the growth of our intelligence and it will give a huge impact and big improvement in our daily life.
Try to do everything as we have chosen our certain direction in life and to learn as much as possible about it, because knowledge is power.
That will certainly help us in our development and give us a greater impact for our growth, because growing slowly is better than standing still.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

To Live a Creative Life, We Must Never Fear of doing Something Wrong.

To Live a Creative Life, We Must Never Fear of doing Something Wrong.

To Live a Creative Life, We Must Never Fear of doing Something Wrong

Nobody wants to live in an unpleasant or monotonous life, but we all prefer to have lots of variety and added some spice on top of our daily routine.
In order to realize that with our own that we will have to come with some marvelous ideas and with some luck we should be living in our life in a creative way easily.
Still discovering new things and enjoy them as there is still some interesting thing that we all want to find out.
But to come out with new ideas everyday and then even managed it, is of course a impossible mission.
So there will always some bad days in which we can not sense entirely that we had chosen the wrong idea.
If we want to have 364 days of joy for a year, we will need to act like a cartoon character from Walt Disney because that will never gonna be happen in our life.
Through trial and errors we can improve our life, so we should not be afraid to make mistakes or do the wrong things.
Therefore, there are several new ideas arise and we can be more creative by better thinking of what we like, so a combination of daily mapping will be easily achieved.
Life can be easy, but to have it organized we should keep us smiling even when we are making mistakes, by then we are in the advantages position to be creative.
Our life journey begins with creativity.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Life is an Echo, what we Sent out will Eventually Come Back to Us.

Life is an Echo, what we Sent out will Eventually Come Back to 

Life is an Echo, what we Sent out will Eventually Come Back to Us

Everything is a matter of time in our life, so it is up to ourselves and things will go faster if we are able to use all the possibilities.
If we do not show commitment from ourselves of good will and respect, then what do we want or expect back?
It’s give and take in life, give respect to take it back.
There will always be some exceptions which will pass in our life, but also do not stop and let them pass through us as quickly as possible.
Do not pay attention to those people, and if we can not, just be kind and say or do only the necessary, it is best to avoid them so we will not get ourselves into trouble.
Kindness makes a man, so be honest and fair to give others a chance to be themselves.
Never force things , because if it is meant for us, it will always be.
Keep ourselves respectful and be friendly with a helping hand when it is within our ability.
It is better try not to speak directly the words out of our hearts feeling, because then we will often struggle with clashes, therefore we should be trying to control and to find the right balance.
Being emotional will not solve any problems, but it is our inner feelings that we need to control for a better communication.
It’s all easier said than done after a bad experience but it is a fact that our character will have a disadvantages changes with grief.
Give each other the space and be a kind of respectful person with an optimistic character who will sees the positive in all the wrong experiences.
Continues to smile even we are in tears of sadness, therefore the life from others and from ourselves will create a lot more pleasant atmosphere for everyone.
Be an echo that sent and spread out all the good and happiness to the world, so eventually we will be expected it back as a boomerang effect in return for ourselves.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Monday, January 13, 2014

Let Us be the Architect of our Own Life Plan.

Let Us be the Architect of our Own Life Plan.

Let Us be the Architect of our Own Life Plan

Many people want to make decisions for us, but that’s not a wonderful plan.
It is better to take charge of those decisions ourselves, whether its right or wrong, that can be seen afterwards.
We are the only one who can architect our own life line and decide for which path to go on.
But we will have to make sure that the incorrect decision is a lesson for us to learn and we are responsible for bringing it to a change into a good way.
Nobody can predict how the future will be, but what we can do is to be a great designer and architect on it.
Let’s be an architect of our own life line and plan everything well with the proper size and destination which is good for us.
So that all the pieces of the puzzle will fit together and create a perfect life where everything is planned to perfection.
Take into account for ourselves everywhere and everything to find its place from the development of our own sketch for life.
Each open place will get a position in the outline because it is filled up by us with a proper goal to make our life journey more pleasant to share with purpose.
As an architect, we can easily modify every mistake and correct any wrong alignment with an eraser and characterize it after to arrange for a better lot.
It is fine as we can make all the decisions ourselves and change it to the way which will make us feel the happiness.
We know everything as an architect so that our schedule gets a life line with a terminal destination and everything as we wish it.
That would bring the excellent joy and happiness in our life, it is better than hit the jackpot in a lottery.
Be an architect of our own life path with an ultimate sketch so it would almost impossible for us to be unhappy.
Only our health can be a huge effect for our plan of life and can give us the unwanted disappointment.
Life is full of exciting challenge and experience on the way to happiness.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, January 12, 2014

When we Believe in our Own Capability, we are Already Halfway Towards our Goals

When we Believe in our Own Capability, we are Already Halfway Towards our Goals

When we Believe in our Own Capability, we are Already Halfway Towards our Goals

Self confidence give us more satisfaction and it is so important in making decisions for our future.
Something we never try or just only look and talk about it, will never give us enough confidence and knowledge.
The experience in practice always give us a better understanding of how it all works and from there we can improve for adjustments.
But if we believe in ourselves, it will be easier for us to start something, so that we can accomplish it with a perfect result in the end.
Hesitation and without faith in it means weakness, so it is better not to start something.
But if we have a purpose and also believe in the possibilities then we have to go for it and only looks forward.
Chances of success is to use all the available options we have and increase it with our positive energy.
Ourselves already making an imagination about the end result which will bring new ideas to the table that can be used to achieve the previously intended target.
Getting involved with reliable friends and united with several heads together to think something about it and then coming into for better conclusions.
Have faith to expand our capabilities will showing us quicker results with a fast spreading word to achieve our goal.
In fact we are already halfway towards our goal with the strong believing in ourselves on several ways.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Success is going Through Multiple Times of Failure Without Losing Enthusiasm

Success is going Through Multiple Times of Failure Without Losing Enthusiasm

Success is going Through Multiple Times of Failure Without Losing Enthusiasm

Everything we do from the heart in our life will give us more satisfaction to succeed.
An enthusiastic human is someone who is lively with a boisterous behavior over a subject and therefore has a huge enthusiasm with a motivation for doing something.
A enthuse person stands out to others by a striking dose of positive energy and showing actual deployment.
Never influence by others to stop after a failure but be dedicated to get more inspiration power in order to succeed for something.
The energetic enthusiasm and persuasion are few things which will not fail in the end, because there are always new opportunities to be found.
Enthusiasm is a form of inspiration that impels us to overcome every adversity and ultimately increases the chances of success.
Therefore never start something if there is no enthusiasm from the heart to get something done.
If it fail, after will only deteriorate our inner feelings and will not give ourselves a second chance to finish it.
If we are able to start with enthusiasm after a failure, then we willing to do everything to get success.
Let the heart speak so we will never lose our enthusiasm for something on the way to success.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Friday, January 10, 2014

New Chapter of our Life Begins When we Stop Rereading from the Past.

New Chapter of our Life Begins When we Stop Rereading from the Past.

New Chapter of our Life Begins When we Stop Rereading from the Past

We often obstruct our cheerful mood by thinking of the bad past experiences.
The past is the best to use as an improvement on the present and to employ what we have learned from it for the future.
We can keep our history in memory but Don’t often re-read the unpleasant experience again.
If anyone ever think of their past, it is not possible to start their own new chapter with the section titled “positive life”.
A positive minded person is the one that focus on its current state and works towards it for a better life in the future.
We just need to put a stop somewhere in our brain, then our memory will be recharged with some new joyous events.
Think back again and again to our frustrating experiences of the past will never give us an optimal feeling of happiness.
The past is history and we should ensure that only good things can come back in memory so there will never have any unpleasant issues.
Get started today with the new chapter and give ourselves the opportunity to experience only fun with outstanding occasions.
Say goodbye to all the sad moments when we feel cheated and all the periods we hate to have in our life.
History that’s already happened, and we should have no more place for it in our memory, because we are going to fill it up with only joyful moments.
Our new chapter in life where laughter is very common and this will repeat again every day with the same smile.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.

The post \”Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Everyone Deserves Equal Rights..

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights

We all live in one world based on the same starting point with a vision that is unified by all of us. Everyone may have a different lifestyle or living with another level in life but generally all are the same and should be treated with equal rights and responsibilities. Every wise man knows that these rules have been there long time before and should be followed, but some people feel themselves more than others and trying to violate this law. They think that they have more status for any other reason, and therefore want to occupy their position with multiple rights. With each birth, the parents must make a declaration to a municipal body that shall be applied for every citizen, no one can be excluded. This indicates that everyone is the same person from birth and to stay in life for all physical needs, so it must be followed by everybody. The person who thinks we do not have equal rights are discriminated against others, because they are not following the regulations rights and duties. They probably won’t be respected by their own position and therefore lose the respect to others, because of thinking that they have a higher status. Until something happens when nature decides and then it will reminds us that we are all equal and have the same duties with rights. And we will realise money do not have the fuction of status-enhancing, instead it is an unneccesary luxury but in the end we all still have the equal rights. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.

The post \”Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Everyone Deserves Equal Rights..

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights

We all live in one world based on the same starting point with a vision that is unified by all of us. Everyone may have a different lifestyle or living with another level in life but generally all are the same and should be treated with equal rights and responsibilities. Every wise man knows that these rules have been there long time before and should be followed, but some people feel themselves more than others and trying to violate this law. They think that they have more status for any other reason, and therefore want to occupy their position with multiple rights. With each birth, the parents must make a declaration to a municipal body that shall be applied for every citizen, no one can be excluded. This indicates that everyone is the same person from birth and to stay in life for all physical needs, so it must be followed by everybody. The person who thinks we do not have equal rights are discriminated against others, because they are not following the regulations rights and duties. They probably won’t be respected by their own position and therefore lose the respect to others, because of thinking that they have a higher status. Until something happens when nature decides and then it will reminds us that we are all equal and have the same duties with rights. And we will realise money do not have the fuction of status-enhancing, instead it is an unneccesary luxury but in the end we all still have the equal rights. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights.

Everyone Deserves Equal Rights

We all live in one world based on the same starting point with a vision that is unified by all of us.
Everyone may have a different lifestyle or living with another level in life but generally all are the same and should be treated with equal rights and responsibilities.
Every wise man knows that these rules have been there long time before and should be followed, but some people feel themselves more than others and trying to violate this law.
They think that they have more status for any other reason, and therefore want to occupy their position with multiple rights.
With each birth, the parents must make a declaration to a municipal body that shall be applied for every citizen, no one can be excluded.
This indicates that everyone is the same person from birth and to stay in life for all physical needs, so it must be followed by everybody.
The person who thinks we do not have equal rights are discriminated against others, because they are not following the regulations rights and duties.
They probably won’t be respected by their own position and therefore lose the respect to others, because of thinking that they have a higher status.
Until something happens when nature decides and then it will reminds us that we are all equal and have the same duties with rights.
And we will realise money do not have the fuction of status-enhancing, instead it is an unneccesary luxury but in the end we all still have the equal rights.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

The Best Way to Predict Future is to Create it by our Own.

The Best Way to Predict Future is to Create it by our Own.

The Best Way to Predict Future is to Create it by our Own

Everyone is looking for a good future for themselves and their loved ones.
But no one can predict their own future, so it is not wise if we continue to look for predictions elsewhere.
Just sit and wait for the future coming to us will be purely a beautiful dream, but in reality will show otherwise.
We will have a lot of work to do, couple with luck together, to ensure a good future for us.
Always have faith that we all possess the great strength and knowledge to be able to create the future by our own.
We can not predict what will happen, but we can do our utmost to make sure that we are able to create something from where we in believe.
Follow our hearts and mind to judge whether things are feasible for us and from there we can generate a better future.
We might need to battle hard and work for it, but as long as we overcome the common adversities, a good position can be easily accomplish with a perfect solution.
It’s not going to be easy but the best way is to avoid forecasting and a guarantee future is created by our own from deep inside our heart.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Trust is the Key to Accept, Respect and Follow.

Trust is the Key to Accept, Respect and Follow.

Trust is the Key to Accept, Respect and Follow

Nowadays it is becoming extremely difficult by only using spoken word and handshake to close a deal.
Almost everything has to be prepared with a contract in which legitimate rules are being involved to protect both parties.
One of the hardest things in life is to build trust in front of other people, so that they will  blindly rely and believe in us.
It is also difficult to maintain, as the saying goes : “Trust takes years to build it, and forever to repair if it was broken”.
Trust is based on how we can accept each other strength and weakness, then follow the progress together and showing the respect for both.
The spoken word always must be fulfilled without excuses and changes with the motto that both can share everything in prosperity and adversity.
If there is a mistake by us, we should admit it with an apology so that our friendship can be restored back to where we begin.
Then things will coming into a suitable mutual arrangement whereby everyone is happy.
It is proven that anyone can make mistake, but all the problems can be solved, combined with the respect and acceptance among each other.
This will also strengthen the trust in each other and follow by an easier acceptance for the disagreement, because we both know that it ‘s just a mistake.
Everybody can make mistakes, but if there is respect and trust, all things can have the solutions in a friendly way.
By being honest and sincere, we created a key to open for acceptance of trust and so everyone will believe us on our word with a friendly handshake.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Monday, January 6, 2014

If We do Not Change Direction, we May Ends up in the Wrong Destination.

If We do Not Change Direction, we May Ends up in the Wrong Destination.

If We do Not Change Direction, we May Ends up in the Wrong Destination

It can sometimes be difficult, especially when we are bored, because always stay at home and do not know what to do in our life will not be nice.
We should go look for alternate activities to entertain us in a different environment and we will get to know more new people at the same time.
Once we are in the new environment and have fun with it, we feel fine and think that we’ve have found the happiness.
But every time we go there again for a good feeling, we will sooner going to explore in time that some negative points is showing up in the area where we are.
We know that, but still want to return to this place even it might give a negative impact on our life, but that place is so much cozy with joy for us and not to resist.
Sit at home is really bored, so that place is keep coming into our mind and we still want to go back to enjoy that environment everytime.
But constantly staying in the same place where we are not quite clear about our future is not really smart, because then we will be reluctant to leave the life circle and this certainly will not bring us good.
When there is an opportunity in front of us, do not hesitate too much and we should move to the new direction for our life.
The one who often being stubborn to change, will not realize that they will be heading to a wrong destination.
It’s not easy for them to change their lifestyle because they are in a circle where they think will be appreciated among friends.
But if we do not want to follow the same lifestyle as everyone in this badly influence circle, we soon will realise enough on what is the meaning in this friendship.
Be wise and courageous, when we have the wrong sense and know what is not good for us, we should move on to a better place and not ends up in the wrong destination.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, January 5, 2014




The tropical cyclone with a stunning nature strength is something we can only dream of.
A hurricane has no mercy and will destroy everything on its path with the overwhelming speed and power.
It is impossible for stopping the hurricane which was caused by rain and blowing wind at low pressure areas of evaporating sea that energizes and rotate everything because of the convection.
When there is a hurricane, it is better not to stay nearly by the neighborhood, because it will be like a centrifuge to invade us with all the unspeakable consequences.
It will turn into a tragedy, when we have established ourselves in somewhere but after a hurricane rages that would be a disaster for us at our place in just a few minutes.
We may lose our possessions and also maybe losing on the loved ones whom we have fought for our whole life to get this far.
It’s something which will continue to haunt our mind for the rest of our life, because what we’ve seen will never be forgotten and it is unimaginable for now.
And we can lose all our positive energy at once to let us realize that everything always depends on several factors in our life.
Be at the right time and place can give us a fortune but also the nightmare, so enjoy every minute of our life with a smile.
Always realize that by the time we laugh of pleasure, there are some in the world who are crying miserably because of being very sad.
Don’t always think that our life is very bad when it does not go well for us, but be strong and tell ourselves that we have been fortunate and should go to work for a better future.
Let us wish for each other to have the force of a hurricane together so that we can handle the setbacks more easier.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Never Forget the Pair of Hands who Lift Us Up when We are Falling Down.

Never Forget the Pair of Hands who Lift Us Up when We are Falling Down.

Never Forget the Pair of Hands who Lift Us Up when We are Falling Down

We all have lows period in our life when we can not save ourselves out of trouble.
Those who have help us with their heart are our good friends, and should get many respect from us.
In certain circumstances it is totally different in reality and can give the heartbreaking and disappointing confrontation.
But the moment we were in trouble, there should have some person who will stand in front of us to fix our sorrows with all their heart and soul.
Those are the biggies that we must keep in our heart and should never forgot them.
Indeed, it is a very unpleasant moment when ourselves are being stuck in a situation and no have any solution therefore we must seek the help or advise by others.
The presence of friends is very important that we have prove our respect by them as the line “Give Too Much, Expect Nothing Back”.
Always respect them because their help is very important on that time and we should therefore highly appreciate them so it will also strengthen our friendship.
In those moments, we also will come to know who are our true friend and who are those only want to reap benefits from us but will not give us their hands when we are suffering.
They make us so happy in those moment because they are here to get us out of trouble while we ourselves not can be adviced in both psychologically help or sometimes materialistic difficulties.
These kind of friends are true champion to be put on a pedestal and they must be treated with respect on each successive day from our heart.
Unfortunately, in reality it is almost always different and the pair of hands that lift somebody up before and helped from the heart, but after the same hands can also let us fall down.
But never give up and we should be contented with the helping hand to give or accept by others.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Friday, January 3, 2014

Silence is Gold If We do Not have the Correct Answer.

Silence is Gold If We do Not have the Correct Answer.

Silence is Gold If We do Not have the Correct Answer

Conduct a conversation together in a cozy atmosphere can be very enjoyable and uplifting for us as there will be many fun and laughs.
Someone like to talk and others find it enjoyable just to listen, but it’s not easy to tell anything that everyone can understand and appealing to their ears.
If there are some jokes to be make, for example, telling a story with joking then anyone can be atrracted and enjoy it.
It can uplift our mood in a relaxing environment then we are turning into a completely different person.
But the moment when its been switched to a serious conversation, and we do not understand all, it is better to keep our silence over it.
It is better for us not to join in the conversation, because we do not have any idea about it what is being said or asked, and we will not have the right answer.
When we are interfering in the conversation and telling something which is untruth or given an incorrect answer, then we will probably lose our dignity.
If the truth is totally different than what is coming out of our mouth, then they have the feeling want to cut off our tongues because they feel as being rightly cheated.
Saying things just for telling a funny story to make the conversation become more interesting but with full of lies is not smart and it will impair on our credibility sooner or later.
“If the lie is the truth as soon superseded it” then it may have a constantly effects in our life.
As a result, we are going to lost the respect and trust they have in us thus we will be losing out of our acquaintances and friends.
Our name will not be spoken positively by others and by the time we realize it, will be too late for us.
Therefore, if we cannot say anything with truth or give the correct answers for it, its better to keep our mouths shut and remain as a golden silence.
Never forget that “still waters run deep” and the “high trees will catch more wind”.
Sometimes it’s better to preserve with silence.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Be Polite.

Be Polite.

Be Polite

Times change and apparently for being polite in decent living habits too.
We heard it every day or have the experience ourselves especially when we are communicating with someone.
We hardly hear the way of people’s good vocabulary and manners that we have learned.
The polite words in which we have been brought up for is rarely being heard from the mouths of younger generation.
Being polite are starting to get extinct and it seems to be superfluous for calling the names of their Parents with Father (Daddy ) or Mother ( Mama) , but start with the given name directly.
When they are being called and addressed by the children with their given names, so it actually starts to be sounding strange for others to think who they are now, because someone else will not think they are their parents..
No one will be able to guess they are the parents as they are being called by their first names directly.
This is the modern era they say or is it meant to be unmannerly?
Either our thinking are too old fashioned, because we can lose control over it  or we have to accept this and adapt ourselves with it ?
Perhaps it is already too far advanced and to turn back on something that has been changed will be more difficult.
Applying respect and to be polite to others is more difficult to implement in certain circles.
Because in these circles, polite and respectful responses will be seen as a sign of weakness and not even can be appreciated.
Let us imagine and asking ourselves politely where this will lead us to in the coming years.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A Good Rest is for Us to Prepare for a Longer Journey.

A Good Rest is for Us to Prepare for a Longer Journey.

A Good Rest is for Us to Prepare for a Longer Journey

Often our life are too rush and would like to do anything with all our time, whether it’s just reading a book or something to think about.
Fortunate rest for each person are processed in a different way, and that give the relaxation for everyone.
Many of us are busy with work to make some money for a better life.
But take a good rest is very important because it can really help us to pursue in good harmony and continue for our journey of life .
Which is different for everyone but the bow can not be tensed constantly, because then it will go physically wrong.
Everyone want their life path is long, no one wants to prematurely leave the earth early, so sometimes we need to take a break.
And we can take it as we want when we feel comfortable with it, which is a preference of ourselves with something to do that will gives us the satisfaction and relaxation.
Just change our mind in a different environment and do something different than what we are doing every day.
That is something what will do us well and help to clear our thinking while every new experience is richer by a new destination.
Take the rest for ourselves, maybe just a walk in a different place as normal.
Psychologically this will bring the good sense for our inner peace and we can think about certain things that have been happened in recent times.
With a renewed courage, we can continue our life and enjoy the things we do every day with joy.
Prepared ourselves for a long journey and take an occasional rest to calm down our temper in a relaxed atmosphere.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen