Friday, February 21, 2014

Every Great Discovery Start from a Daring Character.

Every Great Discovery Start from a Daring Character.

Every Great Discovery Start from a Daring Character

If we have ideas but didn’t do anything with it, just carried it away in our mind, we will never meet the real discovery.

Only those who have the guts to start the journey of their own idea can
know afterwards what the explorer can be perceived in their voyage.

Someone who is ambitious and have a character with faith in their idea,
then there is nothing can stop them to get what they want.

They just start to discover whether their idea in mind can be achieved
the same as in reality and would like to realize it in real.

There will be a lot of works to do, that’s important but not a problem
for them to achieve it, because their thoughts are constantly working on
the target.

That’s the only thing which will counts for them to reveal whether it is
feasible to use this in the normal life and so to help both themselves
and others with the disclosure of ideas.

This would be able to pass the wealth of history and a new revelation,
the proclamation of something new that is going to help for the

Small thoughts on an idea can also become a global understanding where millions of people will benefit from it.

And each one can come up with own idea but many don’t have enough confidence to present it to the outside world.

Those who dared to start their idea can grow into a great discoverer of
something and spreading it into the world, this can make them famous as a
great inventor.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 20, 2014

No One can give Us the True Meaning of Life, so We have to Define it Ourselves.

No One can give Us the True Meaning of Life, so We have to Define it Ourselves.

No One can give Us the True Meaning of Life, so We have to Define it Ourselves

Listening to others on how should we live is easy and for sure almost everyone will be able to tell us about that.

What is the best way, and how should we organize to get the most out of
our day, everyone can tell us endless stories about this, but let’s be

It’s actually all very simple, because the only way to find happiness
and to have a good feeling is when we can do what ourselves feel good.

It can be fun to follow others at the pool as we stand in line to go down from the slide.

But in everyday life we can monitor and improve our lifestyle with good
behavior and thus discover the meaning of life for ourselves.

Life is a great game to survive with so many options and rules, and each has its own meaning to live for.

Everyone have different ideas and things, one like the sun, the other
who enjoy the cold, and so on but we all feeling united with it.

Every grain of sand on the beach is different and so with the people,
everyone have their own needs and desires to make themselves happy.

And if we ourselves can not find that in it, someone else will certainly
not be able to explain it to us, because they can only talk about the
topics which they are interested.

They can not look into our heart, or read our mind where we are being
fascinated, we will only be able to tell this to ourselves and confirm

Discover the meaning of life itself, because others can only be a little
impact or an example for us, but we should not let ourselves be
influenced or instruct by them to do things which will make us unhappy.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Do Not let the Pain to Weaken Us, Instead let it Make Us to Become Stronger.

Do Not let the Pain to Weaken Us, Instead let it Make Us to Become Stronger.

Do Not let the Pain to Weaken Us, Instead let it Make Us to Become Stronger

Sometimes we are facing with a setback or a humiliation in our life and that can give us a great inner pain.

At such moment, we actually dropping the soil under our feet and the pain became unbearable thus our life are becoming hopeless.

Why we should let ourselves so hurt and down with the problems about
things that have already happened? Even so we probably can do nothing to
change this.

Because things done is done, so let it be a good lesson for us, and of
course we can not just take away our emotion and we have to be stronger
with it.

This will be not easy in some cases so we should consider the reality
whether there are possibilities for change as we are being stuck in the
situation at that time.

Life do not stop and has no pause button, that may sounds harsh but it is the true essence of life.

When we are very upset both mentally and emotionally, we can no longer
follow the order of the day and that can be giving a huge impart for our

If several people are involved in this drama, it is better to jointly seek solutions to return the peace of mind for everybody.

And if necessary give each other comfort and strength to reach for an agreement to finish it with a powerful solution.

Let us not be weakened by the pain so we all will be stronger and stand more powerful  together in life.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Health is the Real Wealth for Us.

Health is the Real Wealth for Us.

Health is the Real Wealth for Us

Many people do not realize how important our health is and they only know wealth above all.

They may have forgotten the
fact that health is not for sale, and yet it is so important that we all
still need to know it as an individual thinking person.

We can give priority for other
things but once somethings went out of control and affected our health,
we only will aware that we are doing the wrong things.

Some unfortunate persons were born with health problems and those
are the people who really know how to appreciate better what is the
real meaning of being healthy on their older age.

Almost everything we do in our life depends on our health level in order to perform well.

An unhealthy body cannot simply fabricate much energy than
someone who is healthy and can produce a better effect on the
implication of expanding it.

The moment when we are feeling unwell,
we will know that it is almost impossible for everything to be
functioning well , so it is such a pity for us to be in the wrong timing
for doing what we need to do.

If we are physically and
mentally in control with all of our functioning limbs then we can
confidently speak with a big mouth to say that the wealthy are with us.

Many will think differently, but the moment we have to experienced it, the reality can be changed in our mind due to of an 
uncertainty of our health condition.

We always have to remember to not give up a happy sense of hope in every circumstance to live positively.

Everyone need to realize and understand that the wealth of health is the
most important factor in our life in order to meet our necessities.

Being healthy will further lavish our existence on this planet.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 17, 2014

The Greatest Wisdom is to Realize that we do Not Know Everything.

The Greatest Wisdom is to Realize that we do Not Know Everything.

The Greatest Wisdom is to Realize that we do Not Know Everything

There are people in our society who think
they know everything and also behave like this toward others, but that
is a joke and simply ridiculous.

Everyone is limited in their own knowledge but it can be expanded, because we are never too old to learn something.

The whole life is a learning process that will never stop, because there
is always new things for us to improve on our techniques.

So we will never stop learning, while we take our journey through the
impossible through highs and lows, it is not possible for us to know

Always try to learn something new for each day because knowledge is limitless and very important for us.

Studious people are often more creative and have some good ideas that can be used to give advice to help for others when needed.

To know everything better is simply not possible in society because
there are too many knowledge with different subjects to remember.

There are some people who know everything about a certain subject, but
that is also limited thus they will also have to learn on every new
changes again and again.

Learning is a part of our life as our limbs, we will never be able to function properly if we refuse to learn.

Nobody is stupid because everyone can learn for a particular topic of
their respective interests, and know to go for the other direction on
how things should be done, that’s the reality.

Life is one big learning process without end.

When we realize that we all need each other to gain and sharing
experiences for the best knowledge, together we will have the
opportunity to be wise.

Because the greatest wisdom is knowing that we will not know everything and can always learn from each other.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Een Zeiler Zonder Bestemming zal Zeker de Verkeerde Wind in de Zeilen Krijgen.

Een Zeiler Zonder Bestemming zal Zeker de Verkeerde Wind in de Zeilen Krijgen.

Een Zeiler Zonder Bestemming zal Zeker de Verkeerde Wind in de Zeilen Krijgen

Iemand die geen visie heeft voor zijn leven zal niet gemakkelijk iets bereiken op een probleemloze manier.

Zal een volger zijn van anderen en zoals we bijna allemaal al hebben
ervaren leid dat niet tot onze eigen verlangens maar tot die van

Sommigen kunnen daar vrede mee hebben en zijn blij om anderen te dienen
als dat hun gelukkig maakt, willen een simpel leven en niet teveel

Een persoon die zelf verantwoordelijkheid wil nemen en zo zijn plaats in
de maatschappij wil verbeteren moeten weten wat ze willen.

Zonder een grote visie, zal ons leven altijd in de verkeerde richting gaan en misschien nergens toe leiden.

Om te weten wat we willen zal er een plan gemaakt moeten worden wat goed georganiseerd is van A tot Z met alle voor en nadelen.

Weten waar te beginnen en ook de eindbestemming al in gedachten hebben
en die uitwerken op papier in een bestemmingsplan met alle belangrijke

Zomaar iets doen en vertrekken zonder een reisdoel of eind adres zal om
het eindpunt te bereiken afhankelijk zijn van de omstandigheden en de
wind in de zeilen dit kan een mooi avontuur worden maar geeft geen
zekerheden en kan gevaarlijk zijn.

Het zal iets worden zonder een doelgerichte planning en kan leiden tot
iets uitstekend maar ook tot individuele rampzalige gebeurtenissen waar
anderen ook de dupe van kunnen worden.

Dat is het nemen van een groot risico met veel
verantwoordelijkheidsgevoel voor iets wat allemaal voorkomen kan worden
door een goed opgezette en georganiseerde planning voor ons leven.

Weten wat we willen in ons leven kan veel gecompliceerde momenten
reduceren tot bijna niets, omdat we van te voren alle oplossingen al
overwogen hebben in een plan.

Dat geeft zoveel meer rust in plaats van frustraties als er iets
verkeerds gaat en we geen alternatief hebben om het te verhelpen.

Weet altijd aan welk reisdoel we beginnen in ons leven en heb een
bestemmingsplan met een eindpunt, zodat we weten wat te doen bij
onverwachte wind in de zeilen.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

A Sailor Without Destination is Definitely Follow the Wrong Wind in the Sails.

A Sailor Without Destination is Definitely Follow the Wrong Wind in the Sails.

A Sailor Without Destination is Definitely Follow the Wrong Wind in the Sails

Someone who has no vision in their life will not be able to achieve something easily  in a hassle free way.

Will be a follower of others, and as we all have experienced it already
in our life, that will not lead to our own desire, but only accomplish
the desires of others.

Some may be at peace with it and happy to serve others if that makes
them happy, because they only want a simple life and not to worry too

A person who wants to take the responsibility and to improve his place in society should know what they want.

Without a great vision, our life will always go to the wrong direction and lead to nowhere.

To know what we want, we will need a well organized plan from A to Z with all the pros and cons.

Knowing where to start and also have the final destination in mind, so
we can work it out on paper in a zoning plan with all the important

To start something new in our life or leave without a destination
address and want to reach the end point will then always depend on the
wind conditions in the sails, this  maybe a great adventure, but it give
no guarantees and can be dangerous.

Something without a purposeful planning can never lead to the great
things, and also can have resulted in catastrophic events for individual
but others may also be the victim of it.

That’s taking a big risk with a lot of responsibility for something
which can be prevented with a well and organized plan for our life.

Knowing what we want in our life can reduce many complicated moments to
almost zero, because we have already considered in advance for all the
solutions in a plan.

This gives much more rest instead of frustration and when something happen, we have an alternative to fix it.

Always know to what destination we are heading from the start of our
life and have a excellent plan with an endpoint, so we know what to do
with the unexpected wind in the sails.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Never let the Success to Rise Above our Head.

Never let the Success to Rise Above our Head.

Never let the Success to Rise Above our Head

Everybody want to be successful in their life, by achieving it they can celebrate with joy and an excellent feeling.

To be success is usually associated with money and increase in income,
some may think that the content of life is to have as much capital as

And then there is a change, because they think their status is being
elevated through wealth and not by the intelligence for success.

Stay modest when success is achieved, because everyone will see that and is not easy to efface it away.

Let us not get carried away by the wealth of success, but enjoy it and stay humble.

We cannot spend more money than there is, by the moment we think that
success is permanent, we will try to get loans to buy something that are
not guaranteed for our earnings.

We should not show ourselves is bigger than the really.

Then it will goes the wrong way and we are no longer living for
ourselves but for the eyes of others so as a result there is no turning

By that time, our finances status do not allow us to clear all the debts, then we only realize that we make a big mistake.

It is better not to be running out off our shoes, but keep our feet firmly stand on the ground.

It is always better to live below our standard and to build up with
financial reserves, so it can be easily solved our problems whenever we
have them.

With this, we are also more likely to be accepted in the society and can have a better overview of how others behave.

Always keep in our mind that success can be temporary, and try to live
healthy, because it is not  necessary to change ourselves to impress

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, February 14, 2014

Life is Just very Simple, do Not Insist to make it Complicated.

Life is Just very Simple, do Not Insist to make it Complicated.

Life is Just very Simple, do Not Insist to make it Complicated

We all can be very complex or just very simple in our life, it’s all depends on what our needs and how we think about it.

Always try to realize what’s important in our life, so we can leave out
what we do not need, then we will not get lost in direction.

If we focus on too many things then do not really know which direction
to go and this will limit our concentration on what is more important
for us.

When we are able to continue and focus on our goals with actions
directly, not just sit down and keep thinking of it in our mind then we
are starting to make our life more easier so we can accomplish anything.

Plan things first in our mind are the initial steps to make everything more easier and we can improve on it.

Why need to think it hard as it can be organized easily in order to carry everything out within a prerequisite clause.

We often make it difficult for ourselves, because we have a lot of demands and trying to regulate it to perfection.

That is a very good starting point to start something but perfection
will make it all more complicated, because nothing is perfect in the
mind of a human that want to have everything to be even more better.

Therefore it is better to organized first and set up something to
improve on it step by step, even only a few things can be outstanding
directly from start to the extreme.

Don’t make it too hard for ourselves and knows what we want, so that
from there we can arrange something with more focus to achieve for our
targeted results.

As a result, our life become simple and we can engage ourselves with complicated things.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Love is like a River that will Continue to Flow Forever.

Love is like a River that will Continue to Flow Forever.

Love is like a River that will Continue to Flow Forever

To be the valentine for a person on this
special day in the year give a good feeling and also indicates that
there is love involved.

Love is an essential factor which occupy an important place in our life
and can give us the extra feeling that everyone is waiting to be happy.

It can make or break us, because love can provide the best moments to us but also give us painful with tears of sadness.

Everyone wants to be in love and those who appreciate it will be able to
enjoy forever, because a love life have norms and values that can be
associated with respect.

And if we want to maintain the flow of love without stop, we must be
able to trust  and always take care of each other so that our hearts is
fully filled with love.

Will encounter the infinite desire for each other when we’re apart, because out of sight is not out of the heart.

The craving for each other should give us a warm feeling of desire where
our hearts can be touched by only one person, that is love and wish for
each other.

Together with the person we love give us a good feeling which can improve our mood with a very warm feeling to smile.

To be with that person constantly play a role in our mind, we will take
them into account before making any decision, because we want to see the
joy in their eyes every time.

Our heart beats faster when the person we love is in our neighborhood or
when we only heard the name then we can quietly start to think this is
my Valentine on today.

Now we just need to make sure that the love sparks continue to flow like
the blood in our veins forever until our last day together with our

Love has no limit and we can not control the feelings from our heart, so let it continue to flow together forever.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Do Not Let our Inner Peace being Disturbed by Things Which is Beyond our Control.

Do Not Let our Inner Peace being Disturbed by Things Which is Beyond our Control.

Do Not Let our Inner Peace being Disturbed by Things Which is Beyond our Control

Many things happen in our life which we have no influence on it, but that can irritate our inner feelings.

We are totally disagree with it and would like to change that or try to at least bring in some improvements.

But we are totally not in forces to address them, as a result we only
disturb our inner peace with something that is impossible to correct.

So basically we are bringing water to the sea, because we will never be able to realize it or find a solution.

We have completely no control over what happened there, maybe only in a
dream we would be able to meet for a settlement and see it in our mind
but this is not possible in real life.

So that’s no loophole to ourselves to lift the burden from others and
take over their decisions, for things that we can never let it end.

These are the life-saving resourses that we’ll never be able to hand
over it, we only can make a decision about it in our mind, but that will
never give us a decisive outcome.

It is the best to never come into a situation to get a surprise or try
to interfere in something which we never can obtain for an agreement or

Keep Calm and be inconsiderate, because when we are upset it will only disturb our own inner mood.

After a bad inner feeling, our appearance will give an acting reflection of our inner spirit.

This is a determination by others that the decision on the choice is a
lost of proper control over something which we will never have a
solution for it.

The illation of the conclusion from others is that we better make an
immediate assessment of the situation and if we have no control over it,
it is better not to take action, because that will only give harm to

Our inner peace is very important in life so do not let it interfere by a syncope.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Never Waste our Effort on those who Not Appreciate Us.

Never Waste our Effort on those who Not Appreciate Us.

Never Waste our Effort on those who Not Appreciate Us

Respect is something that we have
received from our upbringing and at a later age we learning more to be
ourselves so we can assessing the value and understand that not
everything is for sale.

Time is precious and it is not possible for us to spend all the time to
care and to  resolve the problems for everybody around us.

Because our time is often too limited and we own also have several
problems in private or work and we need full attention for caring of our

But whoever does good will encounter with a better person, so be kind to
each other and give a helping hand is very important in our life.

Unfortunately, there are also many people who abuse it and do not
appreciate the efforts and they only want to get more benefits.

If someone has handed us a helping hand without asking anything in
return, those are the people that we really should appreciate them.

This goes the same true for us, for those who never cherish what we do
for them, it will be unwise to spend more of our efforts on them.

Every hour only can be consumed once and it will never come back, so spent our time wisely and well.

It is better to pay attention to those who appreciate our time and
effort and who really need to be helped, thereby they will have awe for

They appreciate and admire us as we do something for them, and we will
have a reverent feeling after, because we have done something good
without wanting to get a advantage out of it.

Be Always willing to help others and keep doing that, it is better if we
try putting ourselves in others shoes, give them the chance when there
is a possibility.

When they mess with that opportunity by not being honest or not to
appreciate, it is better to spend our effort and cash on our immediate
beloved or others who will respects and admired us.

Make the effort to someone who does not value this is the same as
stealing from a blind man who cannot see what is being stolen from him.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 10, 2014

Be Careful with the Words we Use Because Once its Spoken, can Never be Recalled.

Be Careful with the Words we Use Because Once its Spoken, can Never be Recalled.

Be Careful with the Words we Use Because Once its Spoken, can Never be Recalled

Fortunately, all of us can determine our attitude and how we behave, but …….

We all have the freedom to speak anything but we have to think first
before the spoken word came out from our mouth, and against who we need
to talk to.

Wrong words can hurt others and as a result will going to affect their feelings thereby create hatred among people.

And it is not possible for everyone to remember all their words they’ve
spoken before which causing confusion and frustrations to others.

During our bad mood, we can sometimes lose control and possibly the
wrong words quickly come out of our mouth without thinking first.

But that can sometimes have different consequences than we think and
will give harm for the relationship, because nobody like to hear
disrespectful words from their ears.

Every word we used are very important, so it is easy for us to join into
a conversation with the right words and great vocabulary.

That we can correct it by using the right words in a runaway
communication so we can take over the conversation without using
aggressive words.

A good conversation is when the process are hassle-free and nobody will
be attacked deliberately with gripping language or humiliating words.

The joyful conversation with laughter will give a pleasant feeling to everyone for a better relationship.

Always be careful with the words we use so that we will not continue to embarrass anyone.

And when the damage is done by our words, it will be too late for us to recover from it even with a sincere apologize.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 9, 2014

The Biggest Mistake a Person can Ever Make is to Simply Give Up.

The Biggest Mistake a Person can Ever Make is to Simply Give Up.

The Biggest Mistake a Person can Ever Make is to Simply Give Up

We all meet with surprises and setbacks in our life, there will not be any exception to nobody.

The main concern is what kind of impact this will give on us, with not
too much damage on our peace of mind and how we can handle it.

Sometimes it can be very significant if we experience something that
affects our emotional feelings in which will be difficult for us to
suppress it and we don’t want to give it the free rein.

Materialistic problems are easier to accept but it is an entirely different handling process without such a profound feelings.

Family matters where love is involved may also end up in tragic consequences for some cases.

Mostly because they are not talking to each other so no longer have
control over the handling process, and in a few seconds their mind
cannot think clearly so they only response with emotions.

With emotional, we should always look for an excuse for ourselves not
involve to do stupid things, because we not only ruin our own life but
also to many people who have given their hearts and love for keeping
with us.

In a downturn, we should just be careful and think ten times before we
let our emotions dominate us and make the biggest mistake of our life

Never do something which is unrecoverable for ourselves or others,
because then a regret will no more have effect for our actions and this
can give an aftermath in our mind and to others in the whole life.

Never give up on anything and surpassing of ourselves to be better, so
we can be a winner of our mind, because a quitter can never win, and a
winner never quits.

Emotional feelings can be painful because if we do something back, we
can also give others the same pain and sadness by our quick reacting
actions, so a stupid result will be there for us.

Be the winner of our life, never give up but to improve it.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.

The post “Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.” appear on “Nederlands” by Jan Jansen

via Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde..

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde Wijzelf zijn geboren in de aanwezigheid van onze ouders en dat zijn onze trouwste familieleden en vrienden. Vanaf die eerste dag zijn zij het die ons met een hechte band de meeste liefde hebben gegeven in het leven. Er kunnen ook directe of indirecte familieleden zijn waarmee wij ook een zeer goede relatie mee kunnen opbouwen en misschien bloedverwanten of aangetrouwde familieleden. Maar die worden in ieder geval als familielid toegevoegd en geaccepteerd door liefde. Bloed verwante familieleden kunnen we niet zelf kiezen en de zorgzame en liefdevolle bezorgdheid van onze familie voor elkaar is eeuwigdurend, niemand in de wereld kan deze gevoelens vervangen voor ons. Familie is ook de meest veiligste plek voor ons op deze aarde, wanneer we te kampen hebben met problemen in ons leven, tegen de tijd dat we ons huis of die van familieleden bereiken, voelen we ons veilig op eigen bodem. Iedereen verlangt naar geborgenheid en veiligheid onze familie is een liefde die nooit eindigt wat er ook gebeurd er zal altijd een verband blijven goed of slecht maar uit onze gedachte zullen ze nooit verdwijnen. Het is eigenlijk moeilijk te beschrijven maar het is als ijzer voor een magneet, familieleden blijven altijd naar elkaar aangetrokken worden met liefde en begrip. Sta samen sterk in het leven en blijf familie de eindeloze liefde geven. Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid. Auteur Jan Jansen Lees Meer Gedichten……. #gedichten #poetry #gedicht #verhaal #verhalen #poëzie #easybranches #janjansen

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.

The post “Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.” appear on “Nederlands” by Jan Jansen

via Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde..

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde Wijzelf zijn geboren in de aanwezigheid van onze ouders en dat zijn onze trouwste familieleden en vrienden. Vanaf die eerste dag zijn zij het die ons met een hechte band de meeste liefde hebben gegeven in het leven. Er kunnen ook directe of indirecte familieleden zijn waarmee wij ook een zeer goede relatie mee kunnen opbouwen en misschien bloedverwanten of aangetrouwde familieleden. Maar die worden in ieder geval als familielid toegevoegd en geaccepteerd door liefde. Bloed verwante familieleden kunnen we niet zelf kiezen en de zorgzame en liefdevolle bezorgdheid van onze familie voor elkaar is eeuwigdurend, niemand in de wereld kan deze gevoelens vervangen voor ons. Familie is ook de meest veiligste plek voor ons op deze aarde, wanneer we te kampen hebben met problemen in ons leven, tegen de tijd dat we ons huis of die van familieleden bereiken, voelen we ons veilig op eigen bodem. Iedereen verlangt naar geborgenheid en veiligheid onze familie is een liefde die nooit eindigt wat er ook gebeurd er zal altijd een verband blijven goed of slecht maar uit onze gedachte zullen ze nooit verdwijnen. Het is eigenlijk moeilijk te beschrijven maar het is als ijzer voor een magneet, familieleden blijven altijd naar elkaar aangetrokken worden met liefde en begrip. Sta samen sterk in het leven en blijf familie de eindeloze liefde geven. Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid. Auteur Jan Jansen Lees Meer Gedichten……. #gedichten #poetry #gedicht #verhaal #verhalen #poëzie #easybranches #janjansen

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love.

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love.

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love

We were born in the presence of our parents and they are our most loyal friends.

From the first day, they are the one who have given us a strong bond in our life with their endless love.

There may also be some indirect relatives, or our in-laws with whom we can build a very strong relationship.

They are not our our direct family members, but we still accept them as our family by love.

We can not choose our blood related family members, but the caring and
loving concern for each of us within our family is an eternal one,
nobody in the world can replace these feelings for us.

Family is also the most safest place for us in this earth, whenever we
have to struggle in our life, by the time we reached our home, we feel
safe and secure in our home soil.

Everyone should know that the security and safety feeling which give to us by our family is a love that will never ends.

So no matter what,  in good or bad times, they will never disappear from our mind.

It is really hard to describe but it’s like an iron to a magnet, family
members continue to be always attracted and stick to each other with
their endless love and understanding.

Let’s us stand strong together in life and continue to give our family the endless love.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, February 7, 2014

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom.

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom.

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom

This is true but the word “freedom ” does
not mean that we can do anything we want, because we are part of the
society that demands responsibility from everybody.

All of us are free to do anything in the society but then again we
should always be responsible for the actions done by ourselves.

We have the freedom about this, so we can make the decision on how we
want to position ourselves with own behaviour or the way we dressed up.

For many people, the definition of freedom is that they can do whatever
they want, but that is wrong, because there are too many criminal rules
in the law book that everyone should follow.

Many demand freedom of speech or freedom to the press and think they are
free to do everything so they accomplish it in such a way to gain their
so called “freedom”.

But again there are limitations and rules being drawn up in the first
place so that will be some who struggle with contradictory in it without
a total freedom.

We will only be free if we have peace within ourselves and realized the
opportunity there, so we won’t be penalized for every single choice by

Our mind can be free and no restrictions on us when we have the peace for ourselves and for everybody else.

Can make our own choices and not to be dependent on things which are entrusted to us, that is the freedom.

Pure transparent freedom is very simple by abolishing the rules, so
everyone can define and implement it with their own choice, but that is
not possible.

So the result is that no one will be having the total freedom, but we
all still can feel comfortable with our own choice if we able to abide
all the rules.

This will follow-up with no problems to set us free.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life.

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life.

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life

Sometime it is unfortunately in our life
that the unpleasant things happen which can affect our feelings so we
will be having a lot of grief.

This gives such a huge emotional impact in our life which is almost
impossible to forget, but to constantly take it to anywhere is very

If it’s continue stay in our thoughts, it will play an important role
that may consistently give a profound pain to us, and every time this
will be a painful feeling arises with a retributive response to that

But this is unwise and it will only bring ourselves into trouble
mentally and contrary to our freedom limitations, because it has
actually captured our feelings.

When we think of it, its will give us no chance to consider about other
important things, it will also determine our state of mind and can turn
us into a bad mood.

We are going to create hatred toward others but also to ourselves and that will just make our life to be more unbearable.

It is better to accept the knowledge which has been transferred and
learn from it, and erase the designated person who gave us this bad
feelings from our contact and friend list.

And then again move on with our life positively so it will no longer play as a major role in our mind anymore.

Give forgiveness to ourselves and forgive others for their actions, this
is not because we agree with it, but just to recover our inner peace.

Because nurse a grievance will never compensate caused of grief for us, or to celebrate it as a victory.

It will not make us happier to make the same mistakes as the other person and give it back to them.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely.

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely.

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely

Money can provide a solution for many things, but not everything is for sale .

But everyone needs money to survive, and some persons want to do
everything to obtain for it that honesty is no longer a factor for them.

If we have an income and do not use it wisely, we will quickly running
out of money to pay for other services, and it can go wrong from there.

We ended up in a situation that we can not settle all of our debts, as a
conclusion that the outstanding amount will become higher.

And so we work ourselves into trouble and it creates bad feelings by our
own mistakes, because a creditor would not wait and we need to pay more
to them for the interest.

We are then be punished for our mistakes by increasing our debts but a solution must be needed to pay for everything.

A wise person will be working more harder or selling some of their assets to resolves all the outstanding debts in a good way.

The unwise person loses his self-respect and chooses to make money in
illegal ways, which will always be a wrong sequel in their life.

There are also other cases of money “greed” and then it will deploy all the damages.

Respect, decency or honesty is not important for these people, what
matters most for them is how fast our money goes into their pockets.

They are the evil and have no mercy or comfort for others, they see only
all the earned (cheating) money by them as a victory, and they don’t
care how they get the money.

Everything is prepared and counterfeit to them, we will never know the
true behavior of that person, we will understand it later, because it
looks like they are acting in a movie that time to achieve their desire

Money is hard to resist, especially if we lose our self-control, it can even increase the virulence factors in ourselves.

Never let money to be the culprit in our life, we should know how to spend it wisely and do not live beyond our means.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble.

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble.

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble

Nature does not need us but we need it to
survive, so always relativize our life with nature and be content with
whatever things that comes into our life.

Who does good will meet better, if we appear ourselves smaller than who
we are to the outsiders, so it is difficult for them to belittle us.

Ask ourselves what life want from us not what we want in life.

Of course, we must also have a purpose in our life, but it should not be something that we only can accomplish it in our dream.

Be realistic and that can make the difference in our lifestyle between
relaxed and a stressed life, because no one can break iron with hands.

Also realize that we are all interdependent of each other from the beginining of our birth.

A wise man know that it never changed, so we should help each other as much as possible, from our heart.

If we ourselves are not on the victory podium, we can not fall and this
will give us more relaxation because no one expect a better performance
from us.

Humility means that we can understand each other quickly, because nobody
is perfect and rapid acceptance of this is needed to be smart.

We will understand ourselves and others more faster so a disappointment will not come to us easily.

People who are humble will be able to make more fun for their views on life and with humility they can make their own laughter.

They will not quick judge others and this will bring better feelings
among the circle, so never wait for acknowledgments from others, because
they know their place in the society.

The silence is what motivates them and acceptance of what they already
have in life and to appreciate all the experiences will give them a free

That give an easier opportunity in social life because others do not see
them as a challenger but as a person who do not want to gain power in

But more importantly for them is to find friendship and not always
looking for the errors by someone else, knowing that when two people are
fighting, both sides are wrong,

Allow others to learn something with a reward will determine how far
we’ve come, because the conditions we have will show what we can

Someone who has suffered setbacks also knows that it will determine the circumstances on how far we can go.

Friendship and social are so important in our life, so we need to build a
good foundation with that  which can lead us to a better life.

Self-knowledge is so important, we can realize it when we look into the
mirror and smile to acknowledge that humility is the right choice.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self.

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self.

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self

In our life, no one can tell during a meeting what the other person owns or how are their inner feelings.

We can never determined it In a conversation, regardless of what our eyes see or what was being said.

A first meeting and conversation is always dependent on the importance
of why this appointment take place and that can determine the
temperature of mood.

Whether to achieve benefits or disadvantages will play a major role in the middle of a conversation.

Never judge a book by its cover, because a millionaire do not need fancy dress or to drive in a Rolls Royce.

Because of wrong judgement, we start already with the initial errors and
that can bring the disappointment for others so we can only try to
recover our mistake with a excuse.

Actually, who, what, color, rich and how important someone is, should play no role in our life.

Because everyone were born on the same manner with equal rights, only some people abuse it, but that is another matter.

But everyone deserves to get respect and can also give it to others, to be kind does not cost any money.

Some may think that they are better than others, because they have more
possessions and therefore can get higher opportunities, but that’s

A righteous person will never judge something when there is no 100 % proof of this.

We should give a kind word for everyone and respect them regardless of their appearance or true origins.

Understanding is what is often lacking in most people, they can not make
any justification on others but only can classify their own life.

An open-minded person will care about others and also be able to assess the situation and carry out his actions from there.

We all are not raised in the same family and country, so there will
always remain some differences among us but the respect should be the

Everyone have their pros and cons but we all can show the same respect for each other with a friendly smile.

Don’t let the opulence affect our life, be happy and respect what we
have so we can let everyone to keep their self-esteem and to rule as it
does with respect.

Love and friendship is more valuable than materialistic so don’t wait
until we lose on both only then we will understand the real value of it.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement.

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement.

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement

Why we do not have the on and off switch on the body that we can use, this will be better when we have it in our life.

Then we can make a good choice, because everybody in life make mistakes
so maybe it is better to have a switch with three button to decide for
small, medium or big mistakes.

So that we can adapt to the person who join in our conversation and then
be free to make a choice depending on how the communication is

Every conversation which turns out to be a setback shall not defeat us, because we can learn from it.

And every blunder we make in our life both private or business is also
not a downfall for us, because we can learn to use it good as an
informative experience.

It will just prevent us from a collapse, because we can take
preventative measures which will ensure that it not will become a

Think slightly further, it can help us to prevent that we will not fail
and our pursue not can lead to a disaster, because we already carry out
the necessary actions to remedy the situation, so our intelligence will
be a blessing in disguise.

Through trial and error we can be wise, so do not be afraid to do things wrong, but just go ahead with it.

Life experience give us the opportunity to develop further and to
achieve our ideals, of course there will be time and financial losses
but in the end we won’t miss out on the goal we want to achieve.

As we learn from our failure, we can improve our life and continue with learning the lesson.

As long as we never give up, then we will grow in this society.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Sometimes we make things that touch our feelings which can cause the emotions arise and it will not disappear from our mind.

In fact, we make ourselves crazy by keep thinking about something which is already happened but we can not simply change it.

It is normal to think about it in real life but if we keep thinking about negative, that will affect our mind.

When we are nervous and thereby can be over-strained, it is actually a psychological war within ourselves.

If we keep those things away from us, at the same time we can be busy
with fun things and that would give us a positive thoughts.

The moment we no more have counsel or ideas to get rid of these foolish
thoughts, it is wise to listen the advice from a specialist in this

Because if we keep thinking about something that we have no solution, it’s just a waste of our time.

Without a solution, we will only evolve negative thoughts, and there will be no place for our joyful moments.

Life will then shows frustrating examples to us and that will attune our thoughts upon.

Let us not be influenced by negative things and block it from our mind, we should see it as a lesson of life.

Try to start every day with a clean slate of mind, be optimistic and do
not think too much more negative things which have happened in the past.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen