Friday, April 4, 2014

Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success.

Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success

When we ask the question on most people “what would you like to achieve in life? “, the most common answer we will get is wealth and a lot of money.

And that is a self-reliant answer, but in practical it is usually not so, especially when it comes to good deeds then people are often having doubt with an uncertainty cause.

But as surely as we are to respond it with wealth as an answer, we must also be confident and stay brass tacks at work in our life.

We all know that money is linked to success, wealthy means successful at something and then it is very obvious that the cash register is ringing our bell.

It seems that everyone will have self-consciousness about this, but the difficulty is to discover the possibility of to be successful.

When we have two left hands,and a good brain to think of many things but not want to work then we will fail miserably, because success is not feasible without working on it.

Our grandparents can be already very wealthy, and we can have the benefit from it, but still we will have to work hard and keeps everything under control.

And its easier said than done, because when Grandpa was an athlete that does not mean that the offspring can also be excelled as the athletes.

Not everyone has the potential and ability to go higher than what they currently achieved, but almost every person dream of it.

But without the main essence which is our confidence then it is not possible to do so.

Without it we will never be able to go one step beyond our current position and move forward.

Decisions implementation are usually made by people with confidence who want to improve and surpass themselves.

That motivates us with an exclusive implementing provision and successful performance for a glorious victory.

The consent and approval by self-confidence will support our enthusiasm to achieve more success.

Smart decision and good conditions are needed in order to prevail, so we can consider to have acclaim the prosperity with a happy ending.

Without self-confidence, it is almost impossible to achieve what our mind are looking for.

Prosperity usually are going through perseverance and a good attitude towards everyone for a better chance.

A proper clause will never be there, because it will be different every time, but with the self-trust and a right attitude, then the success road is possible for everyone.

Self-confidence is the prerequisite, then the ladder to success can be accomplished by insistence with perseverance and self-respect.

Applause and triumph for those who have achieved success in discretion and silence.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

#poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote

#easybranches #janjansen

via Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success..

Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success.

Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success.

Self-trust is the Initial Requirement for Success

When we ask the question on most people
“what would you like to achieve in life? “, the most common answer we
will get is wealth and a lot of money.

And that is a self-reliant answer, but in practical it is usually not
so, especially when it comes to good deeds then people are often having
doubt with an uncertainty cause.

But as surely as we are to respond it with wealth as an answer, we must
also be confident and stay brass tacks at work in our life.

We all know that money is linked to success, wealthy means successful at
something and then it is very obvious that the cash register is ringing
our bell.

It seems that everyone will have self-consciousness about this, but the
difficulty is to discover the possibility of to be successful.

When we have two left hands,and a good brain to think of many things but
not want to work then we will fail miserably, because success is not
feasible without working on it.

Our grandparents can be already very wealthy, and we can have the
benefit from it, but still we will have to work hard and keeps
everything under control.

And its easier said than done, because when Grandpa was an athlete that
does not mean that the offspring can also be excelled as the athletes.

Not everyone has the potential and ability to go higher than what they currently achieved, but almost every person dream of it.

But without the main essence which is our confidence then it is not possible to do so.

Without it we will never be able to go one step beyond our current position and move forward.

Decisions implementation are usually made by people with confidence who want to improve and surpass themselves.

That motivates us with an exclusive implementing provision and successful performance for a glorious victory.

The consent and approval by self-confidence will support our enthusiasm to achieve more success.

Smart decision and good conditions are needed in order to prevail, so we
can consider to have acclaim the prosperity with a happy ending.

Without self-confidence, it is almost impossible to achieve what our mind are looking for.

Prosperity usually are going through perseverance and a good attitude towards everyone for a better chance.

A proper clause will never be there, because it will be different every
time, but with the self-trust and a right attitude, then the success
road is possible for everyone.

Self-confidence is the prerequisite, then the ladder to success can be
accomplished by insistence with perseverance and self-respect.

Applause and triumph for those who have achieved success in discretion and silence.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Every Adversity that We Endured will make us Wiser.

Every Adversity that We Endured will make us Wiser.

Every Adversity that We Endured will make us Wiser

Life is an adventure without a proper
written script and there is no guarantee for a smoother lifepath , but
the good things is that we can improve every time on what we feel is
best for ourselves.
We will meet different of people in our
life with both good or bad character, but we are very fortunate that we
can either choose to further continue our friendship and by every
meeting say hello or a full farewell.
Well realized what was the reason
behind and why a relationship is created, this can be a basis for us to
estimate what is the value of it.
In life, there will be plenty of
setbacks for us to endure, but there are also some moments when we think
that life is so beautiful and justify.
Each of these adversity will be a great
challenge for us, so do not give up and learn it for improvements to
get a safety protection orders for our further life.
Be cautious are always the best , because a snake will never say: “I’m here now to poison You with my bite”.
Discerning and give perceptive judgment
with reason and caution, because every setbacks can be an irreplaceable
loss and a psychologically down.
It is the responsibility of ourselves
seek for protection and support for our life in order not to make some
unnecessary errors which may hurt us physically.
Sometimes we may uncertain and never get warranties from our decisions, because a wolf in sheep’s clothing can also tempt us.
Growing from every wrong determination that we have taken, we will be wiser in making decision next time.
Through trial and error we will be more
wise, but suffer mental depression which can damage the confidence in
humanity thus life is becoming less fun.
So be deliberate in life and do not take any hasty decisions to prevent us from suffering a mental problem later.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Nooit Vragen om Vruchten te Plukken als we geen Zaden Planten.

Nooit Vragen om Vruchten te Plukken als we geen Zaden Planten.

Nooit Vragen om Vruchten te Plukken als we geen Zaden Planten

De tijden zijn veranderd vergeleken met
het verleden en nu is alles meer gebaseerd op individueel dan voor
gemeenschappelijke samenwerkingen.

De meesten denken aan eigenbelang en dan is het niet gemakkelijk om in
groepsverband iets samen te organiseren alleen maar wanneer er
gelijkwaardige profijten worden verkregen.

Tegenwoordig wil het grootste deel van de bevolking niets meer doen om
gratis te helpen en verwachten van alles wat zij doen iets terug en hoe
meer des te beter.

Iedereen kan meestal oogsten wat hij zaait, behalve degenen die alleen
maar willen afwachten zonder moeite te doen door altijd te dagdromen en
gewoon wachten op hun gratis maaltijd.

Sommige hebben een onedelmoedige begeerte naar eigen voordeel en zijn inhalig maar kunnen nog delen vanuit hun hart.

Een ander is op zoek naar voordelen hoe klein ze ook zijn ook al moeten ze anderen benadelen door hun overdreven hebzucht.

Diegene die denkt alleen maar aan eigenbelang kan zichzelf bevredigen
door anderen hun belangen te verwaarlozen en te gebruiken om zo
bevoordeeld te worden.

De opportunist die alleen maar door eigenbaat gedreven word en zo door
alles voor te bereiden en berekenen om zelfs ten kosten van anderen zijn
voordeel te behalen zonder enige spijt.

De sociale persoon is daar voor anderen om een helpende hand te bieden
en bouwt een vriendschappelijke relatie op met wederzijds respect om zo
samen voordelen daarvan te hebben.

Als er gezamenlijke belangen mogelijkheden zijn kunnen we de eerste stap
zetten door iets te ondernemen of te bespreken waar een ieder een
respectieve taak vervult die voor wederzijds belang is en beiden
voordelen brengt.

Maar als we niks voor een ander willen doen moeten we ook geen gunsten
gaan verwachten maar zullen we zelf eerst indicatieve taken moeten
verrichten om zo de balans te compenseren tegenover elkaar.

Communicatie is zeer belangrijk in zulke gevallen bij ontevredenheid,
omdat begrip niet altijd op afstand getoond kan worden maar wel in een
gesprek of chat uitgelegd kan worden.

Waardoor waardering en begrip over de situatie met respectvolle woorden
verstaanbaar kunnen worden gemaakt en oplossingen zo worden verkregen.

Zo kan een misverstand en denken aan termen als egoïsme worden verholpen
en kunnen door samen te communiceren eensgezind de samenwerking
hervatten en voortzetten voor verenigde belangen.

Wie niet zaait zal ook niet oogsten in een bondgenootschap met solidariteit tegenover elkaar.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

Never Ask for Reaping Fruits If we do Not Plant any Seeds.

Never Ask for Reaping Fruits If we do Not Plant any Seeds.

Never Ask for Reaping Fruits If we do Not Plant any Seeds

Times have changed compared to the past,
and everything now is more based on individual rather than
collaborations between communal.

Most people only think of self-interest, and it is not easy to organize
something together in groups to obtain equivalent profits for everybody.

Today, the majority of the population do nothing for free to help others
and everybody are expecting for return, the more the merrier.

Everybody usually can reap on what they sows, except those who always
daydreaming and just waiting for their free lunch without any effort.

Some may have an magnanimous desire for their own benefit and be greedy but they can still share from their heart.

Another is just seeking for benefits, no matter how it is, even though they have to penalize others with their excessive greed.

Those who only think of self-interest may gratify themselves by
neglecting and using the interests of others, so they can take this as
their own favoritism.

An oportunist is the one who is only driven by self-interest, they just
want to take all advantages at the expense of others and to prepare for
estimating on what they want to achieve without any regrets.

A social person is there to offer others a helping hand and build a friendly relationship with mutual respect .

To share the benefits together, first we must balance ourselves with our respective indicative tasks.

If there are possibilities for common interests, then we only can take
the first step to do something or to discuss where everyone performs
their particular task for mutual interest and brings the best benefits
for both.

But if we do nothing for others, we should not expect any favors back,
so we will have to perform in order to be reciprocal, balance ourselves
first with our indicative tasks.

Communication is very important in such case where dissatisfaction is
occured, because understanding can not always be shown from a distance
but can well be explained in a conversation or chat.

A conversation allowing appreciation and understanding of the situation
with respectful words, this can help us to obtain the solution.

Misunderstanding can be overcome when another person manage to find the
terms of “selfishness” in somebody, then through a communication we can
resume united harmoniously and continue collaborate for allied

Who do not sow also won’t reaped from the alliance with solidarity towards each other.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Contemplatie zal Ons Alleen Vangen in een Gesloten Cirkel.

Contemplatie zal Ons Alleen Vangen in een Gesloten Cirkel.

Contemplatie zal Ons Alleen Vangen in een Gesloten Cirkel

Als er dingen in ons leven gebeuren
goed of slecht kunnen we daar soms zonder het moedwillig te willen
onbewust over blijven nadenken en ervan alles bij verzinnen.
Door de emoties komen er dingen op in onze gedachten wat helemaal niet gebeurd is maar wel had kunnen gebeuren.
Waardoor we iets wat niet heeft
plaatsgevonden mogelijk maken in onze gedachten en zo onszelf eigenlijk
dingen wijsmaken waar we normaal niet meer aan moeten denken.
Want dat zal geen oplossingen brengen maar eerder psychische problemen door onze verkeerde gedachten.
Overmatig nadenken zal ons gevangen
nemen in een gesloten kring waar we niet gemakkelijk uitkomen, omdat het
gebeurde blijft rondcirkelen in onze gedachten.
Onze geest wil vaak graag te veel
denken, en soms loopt het uit de hand en beïnvloed ons gedrag en humeur
wat een negatieve uitwerking heeft.
Mysterieus gaan denken met
raadselachtige gedachten het is onverklaarbaar maar iedereen staat daar
voor open als er iets onvoorstelbaar
gebeurd voor ons.
We gaan aarzelen en nadenken over de gevolgen en niet denken van we hebben geluk gehad, want het had erger gekund.
Maar eerder van nu is dit gebeurd maar
als dat was voorgevallen wat waren daar dan de gevolgen van geweest, wij
gaan meestal gelijk uit van het ergste en zo komen we in die spiraal
Het is beter om koel te blijven en blij
zijn als alles goedaardig voor ons is afgelopen en de positieve kanten
bedenken als het negatief is beëindigt, want het zal niets veranderen.
Wij zijn zelf de schakel die ons kan
vermenigvuldigen om uit de negatieve spiraal te komen door de dingen
snel van ons af te zetten en optimistisch verder te gaan met het leven.
Goedgezind zal ons sneller doen laten
lachen en we kunnen vrolijk reageren tegenover anderen wat
vriendelijkheid creëert en beter is voor een goede omgang met anderen.
Als we een afkeurend gedrag vertonen
met afstandelijkheid door onze negatieve houding en gedachten zal onze
gemoedsrust nooit de balans vinden om goed te functioneren.
Wat gebeurd is dat is verleden tijd, de
toekomst is waar onze sereniteit en welvaart ligt en daar moeten we
alleen maar met een geruststelling aan denken.
Dat zal nooit gaan als we overmatig
nadenken over iets wat onze gedachten op hol zal laten slaan en gevangen
zal houden in de gesloten cirkel.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle.

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle

When things happen in our life, either is good or bad, we sometimes subconsciously keep thinking about it and to devise everything without willfully from our mind.

Because of the emotions, many things can come into our mind, what never happened also may happen on that time.

We can make something possible from our thoughts for things that never happen before, so ourselves actually has been deluded with things which we normally do not contemplate.

Because our wrong thoughts will not bring solutions, but rather psychological problem to us.

Excessive thinking will trapped us in a closed circuit where we can not come out easily, because what is happening will continue circling around in our mind.

Our mind often like to think too much, and sometimes getting ourselves out of control, this will influence our behavior and mood that may give adverse effects.

Start thinking with mysterious enigmatic mind is inexplicable but everyone is open to do that especially when something unimaginable happened to us.

We’re hesitate to think about the consequences, because we never think that we were lucky whereas it could have been more worse.

But this was happened earlier from now, if this occurring at the present, what could be the consequences of it, we usually directly thinking for the worst, so that we are in that spiral.

It is better to stay cool and be happy if all benign for us, think for the positive sides even it is a negative ends, because that will not change anything.

We are the link that can multiply ourselves to get out of the negative spiral by putting things away from us quickly and be optimistic to move on with our life.

Well favorable will let us laugh and we can quickly respond with cheerful to others, this can create kindness and it is better for a good relationship with people around us.

If we have an adverse behavior which stand-off by our negative attitudes and thoughts then we will never find the balance in our peace of mind in order for it to function properly in life.

What already happened is the past, the future is where our serenity and prosperity lies and we only need to think for our reassurance.

That will never be possible because as we think excessively about something, our thoughts run wild and it will caught us in the closed circle.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

#poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote

#easybranches #janjansen

via Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle..

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle.

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle

When things happen in our life, either is good or bad, we sometimes subconsciously keep thinking about it and to devise everything without willfully from our mind.

Because of the emotions, many things can come into our mind, what never happened also may happen on that time.

We can make something possible from our thoughts for things that never happen before, so ourselves actually has been deluded with things which we normally do not contemplate.

Because our wrong thoughts will not bring solutions, but rather psychological problem to us.

Excessive thinking will trapped us in a closed circuit where we can not come out easily, because what is happening will continue circling around in our mind.

Our mind often like to think too much, and sometimes getting ourselves out of control, this will influence our behavior and mood that may give adverse effects.

Start thinking with mysterious enigmatic mind is inexplicable but everyone is open to do that especially when something unimaginable happened to us.

We’re hesitate to think about the consequences, because we never think that we were lucky whereas it could have been more worse.

But this was happened earlier from now, if this occurring at the present, what could be the consequences of it, we usually directly thinking for the worst, so that we are in that spiral.

It is better to stay cool and be happy if all benign for us, think for the positive sides even it is a negative ends, because that will not change anything.

We are the link that can multiply ourselves to get out of the negative spiral by putting things away from us quickly and be optimistic to move on with our life.

Well favorable will let us laugh and we can quickly respond with cheerful to others, this can create kindness and it is better for a good relationship with people around us.

If we have an adverse behavior which stand-off by our negative attitudes and thoughts then we will never find the balance in our peace of mind in order for it to function properly in life.

What already happened is the past, the future is where our serenity and prosperity lies and we only need to think for our reassurance.

That will never be possible because as we think excessively about something, our thoughts run wild and it will caught us in the closed circle.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

#poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote

#easybranches #janjansen

via Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle..

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle.

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle.

Over Contemplation will only Catch Us in a Closed Circle

When things happen in our life, either
is good or bad, we sometimes subconsciously keep thinking about it and
to devise everything without willfully from our mind.
Because of the emotions, many things can come into our mind, what never happened also may happen on that time.
We can make something possible from our
thoughts for things that never happen before, so ourselves actually has
been deluded with things which we normally do not contemplate.
Because our wrong thoughts will not bring solutions, but rather psychological problem to us.
Excessive thinking will trapped us in a
closed circuit where we can not come out easily, because what is
happening will continue circling around in our mind.
Our mind often like to think too much,
and sometimes getting ourselves out of control, this will influence our
behavior and mood that may give adverse effects.
Start thinking with mysterious
enigmatic mind is inexplicable but everyone is open to do that
especially when something unimaginable happened to us.
We’re hesitate to think about the consequences, because we never think that we were lucky whereas it could have been more worse.
But this was happened earlier from now,
if this occurring at the present, what could be the consequences of it,
we usually directly thinking for the worst, so that we are in that
It is better to stay cool and be happy
if all benign for us, think for the positive sides even it is a negative
ends, because that will not change anything.
We are the link that can multiply
ourselves to get out of the negative spiral by putting things away from
us quickly and be optimistic to move on with our life.
Well favorable will let us laugh and we
can quickly respond with cheerful to others, this can create kindness
and it is better for a good relationship with people around us.
If we have an adverse behavior which
stand-off by our negative attitudes and thoughts then we will never find
the balance in our peace of mind in order for it to function properly
in life.
What already happened is the past, the
future is where our serenity and prosperity lies and we only need to
think for our reassurance.
That will never be possible because as
we think excessively about something, our thoughts run wild and it will
caught us in the closed circle.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

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Monday, March 31, 2014

Wisdom Begins with Wondering.

Wisdom Begins with Wondering.

Wisdom Begins with Wondering

We are obsessed with something and
become so curious that we try to know everything about it, this will
activate our intelligence spirit.
Let the learning process begin and erupting it from our dream so we can develop the first step and pursue them into reality.
But remain too many thinking about it
will just keep us rounding in a closed circle, so we never can get
something without taking action.
Some dreams remain forever in our
memory, till we go for it and take action to make it into reality, so
that our dream can come true.
Curious about what happened in our dreams, will guide us to gain additional knowledge and that will be our greatest assets.
Let our dream to be the starting point so we can commence to develop the wisdom and appropriate knowledge on this matter.
The more we curious about how and why everything works, the more things we will come to know.
Curiosity will let our mind works, so
our brains can make the comprehensive move to figure out how everything
is done and start with the initial step to get to know all about it.
Developing within our curiosity,
everything will come into affect and we will deal with the desires from
our hearts on this topic.
There are not many things better in
life than we can obtain something from our livelihoods to fully accept
it and love to do that from our inner power.
Because of our interest, we were
curious and this could create the basis for developments to implement
the difficulties into effect.
The wisdom of our feelings and curiosity is something we can possessed with a daily smile.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, March 30, 2014

Sometimes we Need to do Something Wrong to Learn what is Right.

Sometimes we Need to do Something Wrong to Learn what is Right.

Sometimes we Need to do Something Wrong to Learn what is Right

No one ever encounter somebody who can do
everything perfectly, but we see people improve their life and learn
from the mistakes (wrong) every day.

Mistakes can give us a disappointing or depressed feeling but if we think positively, it will only make us stronger.

“Without suffering, there will be no gain”, so it ‘s fine to commit
mistakes but the most important thing is that we can learn from them and
to get progression.

Someone who again and again to be repetitive and not learn from it will never get themselves out of trouble.

Every mistake will just be a learning process and if we are being decent
and courteous to everyone with a proper behavior, that will give a
satisfying feeling for us and others.

If we make mistakes, we can also recover quickly by an apology, even we will loss by substantive errors in some cases.

Sometimes we need to suffer from our own mistakes so that we will remember it to be more careful for next time.

A distinguished citizen would never do anything wrong intentionally in
his life, but to everyone’s surprise at seeing it by others, everybody
make mistakes regardless of their position.

Not all things in life can be progressing well and excellent but it is the end results that count.

So if by “trial and error” can obtain a good result, that will bring a satisfactory to everyone.

It doesn’t matter how much went wrong during the fabrication process,
because nobody will complain over it when the end result is satisfying
for everybody.

Doing things wrong unknowingly give us an extraordinary useful
opportunity to learn how we can make benign improvements in our life.

For errors we need not be ashamed of, because everyone makes them, but
if we do not learn the error, this have no effect on us but we also
cannot recover it or do not have the possibility to make a correction
for next time.

If we want to see good progress, we need to learn from all the mistakes that we were wrong before.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation.

We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation

In life, we sometimes get caught up in all kinds of situations without warning, some are wantonly and not thinking about it.

But every situation we get is an opportunity and option to learn, then we also can take the profit out of it.

We only must be able to discover the possibility ourselves and to understand it in order to improve the perspectives for our future

Sense the signal and see the chances that there is a potential to make benefit from an occurred situation to have the knowledge and identify it.

If there is something to observe in our vision, then we already can make our benefit out of it alone by the experience.

It might be fun but also we can learn in a awkward situations so that we can think of avoiding it next time.

There are so many opportunities if we can continue to think directly with phlegmatic in a common situation, because panic or aggression will limit our possibilities.

We should really be prepared for everything, but unfortunately that is not possible, because almost every situation are different.

Positive thinking can bring us quickly into a good mind, because negative thoughts will need to take more time and that can be fatal for us.

Every day when we go somewhere to start something new or continue on the existing item, it is better to take all precautionary measures before and make plans for every circumstances.

Consider beforehand all the possibilities in our mind and write it on paper or save it on a Word document in the computer.

We should then read about it a few times so that it is stored in our memory, so that the theoretical part has been completed and it give us a quicker solution with the capabilities for inclusive in practice.

So we can control ourselves almost in any situation, because the solution options are already being stored in our brains.

Thus, we have more opportunities so we can easily find probability for the right solution in every situation no matter what capacity it is.

Each situation creates a possibility for us to see what is the best and most quickest solution.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

#poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote

#easybranches #janjansen

via We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation..

We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation.

We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation

In life, we sometimes get caught up in all kinds of situations without warning, some are wantonly and not thinking about it.

But every situation we get is an opportunity and option to learn, then we also can take the profit out of it.

We only must be able to discover the possibility ourselves and to understand it in order to improve the perspectives for our future

Sense the signal and see the chances that there is a potential to make benefit from an occurred situation to have the knowledge and identify it.

If there is something to observe in our vision, then we already can make our benefit out of it alone by the experience.

It might be fun but also we can learn in a awkward situations so that we can think of avoiding it next time.

There are so many opportunities if we can continue to think directly with phlegmatic in a common situation, because panic or aggression will limit our possibilities.

We should really be prepared for everything, but unfortunately that is not possible, because almost every situation are different.

Positive thinking can bring us quickly into a good mind, because negative thoughts will need to take more time and that can be fatal for us.

Every day when we go somewhere to start something new or continue on the existing item, it is better to take all precautionary measures before and make plans for every circumstances.

Consider beforehand all the possibilities in our mind and write it on paper or save it on a Word document in the computer.

We should then read about it a few times so that it is stored in our memory, so that the theoretical part has been completed and it give us a quicker solution with the capabilities for inclusive in practice.

So we can control ourselves almost in any situation, because the solution options are already being stored in our brains.

Thus, we have more opportunities so we can easily find probability for the right solution in every situation no matter what capacity it is.

Each situation creates a possibility for us to see what is the best and most quickest solution.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

#poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote

#easybranches #janjansen

via We Must See the Possibility in Every Situation..

Friday, March 28, 2014

Be Careful with Decisions and Select.

Be Careful with Decisions and Select.

Be Careful with Decisions and Select

It all seems so easy to make decision for something good or to choose it .

But what seems to be good for our eyes and mind sometimes can be all wrong.

Everything that appears to be glitters is not gold and it could be our
mistake, all things look so beautiful and interesting, but the truth
were actually different.

Stick to what we’ve read from our mind and don’t just try to judge it
from eyesight, because we wouldn’t know what is the exactly contain
inside the oranges before we peel it, there may sometimes nastiness or
mold behind them.

Sometimes we are so trusting with ourselves and eager to discover
something new but when we really decide to go fast for it, we tend to
commit errors.

Thus creating misjudgment which will eventually turn out to be an unexpected huge loss instead of profit.

It seems too good to be true, but actually we’ve been trying to “measure
others corn by our own bushel” therefore we have chosen for the wrong
decision, which brought an annoyance for us.

Completely upset by our stupid decision,  we are now stuck in the wrong
end of the fine arts in which we should not simply surrender to others,
because that would make us a scammer and we not deserved to be treated
like that.

It is either we were too greedy or rush with our decision so we end up as a victim by our ignorance in this situation.

“haste makes waste” could be a very good lesson for us in any case.

Be thoughtful and vigilant, a trust can never be embarrassed if there is
no misguided attempt, and do not lose any relationships by the naive

Trust is good but to be sure, control is better.

Always choose a decision with due diligence for ourselves.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, March 27, 2014

A Great Leader always Accept Full Responsibility and Respond with Courage.

A Great Leader always Accept Full Responsibility and Respond with Courage.

A Great Leader always Accept Full Responsibility and Respond with Courage

Playing the leader or to be a ruler, is the big difference.

Leadership is about taking full responsibility to do so with courage and
complete trust, a great leader does not like to make excuses, but
looking for solutions and opportunities to improve further.

A great leader can always find solutions for every problems, if he/she
does not know how to fix it , they will never be afraid to ask the help
from people in their circle of life.

Strong together and unites unbeatable is the right expression that shows unity is power.

Leadership does not merely consist on commanding, but to improve
everything together in the correct order in which everyone can benefit
from it.

A leadership figure is a leader and ruler who can do everything together
in every situation inside a community for an improvement.

He/she has the responsibility to confirm with a yes or no, and that may
be used by themselves or another person in that community, any decision
by them will benefit for the whole relationship.

100% stand behind every decision taken by them and they will not defense
when making ​​mistakes but comes with a reasonable explanation with the
facts and provide the solutions.

A leader who is there for others and not just of self-interest will always be an advocator for the best of their commune.

Never make unlawful decisions and not say yes when there are no provable facts for an improvement.

Take the full responsibility of a leadership functionality will give the power and permission to make decisions for others.

Those who cannot take the responsibility for the interests of their associates will never be a good leader.

It is not commendable to withhold this position with no accountability for its community and no liability feeling for others

The true leader will always take responsibility and be there for others
to make a total assets improvement for everyone together in the society.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A True Friend who Understands our Problems is the Most Valuable Asset.

A True Friend who Understands our Problems is the Most Valuable Asset.

A True Friend who Understands our Problems is the Most Valuable Asset

A life without friendship is like the sea without water, and that’s impossible.

Faith, understanding and trust in each other with mutual respect are the basics of a friendship.

We can not choose Family but they also give us the same warm feelings as
our friendship bond, and that is very important for a good everlasting

Understanding is the foundation of a relationship, it doesn’t really
matter how much respect and feelings will be there, but if we do not
understand each other then all the trust will be lost in the course of

If we understand each other with how and why we talk or do things in a
certain way then we’ve already won a lot of trust within a community.

Ask something if we do not really understand, or by telling what’s in
our heart, so we give each other the knowledge which is touched by our
souls then they can know how we feel on that moment.

Ignorance will always arise discussions which will lead to nothing, so
It is actually an obligation by nature for us to give a good explanation
and to avoid debates against friends.

Take into consideration for each other’s feelings, because interpretation is such a valuable thing in a friendship.

We have many friends, but there are only few of them who fully understand us, and therefore they are very valuable to us.

Those who understand and support us will always be there no matter we are under what circumstances.

Those are the ones we really need to be thankful for them from our
hearts, they show the true friendship and concerned about us as a

These people are precious in life and deserve all the respect for their
concerns about others with the true nature of friendship.

We should take note that such people are very rare in our life and
realize that if we meet them then they will be a valuable asset for us.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Satisfaction Cannot be Achieved Without Sacrifice and Effort.

Satisfaction Cannot be Achieved Without Sacrifice and Effort.

Satisfaction Cannot be Achieved Without Sacrifice and Effort

The difficulty in life is that not many people can be satisfied with what they already have, and they always want more.

Not satisfied means every time we need to cross our own boundaries again, because what we have is never enough.

It will never be possible for us to take it easy if we are not satisfied and only want to have more and more,.

If we are constantly dissatisfied, we must first have to work more
harder in order to be better or invent some new ideas so we are able to
be stepped up for an extra income.

When we just do nothing, stress will always remain in our mind because of our greediness for more.

Therefore, we must sacrifice efforts to get into a certain level what we want and thus getting the satisfaction are guaranteed.

Satisfactorily will never can be achieved if we’ve reached our level but
we still strive to get more or what is beyond our capability, this will
create an unease and discontent feeling for ourselves.

To find the balance between satisfaction and dissatisfaction is the most
difficult things for many, because on what level we can be satiated or
satisfied in our life?

In order to achieve our level will involve a lot of sweat and tears
which could be happened due the obstacles and pain that we are facing
with it.

The vicissitudes both physically and physically can make a great breach
in our life because these things are not just constantly appear in our
thought, we must also working very hard to achieve that.

We could not fulfill every goals by ourselves, but others things had to
be done to get this far and to obtain this level of satisfaction.

Those who think without sacrifices, actions and responsibilities also
can generate satisfaction, are the ones who have only learn a little
lesson in their life.

Satisfaction in life can only be achieved by establishing everything from what we already possessed.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Read More Poetry…….

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#easybranches #janjansen

Monday, March 24, 2014

Een Sterk Netwerk zal ons Succes Vermenigvuldigen.

Een Sterk Netwerk zal ons Succes Vermenigvuldigen.

Een Sterk Netwerk zal ons Succes Vermenigvuldigen

Alleen is maar alleen en dat houd geen mens op de been wereldwijd, want niemand kan op meerdere plaatsen tegelijk zijn.

Maar door het digitale netwerk en de Sociale media netwerken is er een
hoop veranderd ten goede voor vele personen en zakenmensen.

In een fractie van seconden kunnen wij een bericht sturen of chatten met de andere kant van de aardbol.

Dit heeft veel kansen gecreëerd voor vele personen zowel zakelijk als in
de familie sfeer door te kunnen communiceren gratis met elkaar op
ongekende afstanden met Skype en andere communicatie producten om elkaar
te kunnen zien alsof we bij elkaar in de huiskamer zitten.

De sociale media zoals onder andere Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn en
Google heeft ons dichter bij elkaar gebracht en onze
gebruikersmogelijkheden steeds weer opnieuw vergroot.

Bijna niemand kan succes alleen maken we kunnen altijd de hulp van
anderen gebruiken en zo elkaar helpen vanaf alle werelddelen voor een
betere toekomst dat is netwerking.

De interconnectie met elkaar geeft ons de gelegenheid om met elkaar te
communiceren op afstand en zo elkaar te leren kennen en helpen.

We leven allemaal in verschillende delen van de wereld en netwerken
kunnen ons makkelijk met elkaar verbinden, zelfs als wij niet dezelfde
taal spreken.

Alleen de verschillende talen is een probleem maar door de online
vertalers kunnen we elkaar redelijk verstaanbaar maken, doordat de
grammatica door de vertaalmachine niet altijd geheel precies is.

En we zijn natuurlijk afhankelijk van de netwerk connectie, geen internet zal samen verbinden bijna onmogelijk maken.

Iedereen kan bijdragen voor elkaar wanneer we verbonden zijn en dit is
een geweldig iets toeristen in andere landen kunnen via internet
makkelijker hun weg vinden op zoek naar iets.

Dat heeft mij ook aan het denken gezet om anderen te helpen makkelijker
in het buitenland elkaar of informatie te kunnen vinden wat we nodig
hebben in onze eigen Moedertaal.

En heb een directory gemaakt waar we gratis kunnen registreren alle
gegevens in onze eigen taal en dat het dan direct omgezet word naar 20
talen met een Google map om het makkelijk  met een route planner te

Zoals we weten niets is in het leven perfect genoeg en Easy Branches Team werkt continu om verbeteringen aan te brengen voor gebruikersvriendelijk gebruik.

Alle suggesties zijn welkom en worden gezien als positief

, samen sterk en verenigt onverslaanbaar.

Er is meer dan een jaar gewerkt om dit alles te realiseren in 20 talen
met de hulp van een hoge ranking in zoekmachine Google probeer de
zoekterm “Een Sterk Netwerk zal ons Succes Vermenigvuldigen“.

Als blijk van waardering wil ik ook al mijn sociaal media vrienden het ultieme pakket gratis aanbieden voor één jaar.

Vriendschap en liefde is belangrijker dan geld in mijn gedachtengang.

Zie de link voor meer informatie en select Uw taal vlag op

Al mijn Sociaal Media Accounts
Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

A Strong Network will Multiply our Success.

A Strong Network will Multiply our Success.

A Strong Network will Multiply our Success

Being alone is not possible to make any new connection, because no one can be at multiple locations in the same time.

But with the connections on digital network and social media networks, a
lots of things has been changed to be better for many people and

In a fraction of a second, we can send messages or chat with people from the other part of the globe.

This give plenty of opportunities for many people to communicate for
free within every businesses as well as the family atmosphere can get
closer at an unprecedented distances with Skype and other communication
tools as we all sit together in the living room.

Social media such as Facebook, Google, Twitter and LinkedIn, has brought
us closer together, and expands our capabilities to interact well with
each other in a common friends circle.

Almost no one can be successful by their own, we always need the help of
others and lend the helping hand for each other from around the world
for a better future, that is the fundamental concept of networking.

The interconnection with each other give us the opportunity to
communicate remotely thus we can help and understand everyone more

We all live in different part of the world and networking can connect us together even we not speak the same language.

Only the languages maybe a barrier, but with the online translators,
everybody can understand each other fairly intelligible, even though the
grammar is not always entirely accurate by the translation engine.

And most of our life are dependent on network connection, no internet
will make it nearly impossible to be connected with everyone in the

Anyone can contribute to each other when we are connected, also when
tourists are traveling in other countries, they can easily find the way
to look for some needed information from the internet.

That also let me start to think for helping others, so everybody can
find each other or information easily in their native language abroad.

We can have the Free listing to create and recorded all the datas with
logo, pictures and video in our native language, and it will then be
converted directly into 20 languages with a Google map to make it easy
with a proper direction guide.

As we all know, nothing is perfect enough in life so Easy Branches Team
works continuously to bring a user-friendly environment for everyone.

All the suggestions for Improvements are all welcome with open hand and we will be seeing it as a positive feedback.

Together Strong and United we are unbeatable.

We’ve been working more than a year to achieve the desire result in 20 languages.

And fortunately, we are well deserved with getting the highest ranking
in search engine Google by using this search terms  : “global online
business directory in multilingual”.

As a token of appreciation for ALL my social media friends, I am giving
away the FREE ultimate package which is valid for one year (365 days)
for everybody.

Friendship and love is more important than money in my mind.
Please see the link for more information and select Your Country Flag

Welcome to Connect with All my Social accounts

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Idea is the Beginning of Fortune and Happiness.

Idea is the Beginning of Fortune and Happiness.

Idea is the Beginning of Fortune and Happiness

Often we see something in our lifecycle
that actually looks very simple, but it is very influential to use this
invention for humanity.

But the difficulty is to come up with that idea, even it looks so simple
in our mind since we think we also can invent something like this.

Therefore sometimes when our life are being stuck in cross road, we must
use the ideas in our mind wisely and not dwell on the past.

Numerous ideas we had but without an execution will not lead to useful production or won’t bring any fortune for us.

Good ideas should be combined with a wise decision and large compounds
in mind so to achieve a resulting outcome, just let it stay in our
thoughts will lead to nothing.

An idea in our mind is a main ingredient for discovery and it is a
foundation on the principle to bring us the pleasure so we can get
benefit from it.

The source of the principle is to do something new or develop things which can improve our life by expanding the horizon.

A line of reasoning which catch the impression from our eyes will arise the illusion so we can transform it into an idea.

Which is the beginning to a benefit and therefore give us a better
sense, because it will give profitability for happiness or a better
financial condition.

If we have a flash of inspiration therefore we need the intelligence
ability so this may result in harmony and can be a great opportunity for
a better life.

The idea is to cultivate this area of our brain with a keystone flash
thought and make it as a fundamental principle to obtain the basic of

Never underestimate our twist of mind, because it may justify the
establishment for the rest of our life, always widen the vision with our

Nobody knows where our brainwave activity are going to guide us but an
ineffective strategy will never lead us to any luck or fortune.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen