Friday, August 1, 2014

Macro Photography : LadyBird by Musaed

The Coccinellidae are a family of small beetles, ranging from 0.8 to 18 mm (0.0315 to 0.708 inches).[3] They are commonly yellow, orange, or scarlet with small black spots on their wing covers, with black legs, heads and antennae. Such colour patterns vary greatly, however; for example, a minority of species, such as Vibidia duodecimguttata, a twelve-spotted species, have whitish spots on a brown background. Coccinellids are found worldwide, with over 5,000 species described,[4] more than 450 native to North America alone.

Macro Photography : Yellow Butterfly by MacroUniverse

Macro Photography : AMARYLLIS FLOWER by charoarroyoaldama68

Flor de Amarilis en todo su esplendor, editada con una atmósfera etérea que tiene mucho que ver con la flor de Amarilis. Tomada en Mayo de 2014

Amaryllis flower in all its glory, edited with an ethereal atmosphere that has much to do with the flower of Amaryllis. Taken in May 2014

Macro Photography : Lotus in perfection by RenateDodell

Macro Photography : Yellow Butterfly by MacroUniverse

Macro Photography : Lotus in perfection by RenateDodell

Macro Photography : Secret love by apple999

Macro Photography : Sunday morning by OZE-LITO

Macro Photography : Secret love by apple999

Macro Photography : Sunday morning by OZE-LITO

Macro Photography : Hydrangea by MandyDisher

Macro Photography : Hydrangea by MandyDisher

Macro Photography : A lady after the rain! by Patrice97434

Macro Photography : A lady after the rain! by Patrice97434

Macro Photography : ….. by agnescsoor

Macro Photography : ….. by agnescsoor

Macro Photography : little Dragon (Aeshna cyanea) by Marko_Roemer