Friday, August 15, 2014

Macro Photography : Tanz by UweHennig

Es scheint als hätte die Fliege nur einen Flügel aber der andere ist nicht zu sehen auch wenn es keine Eiskunstläuferin ist macht sich die Fliege beim Tanz gut

Macro Photography : osterospermum by kusoksveta

Macro Photography : The Feeding by JimCumming

Macro Photography : osterospermum by kusoksveta

Macro Photography : The Feeding by JimCumming

Macro Photography : 0432 Dragonfly by QuimG

Macro Photography : Brimstone by UlrikeSchaefer

Always one of the first butterflies of the year to make their appearance, a cheerful harbinger of Summer!

Macro Photography : Brimstone by UlrikeSchaefer

Always one of the first butterflies of the year to make their appearance, a cheerful harbinger of Summer!

Macro Photography : —–O°—– by RuiSoaresdaSilva

Macro Photography : —–O°—– by RuiSoaresdaSilva

Macro Photography : Dragonfly by deepak500px

Macro Photography : Dragonfly by deepak500px

Macro Photography : Snow White by BahaAlyakobi

I took this picture with 70-200mm F2.8 L ii + D500 Macro filter

Macro Photography : Snow White by BahaAlyakobi

I took this picture with 70-200mm F2.8 L ii + D500 Macro filter

Macro Photography : Red Eyes by georgebarker

Macro Photography : Red Eyes by georgebarker

Macro Photography : Refuge by Oltea