Thursday, November 6, 2014

Macro Photography : Tears of a Fairy. by Olivia_Michalski

Camera: Nikon D5000

Lens: Tamron 90mm f/2.8

My pictures may not be reproduced, copied or stolen in any way!

© Olivia Michalski, all rights reserved.

Macro Photography : * by lyubamatveeva7

Macro Photography : Flower Rain by vuthienvu

Macro Photography : Melanargia titea.. by Blackdiamond67

Macro Photography : Melanargia titea.. by Blackdiamond67

Macro Photography : Thinking by guigu1

Macro Photography : flower by kusoksveta

Macro Photography : Thinking by guigu1

Macro Photography : flower by kusoksveta

Macro Photography : eastern purple-coneflower by PatCelta

La Equinacea purpurea – eastern purple-coneflower o simplemente purple-coneflower en inglés de Norteamérica, su zona nativa, es una fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae, usada como planta medicinal y ornamental.

Es una planta herbácea con raíz negra y sabor picante. Alcanza el metro de altura y sus hojas son enteras y lanceoladas con tres nervaciones. Las flores externas son lígulas estériles de limbo estrecho y de unos 3 cm de longitud; son de color rosa o púrpura. Las flores centrales son tubulares y de color amarillo pálido. El receptáculo es espinoso y el fruto es un aquenio tetragonal medio centimétrico, de color amarillento, sin vilano, con una corona de dientes más o menos agudas y unas muecas longitudinales.

y esta viena acompañada ;) buen día

Macro Photography : eastern purple-coneflower by PatCelta

La Equinacea purpurea – eastern purple-coneflower o simplemente purple-coneflower en inglés de Norteamérica, su zona nativa, es una fanerógama de la familia Asteraceae, usada como planta medicinal y ornamental.

Es una planta herbácea con raíz negra y sabor picante. Alcanza el metro de altura y sus hojas son enteras y lanceoladas con tres nervaciones. Las flores externas son lígulas estériles de limbo estrecho y de unos 3 cm de longitud; son de color rosa o púrpura. Las flores centrales son tubulares y de color amarillo pálido. El receptáculo es espinoso y el fruto es un aquenio tetragonal medio centimétrico, de color amarillento, sin vilano, con una corona de dientes más o menos agudas y unas muecas longitudinales.

y esta viena acompañada ;) buen día

Macro Photography : careful observer by patriziomatteini

Macro Photography : Nena by Derlincourt

Portrait of my sleeping Nena.

Macro Photography : careful observer by patriziomatteini

Macro Photography : Nena by Derlincourt

Portrait of my sleeping Nena.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Macro Photography : Spiral by JacoDub

Late afternoon October 18th, the off-season for flowers in Canada… I decided to go anyway to the Experimental Farm’s Ornemental Garden, in Ottawa, to see if there were some left. They were gone for the most part, except for this cute little thing, which I don’t even know to be a flower. Working on it in Lightroom, I found interesting that the defocusing seemed to gradually follow the spiralling toward the back of the picture.

Macro Photography : Spiral by JacoDub

Late afternoon October 18th, the off-season for flowers in Canada… I decided to go anyway to the Experimental Farm’s Ornemental Garden, in Ottawa, to see if there were some left. They were gone for the most part, except for this cute little thing, which I don’t even know to be a flower. Working on it in Lightroom, I found interesting that the defocusing seemed to gradually follow the spiralling toward the back of the picture.