Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Never Try to Find for Scapegoat, Always be Responsible of our Own Fault

Never Try to Find for Scapegoat, Always be Responsible of our Own Fault

Never Try to Find for Scapegoat, Always be Responsible of our Own Fault

Nobody is perfect and everyone exposed on the same facts, we are all people of flesh and blood who can can cause or make errors.

We not just live for ourselves, and everybody makes mistakes in life, we
should be responsible of what we’re doing, not only for ourselves but
also to the people surrounding us.

Always try to help the weak to obtain a better life for them, together
we can build a peaceful world where friendship shall performs above

It is easy to point fingers and blame others, but we should try to look
for the faults in ourselves first in order to make rooms for

Nobody is faultlessly and everyone has weakness in some point, so
appreciate in others and ourselves to correct the flaws together and
make it perfect.

When we see someone’s mistake, we should point them out in a friendly
way with peaceful communication, and later when that person get his mind
right on the mistake, this will create a stronger relationship between

If we not admitting our own mistake, and think that we’re more
intelligent than other people, it will never give us inner peace and we
only make enemies.

It is better to work together on a dazzling future where everyone can
share and enjoy the benefit, and if mistakes are being made, just admit
it, because this will create mutual respect between each other.

We are responsible for everything we do with our own mind and actions,
others can persuade us to do something but the final decision will be
chosen by ourselves.

Once we’ve making this decision, we are responsible for it, and if
things goes wrong, don’t need to cry hard, because we are the only one
who tell to ourselves whether its a right or wrong decision for doing
it, so do not try to blame others for that.

Always be responsible for our own faults and never try to find a
scapegoat, to cover up and hide it by creating a camouflage to others.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen
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Tuesday, February 17, 2015

With a Total Commitment and Complete Dedication, we can Across every Mountain Ahead of us

With a Total Commitment and Complete Dedication, we can Across every Mountain Ahead of us

With a Total Commitment and Complete Dedication, we can Across every Mountain Ahead of us

If we get inspired first by something which can give us all the benefits, we need to go there to fully seize the opportunity.

The enthusiasm has us directly in the grip and we are curious to learn
more, whether it’s a person or with anything else, we want to know more
because our interest is there.

The spirit of self-sacrifice takes away uncertainty and fear, our
enthusiasm and upbeat mood can persuades us to take the first step.

The subjugation and strenuous excitement bestow the strength to our
curiosity and so preparing the rationale for us and a chance to reach
it, so the implementation is there ready for commencement.

On discovery to our nescience has spurred us to know all about it with
both the possibilities and opportunities which are available.

If we carry out an answer to our mind, that will made us so lively and
motivated, so we will  be committed to obtain the results.

To achieve this, perseverance and persistence required to provision of
security, so we can accomplish what we have begun with our zest.

We need to show our willingness in order to get started and have the strength to putting up a good end result.

Only the sky is the limit for us, that should be our motto, nothing will be able to stop us until we reach it.

With this we can be standing in front of every mountain and tell to
ourselves that we will across it, because we are fully dedicate to it
with a total commitment.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Rules of Nature is Water Flows Downstream, but People Should Try to Move only in Forward Direction

The Rules of Nature is Water Flows Downstream, but People Should Try to Move only in Forward Direction

The Rules of Nature is Water Flows Downstream, but People Should Try to Move only in Forward Direction

In our mind there is only one aim and
which is to move successfully into the forward direction with everything
we do as our starting point, even though it is not always possible, but
it will become our experience.

Nobody wants to fail in their life
and we all hope for the best, but purely with hope we cannot survive,
we also need a little bit of luck and work with hard effort to achieve

Everyone knows that going downhill in a nature mountain landscape is more easier than to climb uphill which will be much more tiring for us.

So we know what is awaiting us if we have a new idea and good starting
point for improvements in our thoughts to improve it into a success.

Since the beginning, we all hopes that it works as well as the water
flow downstream from the hill without any problems, but we will probably
have to feel it sometimes that we have to swim against the tide, and
from there we try to find a way for survive it.

That makes it more exciting for us, because we like to achieve the things which we have in our mind.

The human trait is simply that we only want to go upwards, and we find
it difficult when it is not so and that will be different.

This natural characteristic is a perfect quality to possess and give
aspirations for us to make the efforts into getting our goal.

The objective will be different for everyone with various starting
point, but the target is the same for all and that is to work on a
successful formula with a meliorative prospect.

Let us not follow the water in mountains that just goes downstream, we
must try to raise the tendency that we can only move forward in life.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 15, 2015

We all have the Choices Not Subscribe to Negative People around us whose Presence only Dampen our Spirits

We all have the Choices Not Subscribe to Negative People around us whose Presence only Dampen our Spirits

We all have the Choices Not Subscribe to Negative People around us whose Presence only Dampen our Spirits

There are certain people on this planet
whose presence is totally useless to be accepted in our circle of
friends, because they just want to use our goodness.

Themselves do not have enough abilities to benefit from it for creating
this to be operational, so they try using the information by others to
release themselves and make their way free into joyful moments or

They rehearsed with nice and impressive story which seems to be convincing enough to persuade us for believing in them.

We all know that life is one big lesson, and we are bring into test continuously to make our life improvements, so we probably encounter with this kind of cheaters.

Some people are stochastically meant to give us those lessons and they always try to take a chance to poison our life.

If we go along with it to admit that ourselves, we have been selling
ourselves badly and will probably end up in an unhappy era dawning with a
life full of difficulties and surprises.

Try to be think wisely and stay away from those who presence is giving
us the bad impression, so avoid any contact with that individual,
because it will only bring bad influence to us.

If we do not pull ourselves out of the dark clouds above us, the sun’s rays will never be able to come through to us, because there is always a chance of rain or storms.

Avoid any contact with people we think can only bring their malicious intentions for us.

When we have a weak heart, we need a strong spiritual sense to make that
decision for us, so that we will not be the victims of our own intense

The presence of such individuals will not give prosperity to us but unhappy times with despair which cannot be reversed.

Our mind will only be affected by them who is still surrounding us, so
stay away from making this adversely choice and not subscribe to these
negative people, but avoid them to be involved in part of our life.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Daily Poetry and Stories Portal - We all have the Choices Not Subscribe to Negative People around us whose Presence only Dampen our Spirits

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Moment when we Able to Endure the Toughest Time of Life, we are already Become the Biggest Winner of Ourselves

The Moment when we Able to Endure the Toughest Time of Life, we are already Become the Biggest Winner of Ourselves

The Moment when we Able to Endure the Toughest Time of Life, we are already Become the Biggest Winner of Ourselves.

Perhaps we do not noticed that everyone
experiencing hard times or unpleasant moments, because these are usually
a well kept secret by everybody.

But it is a guaranteed that everyone did encountered with either
mentally or financially problems, we grew up with it and often we not
see them as a problem because it has become a part of our life.

Only when we are faced with an exorbitant on something will wake up our
mental pain or increase the financial loss in our wallets.

Hardest time can lead us to the greatest moment in life, we cannot start a new chapter of life if we do not try to endure and pass our current bad period.

A big mistake in life is
that when one problem still cannot be resolved but we push it aside, so
the following problems will get stacked as high as a mountain.

Small problems can be accumulated to become big trouble if we do not
solve it immediately, and it is indiscriminately to think the problem
does not exist but in actual its still there.

Almost everyone is able to solve their problems, it will make us stronger and lift up our life spirit when the solution is there.

By action and reaction problems will quickly come into decomposition
settlements that resulting as a positive development outcomes.

Through our quick action with an effective measurement, we have become
the conqueror of ourselves and in a position to endure the toughest
moments and times in our life

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 12, 2015

When we are already Reaching our Maximum, Stop Pushing Ourselves Over the Limit to Avoid Ruining Current Situation

When we are already Reaching our Maximum, Stop Pushing Ourselves Over the Limit to Avoid Ruining Current Situation

When we are already Reaching our Maximum, Stop Pushing Ourselves Over the Limit to Avoid Ruining Current Situation

We all try to get the best out of our
life, and we do not have to lie about that, sometimes our best is still
not good enough for those we love and ourselves.

Everyone has limits there is no doubt about it, just it’s for everybody
different, also sometimes unjustly, but we must accept that in daily life or we will become crazy.

Paying too much attention to compare with other individuals is
completely unnecessary, its already good enough if we ourselves know who
and what we are doing, because this just give us the right balance.

If we already possess the required knowledge, we just need to follow it
up with hard work and organize things well to turn it into a success.

Match with others often give us the confusions, because everyone does
things in their own way and strives for a goal, from the basic elements
we can develop ourselves to be exceptional.

A loner is not noticeable in a massive crowd of people, but a
exceptional person who knows something what others do not know can tell
or explain it in just one minute to thousands of others and brings this
into the mind of them.

And thousands of individuals cannot tell simultaneously or learning in one minute to a loner , it is a logical facts.

Everybody want to reach the maximum in life, but forcing ourselves to
want for more and more may give fatal consequences in spirituality or
putting us on materialism ground.

Granted our erudition to the society as a franchise would be a better
concepts, and safeguarding our knowledge will give the massive profit
for everyone.

So we would not go over our current situation and ruin it, and on this
matter we can also give others the chance to reach their limits with the
deployment of our maximum intelligence.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Freedom is the Ultimate Key for Happiness

Freedom is the Ultimate Key for Happiness

Freedom is the Ultimate Key for Happiness

Independent are and nowhere to be
connected without having obligations into something, and when there is
without obligation commitments from our hearts, then its a true form of

An open mind conversation with a person without need to think too much
indicates that the relationship is trusted entirely built on an inner

Distrust or having no faith with each other is totally unnecessary in
any relationship, so we need to think whether we’re using the
appropriate vocabulary during our communication to avoid
misunderstandings and problems with others.

With freedom, we can do anything without restriction just like “a fish
can swim freely in the water”, nevertheless we still need to find a
right balance in order not to “swim” towards the wrong direction.

Sometimes we got to obligate the rules in certain condition, because
then we will have control on ourselves not to do the wrong thing in life.

There are many doors with multiple opportunities which opened for us, if
we decided to walk through the feasible door, will give comforts to our
mind, which at the same time might create more privileges for us.

We all can be an adventurer who is granted the permission with
unrestricted possibilities to do something, all we have to do is take
good care of the provided facilities, so we can use them in a harmony

If all facilities are already there for us to lead a quiet life and this also goes unanimity for all our relationships, then we can call ourselves a happy person.

Thus we are in possession of the ultimate key to happiness that will open all doors of freedom.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

We kunnen Niets Verdienen voor elk Klein Offer dat we hebben Gemaakt, Maar dit Zal de Weg Vrijmaken voor ons Zinvolle Leven

We kunnen Niets Verdienen voor elk Klein Offer dat we hebben Gemaakt, Maar dit Zal de Weg Vrijmaken voor ons Zinvolle Leven

We kunnen Niets Verdienen voor elk Klein Offer dat we hebben Gemaakt, Maar dit Zal de Weg Vrijmaken voor ons Zinvolle Leven

De tijd staat niet stil en iedere seconde die voorbij gaat komt nooit meer terug en is verleden tijd.

Als we de vergane tijd goed besteed hebben met lachen van vreugde en vooruitgang voor de toekomst dan hoeven we niet te klagen.

Maar om de tijd die beperk is voor iedereen doordat we nooit weten
wanneer onze laatste dag is en het dan niet nuttig te gebruiken lijkt
een onverstandig iets.

Soms denken we de tijd nuttiger te kunnen besteden, maar offeren het op
om iets nuttigs te doen voor de verbetering van de maatschappij.

We kunnen de tijd ook opofferen om ons tevreden en gelukkig te voelen, wat natuurlijk onbetaalbaar en belangrijk in het leven is.

De tijd combineren met iets waar wijzelf veel plezier aan beleven vanuit
ons hart en daar ook nog ons levensonderhoud mee kunnen voorzien is een
wens die iedereen graag in vervulling wil zien gaan.

Zinvolle dingen doen in ons leven is datgeen waar wij goede gevoelens
bij hebben en of die nu nuttig zijn of onnuttig in de ogen en gedachten
van andere mensen is overbodig voor ons.

Ons tijdsverloop invullen met bezigheden waar wij gelukkig van worden is waar het leven om gaat of het nu een opoffering is voor een ander of onszelf maakt niet uit.

Meestal met offers kunnen we financieel niets verdienen maar dat is niet
altijd belangrijk in een mensen leven, een goed gevoel zal de weg
vrijmaken voor een zinvoller leven met plezier en een glimlach.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

We May Not Earn Anything for Every Little sacrifice we’ve Made, but this Pave the Way for our Meaningful Life

We May Not Earn Anything for Every Little sacrifice we’ve Made, but this Pave the Way for our Meaningful Life

We May Not Earn Anything for Every Little sacrifice we’ve Made, but this Pave the Way for our Meaningful Life

Time does not stand still, every second that passes is gone and will never comes back again.

If we spend the time thats already gone with sagacious and a smile of
joy, its definitely give a good progression for the future then we have
nothing to complain about.

But the time is limited for everyone, because we never know when will be
our last day and it is not sensible to use it thoughtlessly, because
that seems to be unwise into the eyes by most of us.

Sometimes we think we can spend the time more wisely, but we sacrifice
it to do something more conducive for the improvement of society.

We can also sacrifice the time for ourselves to feel satisfied and happy, which is of course priceless and important in life.

Combining the time with something that we can have fun from our heart to merge it as part of our livelihood is a wish that everyone would like to see it come true.

Do meaningful things in our life give us the good feelings, whether they are useful or otiose in the eyes and minds of other people is superfluous for us.

We are fortunate if our timing is fully filled with activities, it does
not matter whether we use the time to sacrifice for others or ourselves.

Most of the time we can earn nothing financially with the sacrifices we
make, but that is not always important in a life, a good sense will pave
the way for a meaningful life with pleasure and a smile.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Working On an Effective Social Media Strategy for Your Brand

Monday, February 9, 2015

Biggest Achievement for Us is when we are Able to Develop our Mind into the Life we Truly Desire

Biggest Achievement for Us is when we are Able to Develop our Mind into the Life we Truly Desire

Biggest Achievement for Us is when we are Able to Develop our Mind into the Life we Truly Desire

Satisfaction brings us the joy and happiness with the assets we have and the ultimate presence that we lead now.

The instinct of man usually works differently and of course there will
be moments of satisfaction and overjoyed, but often it is quickly

Because majority people are incessantly looking for more and it’s never
enough, and the mass of people drives others into that direction.

Because if we have a simple life, often others thought that we are not
creditworthy enough, but we just want to be straightforward and live
beneath the standard of life, then its often the thoughts of others that
we have a bad life or we’re financially unstable.

In addition to what is happening around also leaves an impression to us,
and the majority wants to have more than what they see directly, maybe
its not due to jealousy but by their passionate.

To be satisfied, we must first find a balance in our own life, and what
others think of us its their problem, because our happiness is what

We do not live for others but with identical earthlings together, and we
also like to wish the best for them, so if we have the capabilities, we
should try to help each other.

Our mind should be cleared and clean while searching for a targeted new
unfoldment, so we can be getting the performance improvements in our
existence on this earth.

Then we can achieve satisfaction by the bedtime and wake up next morning
with an optimal energy to prepare us a new and complacent day for
getting a satisfied feeling.

A great day for us is when we’ve develop our mind into the life we really longed for it, if today is not the time yet for our desire, we can always hope on a better tomorrow.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 8, 2015

The Acquisition of Knowledge is Not a Dead-end Process, but there is Not Always a Royal Road to Learning

The Acquisition of Knowledge is Not a Dead-end Process, but there is Not Always a Royal Road to Learning

The Acquisition of Knowledge is Not a Dead-end Process, but there is Not Always a Royal Road to Learning

We can not be intelligent enough in this
age where technology and strategic keeps improving by the minute and the
population on this earth are becoming smarter because its getting more
easy to obtain resources through online.

Be wise enough and realize that the learning process in our life
will never stop by the experiences we’ve gained through the things we
see or meet on the street or via reading the news and social media.

The ones who are lazy to learn will get a hard lesson and have to face
of what can happen to them in reality, that is not always fair and they
must pay the price due to ignorance.

But for many among us when we were young, it’s was better for some of us
to just listen to our parents or follow the the advice of others.

Then we will in our Youth try to learn something new everyday, so we can
use it for our interests as well and improve the knowledge we already

We were all young and most of us are pigheaded without experience, but we would definitely do it differently now, do You agree?

Wisdom is so important, as the raising of awareness of we’re all getting older, we gained more capacity through our experiences.

Learning give us more options and opportunities to achieve something in a
certain place, so we always can be there where need to meet the
requirement as the expertise is important.

Therefore never let slip an opportunity
pass us, if we can learn something new, we can use it for our
progression in the future, although it is very difficult to follow.

There will not always be a royal road to learn something, but acquiring
knowledge is not a dead-end process and its always served us good and
useful in the future.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Variety Minimize Boredom and Add Spice into our Life

Variety Minimize Boredom and Add Spice into our Life

Variety Minimize Boredom and Add Spice into our Life.

There are days we no longer know what to
do or where to go but not want stay at home, almost nobody prefer this
type of lifestyle, because it begins to raise monotony.

Often we get used with the structured and scheduled daily, weekly,
monthly, or yearly activities where we feel our own is doing well at it.

Such as work, hobbies, trips, vacations, or visit family and
acquaintances, until a time comes that we have enough of it and longing
for something new.

Or maybe this give us so much satisfaction that we are quite happy and have good feelings, even though it’s humdrum.

Because there is so much variety in what we do, and we are not demanding because that makes our life easier.

Sometimes be so choosy also indicates there is a problem to ourselves,
because we might not meet our desire by the circumstances we are in, or
need to depend on the answers or help by others.

The words “wanting more” are normal and very important in our life, we
do not need to be greedy but everyone wants to have more, but with less
problems, so try to find a way to reduce them.

Diversification can deliver more joyful moments for us in the long run,
if we can keep our social contacts the same way like our eyes want to
observe different things.

This can give us brand new experiences, and when we think it back later,
we can enjoy the memory with a lasting impression of what has happened
on that moment.

By adding variation, our boredom can be minimized with different
diversities and this is a colorful addition to our well satisfied life.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, February 6, 2015

With a Strong Willpower, Nothing can Block our Path Towards Success

With a Strong Willpower, Nothing can Block our Path Towards Success

With a Strong Willpower, Nothing can Block our Path Towards Success

There are many ways and  possibilities to achieve success, only that it’s not as easy as we say and express it in words.

If we are interested in something, our heart
will be full of this, but it does not mean that we also possess the
necessary knowledge and talent in order to be successful with it.

But there is happiness which we may gain from it, as we already generate
the interest, we can learn everything about it and find out the needed
information with our accurate  research.

And we also need to be motivated enough to have the inspiration to learn
about it, because without knowledge things will become meaningless to
start somewhere.

Almost everyone will have a chance to go through life as a successful business person, maybe someone will gets an easier opportunity than another, but we still have to create the chances ourselves.

We need to make a start before knowing that whether we have the
sufficient knowledge, from there we always can gather more about it, and
everyone always hopes for a good outcome.

When we have the interested in somewhere, its already a basic prerequisite in order to prevail on the performance ladder.

If we have the necessary knowledge and talent, we can be going far
quicker, but even it we doesn’t possess enough of both, if we are
willing to learn and develop from it, there is also a high chance for us
to success.

Something like deliberate wish and desire can be decisive, and to
proceed along with inquisitive can produce vigorously miracles.

And nothing can block our path to success by the strong willpower which shown by us.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 5, 2015

With a Calm and Collected piece of Mind, we Can be Solving Every Problem under Tremendous Pressure

With a Calm and Collected piece of Mind, we Can be Solving Every Problem under Tremendous Pressure

With a Calm and Collected piece of Mind, we Can be Solving Every Problem under Tremendous Pressure

Unfortunately, we
all come into contact with emotional frustrations that we’ve gained by
institutions or having the disappointments in others.

Even if we are doing something where there is a time limit, but we have
entered into this agreement earlier, and in order to comply it, can give
us a high tensions.

Or by others whom we depend on to get something done, but they fail to
fulfill their obligations and hence we cannot succeed by our word.

All examples whereby we turned up, and to become overwrought can be due
to the pressure that exercised on us and we are powerless to it.

We believed and had faith in others just as another having trust in us,
but things might goes wrong due to some unforeseen circumstances.

At that time, we can lose our state of mind and get upset, because we
also probably losing self reputation as our own word cannot be

But that will not help us and its only give negative rather than a
positive effect, because then everyone gets in panics and can no longer
having a clear thinking.

Be calm and subdued ourselves with a belief that we can solve is a
better way of thinking, and we should be taking all the available
measures before finding the final solution.

This teaches us the lesson that we should never bet on one horse, but
always have a second option, so when there is a possibility for
something to goes wrong, we can always have solution in our mind.

Giving out a distraught respond whenever we are in desperation mood will
never give a good impression to anybody, but if we stay cool-headed and
imperturbable, it will radiate surrounding people to have more
confidence in us if they see the final solution later.

If we can remain calm and collected under tremendous pressure, then we
should be able to find an appropriate solution for almost every

This again proves that the combined knowledge and experiences from our
good friends, relations and acquaintances are very important in our life for a faster solution.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Always do the Right Thing then Wait for the Satisfactory Moment to Astonish Ourselves with Results

Always do the Right Thing then Wait for the Satisfactory Moment to Astonish Ourselves with Results

Always do the Right Thing then Wait for the Satisfactory Moment to Astonish Ourselves with Results

Be honest now, there is still nothing better in life if we ourselves and the world can be amazed with the things we are doing.

Our thoughts are endless but when there is something that we are very
interested in, it will be keeps whizzing around in our mind, and we
would like to achieve it as real in reality, but it will be a lot of
work and disillusionment for us.

There is almost nothing more difficult than to make a dream become truth and turning our thought into reality.

If we came across with a misfortune that we do not have enough
knowledge, we are exposing ourselves to the danger if we want to
continue anyway to achieve it.

Embark on something we do not have enough understanding of words and to
explain it to others is not an easy task, but its might be an endless
dream and adventure for us.

To have all the self expectations from it will help us on the way to
clear our frustrations and unimaginable obstacles, because the moment we
unloaded a starting shot and begin it, we must realize that if we want
to reach the final target there is impossible a turning back, because
that would mean the end our objective.

If we have mark a target to achieve it, time is nothing for us, but when
the moment comes, we will celebrate the deserved result.

Just follow our heart and instinct will give us the satisfaction, it is the most important point in every expedition, and that is the end result.

Then we will surprise ourselves by the right to have done and that is
waiting for this satisfying moment with the prosperous results.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Standards of Living should be Parallel within our Ability,Think about the Consequence if we Want to go Over the Limit

The Standards of Living should be Parallel within our Ability,Think about the Consequence if we Want to go Over the Limit

The Standards of Living should be Parallel within our Ability,Think about the Consequence if we Want to go Over the Limit

Unfortunately, there is a demarcation for
everyone, but we all would like to exceed that limit with a smile and
without worries afterwards.

Each resident on this earth have a certain budget to live and we all need to adjust our standard of living on this.

Those who do not take this into account may totally forget to build up a reserve plan to survive in a difficult times.

The way life is full of
lessons and unpredictable events after it will directly come with the
facts, if we do not have that resolution then the troubles will start.

And no one wants to get a sense of depression due to trouble, we must
take precautionary measures beforehand, so we always can have the card
up our sleeve when this happen to us.

We are all exposed to this kind of facts and no matter how carefully we
controlled ourselves in life, we still might be facing with an emerging
unfortunate angle.

Think about a traffic accident, sometimes we do not even own the
mistake, but without paying attention or too much distraction, something
like this is possible to occur.

Or if we have a burning hole in pocket and like to buy something which
is very costly and not really can afford but it is first priority by us
and then we buy it, while there are so many important things for us to
pay, and thats not clever.

The management of our livelihood is so preponderant and decisive that
all our interests should be aligned within our spending limit.

As we go over our spending limit, we are no longer parallel to the
standard of living within our ability thus we will see the impact,
please better hold this under control by ourselves.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 2, 2015

Do Not make Decision in Haste so we Never have to Repent at Leisure

Do Not make Decision in Haste so we Never have to Repent at Leisure

Do Not make Decision in Haste so we Never have to Repent at Leisure

We now live in a fast paced world where
everything is based on speed and a slow decision may be too late for us
to get something in our possession.

Because previously there is a person who make that decision before us, so our chance is gone and we “missed the boat”.

If there are opportunities from our findings, we actually be forced to
make an hurried to fixing precise with a direct decision, so that we
cannot miss or be ruled out from a chance.

This may well turn out to be an appropriate decision, but its can also
be wrong if we overlook something due to rushing, this is going to cause
some disadvantages for us with no visibility and control.

Often these decisions are make because we do not want anything to go
wrong or being greedy and afraid everything might be too late.

This can causing abuse when it be discovered by others and when that is
happened they can tell a good story or explanation so that we come into
the temptation because of that.

It seems to be so attractive that we almost cannot reject to answers,
because in our mind we thought that the advantage is with us, but that
may prove otherwise.

We must always remember in our mind that almost nobody does anything for
nothing, or give away for free, virtually there is always interests
involved any act or event that is done by someone.

Sometimes things may sounds music to our ears and appealing to our eyes,
thus it can be a great asset to others without to realizing it.

Because at that moment we just concentrate on our own profits and care
about represent interests of our own, so we are just as blind and
therefore things may go wrong for us.

In retrospect, we should regret due to our hasty decision, its better to
think before to make a quick implementation because there is no
irreversible anymore.

Better do not make hasty decisions so that we do not repent at leisure it later.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Opportunities are Boundless, so Never Lose Hope while Pursuing our Dream

Opportunities are Boundless, so Never Lose Hope while Pursuing our Dream

Opportunities are Boundless, so Never Lose Hope while Pursuing our Dream

Nothing is as changeable as our own life,
in our youth we want example work at the hospital as nurses working in
the team, but now maybe work as a private doctor who only give out
medical treatment at home.

And there are still 100 or more examples, but to enter a function,  we
must first create the possibilities and opportunities by ourselves.

Unfortunately, we all are not starting with the same possibilities or
oppurtunities, but there is always a chance to bring this into our life by exercising influence on it.

We must therefore be willing to go to the extremes with all information
be learned, so we can use it and learn the practical changes.

Where there’s a will there’s a way, so it may take longer than usual for
some people or it can be faster, but if we want to achieve something
through our heart, there is always a chance for us.

With the right starting points and contacts, we can go far to realize
our dream, so we shall foster on it and this will encourage us towards
achieving our goal.

Always remember that Rome
were not build in one day, and that there are many roads lead to Rome,
so if we have patience and time,  almost nothing is impossible for us.

Have good realization and considering the likelihood for future
prospects are still in our dream will give us the confidence we need to
go through with it, so that all goals are within our reach.

Dream about building a rocket to the moon in our own backyard is losing
time and unrealistic, because it is something that only occurs in a
cartoon and its infeasible and unworkable.

But never lose the hope to succeed for anything is conceivable, the life opportunities are limitless for us while we chasing our dreams.

Author Jan Jansen

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen