Wednesday, May 6, 2015

We Can Touch Someone without Touching Them

We Can Touch Someone without Touching Them

We Can Touch Someone without Touching Them.

What could be the reason why it’s like
that most of the young people in the population are disrespectful and
are becoming bolder with an ego that they are the most important.

No more respect for elderly people with language usage when we in the past used our parents to get slapped around our ears.

We have to look now these day’s in order not to let the communication go
out of hand before we know, no more words are used to us.

Joyfully with others playing in the street like previous in our youth we
hardly see, probably by the aggressive behavior that nowadays become
increasingly used.

How will the world over twenty-five years respond on everything it’s all
not pleasant to have become over the years for a peaceful and carefree

Honesty and honor is almost not there anymore, and most want themselves prove to others with fighting and violence which ultimately is no achievement at all in our society.

Too a peaceful person delivering the wits by aggression and violence is an unnecessary action that is totally useless and diseased our surrounding.

Some are afraid to go outside the door, because they don’t want to come
in trouble and then rather stay home and only do the necessary things
for leave home.

It’s totally pointless using in a community physical or hand use in a communication where we don’t understand each other.

We can easily touch another his soul without touching it, not necessary
to need violence, be kind to each other and live in peace.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Maken we onze Droom Waar of Blijven wij door Dromen

Maken we onze Droom Waar of Blijven wij door Dromen

Maken we onze Droom Waar of Blijven wij door Dromen.

Een sterke wilskracht en
doorzettingsvermogen is alles wat we nodig hebben in het leven om
onszelf een verbeterde plaats te geven in deze maatschappij.

Het zal waarschijnlijk niet de plaats worden die wij in onze gedachten
hebben, want daar is het meestal groter maar door actie hebben wij een
kans om iets te bereiken.

Blijven gaan en nooit de moed opgeven is een eerste vereiste op weg naar
succes, ieder obstakel moeten wij overwinnen om verder te gaan zonder

Topsport beoefenen zonder te trainen is een onmogelijke opdracht en zal
ongetwijfeld onuitvoerbaar zijn en overwinningen zijn ondenkbaar.

Zo is het ook in ons leven we moeten leren om iets te begrijpen of te
doen en dan is het mogelijk dat wij het geluk hebben een natuurtalent te
zijn zodat dingen makkelijker zijn.

Anders zullen we over hindernissen moeten blijven springen of ze
doorbreken en dat zal ons alleen maar sterker en meer bekwamer maken
doordat we niet opgeven.

In ieder geval als we iets willen of een droom waar willen maken dienen
wij maatregelen te nemen en de strijd aan te gaan met onze voorkeuren om
het waar te maken.

Een conflictsituatie met onze gedachten overwinnen met het wel en niet
spelletje en gewoon doorzetten met een start van onze droom en daar niet
meer vanaf wijken.

Onveranderbaar standhouden om onze droom waar te maken zonder aarzeling
en onvoorwaardelijk in gedachten weten dat wij het ook kunnen.

Alles goed op een rijtje zetten van begin tot het einde met een
berekende calculatie voor als er iets verkeerds mocht gaan om alles
makkelijker te maken.

We blijven gewoon door dromen terwijl we onze droom aan het waar maken
zijn, steeds weer opzoek naar nieuwe ideeën en mogelijkheden voor het

Dingen perfectioneren in ons privé of zakelijke leven is iets waar we
nooit mee mogen stoppen dat moet eigenlijk gewoon een automatisch
onderdeel in onze gedachten zijn.

Inzicht, standvastigheid en doorbijten maakt het mogelijk om onze droom
uit te laten komen, zodat we daarna weer verder kunnen dromen voor een
toename en ontplooiing, want wij allemaal hebben deze krachten.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.auteur Jan Jansen

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Do we Make our Dreams come True or Do we Remain Dreaming

Do we Make our Dreams come True or Do we Remain Dreaming

Do we Make our Dreams come True or Do we Remain Dreaming.

A strong willpower and perseverance is all we need in life to give ourselves a better place in this society.

It will probably not be the place that we have in our minds, because it
is usually bigger, by action we have a chance to accomplish something.

Keep going and never give up is the courage and a prerequisite to
success, we must overcome every obstacle to proceed without fear of

Top sports practice without training is an impossible task and will undoubtedly be impractical and victories are unthinkable.

So it is also in our life, we all must learn to understand or do
something and then it is possible to discover that we are fortunate to
have a natural talent so that things are easier.

Otherwise we will have to keep jumping over obstacles or to break them
after it will only make us stronger and more proficient, because we do
not give up.

In any case, if we want something or like to make a dream come true, we
must take action and fight to meet our preferences for make it happen.

Overcoming a conflict in our thoughts and knowing that its not just a
yes or no game must continue with a start of our dream and there not
more from deviate. Unchangeable stand to make our dream come true
without hesitation and unconditionally in mind that we can do it without

Everything set good in a row from beginning to end with a calculated
estimate for if something should go wrong to make the things easier.

We just keep dreaming while we are making our dream come true, always looking for new ideas and possibilities to the maximum.

Try to make things perfect in our personal or business life is something we must never stop to do, it should a reality and just be an automatic section in our thoughts.

Insight, fortitude and push through makes it possible to make our dream
true, so we can continue afterwards dreams for an increase and
development, because we all have this strenght.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, May 4, 2015

We Cannot always Go like the Air that Blowing with the Wind

We Cannot always Go like the Air that Blowing with the Wind

We Cannot always Go like the Air that Blowing with the Wind.

In life it’s important to have a will and don’t always follow trends or ideas of other people.

It will be easier to follow others without thinking anything in our mind
no need to come up with something or having to change anything give us a
easy – going feeling.

But go with the understanding of another individual doesn’t follow the
knowledge of ourselves, we do but what encountered or said to us and
that seems often to be easy.

It can be quite an experience but it will not give forecasts on
independence, because we are the successors of something that others
said or thought, but perhaps it’s possible that it will be improving

Nevertheless, it still something of another and has little prospects to usurp it to us as discoverer.

As the inventor and pioneer of something new that can help others who
may follow which then it give us the certainty of future opportunities.

So that we have achieved something we help ourselves and humanity that others have the opportunity to use it to improve their life.

So we’re helping ourselves and giving it a pastime for everyday promote our life and livelihood.

It’s not pleasant to be a follower or to always do what others want this
for ourselves maybe boredom or it seem annoying for other people.

A life without ideas and inspirations for revealing suggestions to do in our everyday life without regularity will hard give satisfaction to us.

An imagination with a vision for new impressions which we can address
ourselves to a joyful and coming way ahead will be very influential for

Watching and listen to others is very important in life as well as a fellowship with each other in harmony and accord.

But constant thoughtlessly without any inspiration from ourselves and
continue listen to others or follow their thoughts is an unwise

If we forever going with the wind then will don’t know at any given time where we will end.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, May 3, 2015

Hate Will not Feed us but Let us Starve

Hate Will not Feed us but Let us Starve

Hate Will not Feed us but Let us Starve.

We’ve all have sometimes bad feelings
about things that happen to us, its the best to find a solution so
quickly as you can or forget it.

All other decisions can affect our mood into a negative spiral, where we inwardly more trouble and sorrow ensue.

When hatreds are generated will it converted our positive mood in a
grudge with hostile tendencies which will disrupt our good mood.

And if someone can get us so far that they give us the opportunity to loathe and hate them.

Then this is a sign that something has happened which they no more merit in our heart and we must realize that something similar will happen again in the future.

So a relationship as this it is better to break and that no further fuss
more to make and accept it with a smile and see it as a victory of evil
and unjust.

These types of people are usually not open to reason or faith to trust
and have adopted this lifestyle, because they are not suitable for an
honest and legitimate personality.

Business they are not intelligent enough to follow or organize
everything openly and straight, because his a short-sighted idea, and
only today counts.

That on the long term can earn more by the constant trust relationships
they build and thereby increase since become not thought about it.

The wise person will ponder it well and know what’s important to respond
for the better future and remove this kind of person as relation to
improve his life.

Don’t have twice an argument with the same person about unfairness,
because we will know it could happen again and can make us angry and
loss control.

Because hate will not feed us but rather starve, because we can get into
the position with difficulties which we would get the possibly to lose

Words of others are nice but made a legal contract agreement with two
signatures give us more security and probably no hatred afterwards.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, May 2, 2015

Alles is te Breken, maar Niet Alles is te Repareren

Alles is te Breken, maar Niet Alles is te Repareren

Alles is te Breken, maar Niet Alles is te Repareren.

Het is geven en nemen in het leven en om
daar de juiste balans in te vinden is het beter om altijd royaler dan
een ander te zijn wat goede gevoelens voor iedereen oplevert.

Hoeven wij onszelf nooit geen verwijten te maken en wanneer anderen dat
doen hebben we een terecht en zelfverzekerd weerwoord met een glimlach.

Vredevolle ogenblikken zullen daarop misschien niet volgen maar de
waarheid mag gezegd worden en is voor een ieder te begrijpen, ook als ze
misschien eerst anders dachten en tot bezinning geroepen zijn door ons

Laat onszelf nooit beïnvloeden door de negativiteit in de gedachten van
een ander, positief in onze eigen schoenen blijven lopen is ten alle
tijden het beste en een voordeel.

Laat ons oprechte en vreugdevolle humeur niet door anderen verpesten
door impulsief en met agressie te antwoorden waardoor de communicatie
kan omslaan in onvrede.

Dat zou misschien terecht maar onverstandig zijn en kan leiden tot ruzie en acties waarmee onze gemoederen geen vrede hebben.

In de omgang met anderen is het zo gemakkelijk om moeilijkheden te
veroorzaken door een verkeerd gedrag maar om het daarna weer goed te
maken geeft voor beiden zijden een twijfelende gedachten en lijkt
zinloos te zijn.

Iets kapot maken kost meestal maar weinig moeite en is vaak eenvoudig,
maar om enigszins wat nieuws te maken of om een gebroken of kapot iets
weer te repareren is veel moeilijker.

Probeer voortdurend moeilijkheden te voorkomen, want dat zal alleen maar
zorgen geven en tijdsverlies zijn met waarschijnlijk een onherstelbare
implicatie van hoe het eerst was.

Iets kapotmaken in onze subsistentie op aarde is zo probleemloos om te
doen, maar om alles te verbeteren of te laten zoals het was geeft meer
voldoening en respect dan het te moeten herstellen.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.auteur Jan Jansen

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Everything can be Broken, but not Everything is to Repair

Everything can be Broken, but not Everything is to Repair

Everything can be Broken, but not Everything is to Repair.

It’s give and take in life
and for to find the right balance it is always better to be more
generous than another which produces good feelings for everyone.

We never have ourselves to blame and when others do it we answer with an appropriate and confident reply with a smile.

Peaceful moments then maybe they will not follow up, but the truth must
can be said, and for every one to understand, even if they might have
thought differently and first called to reflection by our response.

Never let ourselves influenced by the negativity in the mind of another,
remain positive in our own shoes walking is the best at all times and
an advantage.

Let us sincere and joyful mood not ruin it by others for give a
impulsive and aggression answer which maybe the communication can turn
into discontent.

That might be right but unwise and could lead to quarrel and actions that our spirit no more have peace.

In dealing with others, it is so easy to cause trouble by wrong behavior
but then after it give no good feelings for both sides with a doubting
mind and seems to be pointless.

Something destroy usually requires little effort and is often simple,
but rather to create something new or to repair a fractured or broken
something again is much harder.

Try constantly to avoid difficulties, because that will only give care
and is a loss of time with probably irreversible implication of how it
was before.

Something destroy our subsistence on earth is so easy and smoothly to
do, but to improve it or leave everything as it was will give us more
respectful and satisfying than must after restore it.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, May 1, 2015

Our Worries can Disappear Today but Keep in Mind that There are Some New Ones will Come

Our Worries can Disappear Today but Keep in Mind that There are Some New Ones will Come

Our Worries can Disappear Today but Keep in Mind that There are Some New Ones will Come.

A great wish would be in our lives in order to have a peaceful and carefree life where things just add up as the numbers like 1234567 etc.

Some of us will often ask themselves what life without worries would be, just relax and problems are not being there.

Everything organized for us and be controlled to achieve a carefree life where thinking is done by others, and if there are problems we have nothing to take care about.

A life without having to
his annoyance or anxiety that something can go wrong and there are
difficulties which cause the necessary nerves.

Every morning stand up and not having to think about anything else than
breakfast with delicious foods to consume and to enjoy from it.

Not that we open our eyes and straight in our minds how we have today most solve everything with improvements.

Relax and remain is almost impossible in everyday family life there will always be something that will keep us busy or worried about where we will be in.

It’s all so changeable in life because stability is not possible for everyone and characters and ways of thinking are different to find the right solution.

With luck it may even be that we can endure certain difficulties and
that the next problem again lies in wait or comes in and presents itself
to us as this is the next challenge in our life.

We should just always keep in mind that the concerns of today may
disappear but always at the same time could emerge again with a smile.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, April 30, 2015

When a Bond of Friendship Turns into Love its Hard to Let Each Other Go

When a Bond of Friendship Turns into Love its Hard to Let Each Other Go

When a Bond of Friendship Turns into Love its Hard to Let Each Other Go.

knows that many good contacts are a value in our life, but not every
person know or realizes that it can sometimes be more important than
owning finances.

That is based on the behavior of certain people, they forget that not
everything is for sale and absolutely not in every place where we are
can achieve what desire.

Friends are willing to share everything if there are the possibilities
and opportunities, we don’t have to think immediately of property, but
of knowledge, warmth and friendship.

A community of connections that are interconnected to offer each other a
helping hand when should this be necessary or when the need arises.

Life is more easier if we have many relatives, friends or acquaintances,
then there’s always something to do among themselves to share joyful

A friendship is generally caused by mutual respect and trust and then
there will be several meetings to enjoy good times together.

This friendship relationship will thus strengthen and improve the bond causing arising a loving or love relationship where reverence and admiration for each other has worship.

Consideration for one another gives the feeling that there is more than
just friendship, and with each new encounter together, there is joy and

For everyone it’s nice to have such special people in our circle of
friends or to welcome them in our life, because their asset will be a
great improve in our daily routine.

Then it will be difficult for both of us to say goodbye to each other,
because if a friendship is so strong that it has grown to love then it’s almost impossible to let the relationship go.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Physical Training is for the Short-Term Strength, but Training for the Brain Bidding Eternal Knowledge

Physical Training is for the Short-Term Strength, but Training for the Brain Bidding Eternal Knowledge

Physical Training is for the Short-Term Strength, but Training for the Brain Bidding Eternal Knowledge.

We are never too old to learn and actually we are wiser every day by our experiences and better views on life and can solve common problems.

When we are young we all want many things and some among us do not have
much enthusiasm to learn outside school hours, because there are better
things to do at the same time.

Later in life we ​​realize
what we have done ourselves to short, because we have been so stubborn
to give other things priority instead to improve our knowledge.

Now some people understand the importance of knowledge in a human life,
for having about different things power and speak multiple languages
​​are advantages.

And so there are many things we never thought when were young, maybe our
parents or others telling us well on that, but there were other things
more important that we did not realize.

We can work or go to the gym and fitness center and build up a large
muscle in our body, but if we stop exercising, we will also lose these
muscles quickly.

Learning gained through study and science through assessment and skill
are constructive elements that encourage people living with a permanent

Intelligence allows us to understand things faster or resolve many issues so all make it a lot easier and more interesting.

Sometimes there is also the will but not the opportunity
and the older we get more realize how learn inquisitive we were in our
youth there from we have now the benefits. For the short-term strength,
we can train our bodies with muscles, but for the eternal knowledge, it
is better to develop our brains by training with non stop learning.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

A Look at a Photo can Bring us Back to the Past

A Look at a Photo can Bring us Back to the Past

A Look at a Photo can Bring us Back to the Past.

Some reminisce of the past through a photograph is a real pleasure with a sensation as if it just happened.

If we take a picture and see it, it actually belongs to the past already
and is a souvenir, gift-reminder again to show us later the past when
we want to see that.

Not everyone has a purpose to take pictures but just love it and clicked on the button to transform it later on our computer or an external hard drive.

Nowadays, almost everyone can make a picture with their phone and
instantly share it in social media, so it can also be used for a
testimony as evidence.

There is no greater evidence as facts and we can then show by means of a
video recording or photograph for example in an accident on a public
road or by a theft.

It makes things a lot easier and a stronger evidence is not there as
demonstrable evidence an optimal impression of each ceremony.

Endless possibilities and benefits are available there with the ability
to make a video or photo that can evoke the past and display in seconds.

When viewing images or a glance to the remembrance of years that gone
by, it seems that we got back to the past with a look back at the time.

In our minds we can again imagine how exciting it was when a review of what was then happening at that time.

We were full of joy or was it a period of emotion and sadness that
everything will take place in our thoughts when seeing the images or a
photo glance.

With a camera thus we can authorized recording times about something
that happened at a later time look to enjoy or to serve as a tool in an

It gives us various facilities to view the beautiful moments of the past
belongs and there again let our thoughts go back in history.

A look at a photo that has dynamic intensity to bring us back in our contemplation of the past can be a great feeling.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, April 27, 2015

Our Eyes are a Reflection of the Heart

Our Eyes are a Reflection of the Heart

Our Eyes are a Reflection of the Heart.

Without our eyes, life would be a horror, all the beautiful things around us we wouldn’t be able to see it with a tender look.

All of the attractive things we can’t observe it with our eyes for an exciting feeling to enjoy it.

We are therefore limited by the ability to feel things at a great
distance, because we aren’t enough powerful to grope it directly.

Our eyes have such great significance in our lives that we can observe and discover everything by paying attention.

Each encircling little danger or interesting occurrence is directly
detectable in our immediate vicinity and at a glance, so we are able to
know how everything looks.

We get the chance to look at others and assessing how their feeling is
or what they going to think about us as what’s going on in their mind so
as how is them behaving.

This experience is something that our eyesight can discover in other
people’s eyes and countenance which often speak volumes about how they

The face which contains many muscles which are in communication with the
optic nerves will be in many cases a traitor about the feelings of
human being.

The expression of the facial expression and human eyes are so sensitive
that every sentimental joy or disappointment can be seeing if we pay
close attention.

What is happening to us and what we identify will send signals to our brains and heart connected with our eyes and ears which we will respond optimistic or disappointing.

All this will display an expression in our eyes a mirror of heart feelings and can also be heart disturbing.

If we are open and honest, we can look anyone straight in the eyes and the reflection of our heart can give them the sign of the truth.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Gemakkelijk Vergiffenis Schenken zal Ons de Vrede Geven

Gemakkelijk Vergiffenis Schenken zal Ons de Vrede Geven

Gemakkelijk Vergiffenis Schenken zal Ons de Vrede Geven.

Als wij onze ervaringen zouden laten
spreken zouden we kunnen horen dat een leven zonder moeilijkheden
onmogelijk is en een onvoorstelbare wens.

We zullen niet altijd hoeven te proberen door een muur van problemen te
lopen maar over bepaalde hindernissen springen zullen we ons leven lang

Het moment dat alles zo soepel gaat dat we iets willen en er niets
vervelends gebeurd of voorvalt denken we dat wij aan het dromen zijn en
willen het bijna niet geloven.

Met daaropvolgend dat het niet lang zal duren voordat we uit onze droom
gehaald worden, omdat er zich iets voorvalt waardoor we weer uitgelachen
zijn en het serieus word.

Sommigen onder ons hebben gelukkig
wel het geluk dat het wel langer duurt dan bij een ander maar voor
iedereen komt er een einde aan zulke momenten met een ommekeer.

Waarom dat het leven zo in elkaar zit is voor de meesten misschien ook
een raadsel, waarschijnlijk omdat er zoveel verschillende gedachten met
wensen zijn en ettelijke personen teveel eisend zijn kan een reden zijn
door onbehoorlijk gedrag.

Of doordat er niet genoeg animo voor bezigheden is waardoor er verveling
ontstaat en dat dan de moeilijkheden daaruit voortvloeien door

Vanwaaruit er onderlinge problemen kunnen ontstaan met niet altijd een
even leuke afloop en zodoende haat en nijd daaruit kan resulteren.

Als wij het zover al hebben laten komen of het nu door onze schuld is of
die van een ander dat is niet zo’n punt maar onze gemoedstoestand is
geheel van streek.

De innerlijke rust zijn we totaal verloren op het ogenblik dat onze
gedachten aan onprettige gebeurtenissen moeten denken is het verderf al
geschied met teleurstellingen.

Dan kunnen we ons kwaad maken of opwinden maar daar worden we niet
wijzer van alleen maar ongemakkelijker en ontevreden in ons doen en

We moeten proberen om zo sterk te zijn dat wij het van ons af kunnen
zetten en er afstand van kunnen doen en dan weer innerlijke vrede
genereren voor onszelf.

Dat zal de enige levensstijl zijn waarmee we uit de problemen blijven en
onszelf in onze geest niet meer pijnigen en van streek maken waardoor
er dan voor vreugde geen plaats meer is.

Schenk de medemens gemakkelijk vergiffenis en ben de intelligentste laat
het ons leven niet beïnvloeden door het kwade, maar ga verder met een
levenswijze die vreugde vertegenwoordigd en creëert.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.auteur Jan Jansen

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Easy Forgiveness Will Give the Peace to Us

Easy Forgiveness Will Give the Peace to Us

Easy Forgiveness Will Give the Peace to Us.

If we were let our experiences speak we could hear that a life without problems is impossible and unimaginable desire.

We will not always have to trying walk through a wall of problems, but jumping over any obstacles in our life we will always encounter.

The moment that everything goes smoothly as we want and nothing bad to
happened or something occurs, we think we are dreaming and it almost

With subsequent that it will not be long before we are taken out from
our dreams, because there will happen something which get our laugh away
and it get serious.

Some of us have the happiness or fortunate that it takes longer than
another but for everyone it comes to an end for such moments with a

Why life come on that way
will be for most maybe a mystery, probably because there are so many
different thoughts and wishes are with several people who are too much
demanding can be a reason for their improper behaviour.

Or because there not enough activities with interest are, can causing
boredom arises and then deriving therefrom through behavioural

From which there is mutual problems may arise not always nice and so end hatred and envy may result from there.

If we have come so far already, this is not good whether it’s our fault
or that from another person that is not a big point, but our fresh mood
is totally upset.

The inner peace we are totally lost at the moment our thoughts must
remember unpleasant events, destruction from our beautiful has already
been done with disappointments.

Then we can make ourselves excited of angry, but that make us not wiser
but just more uncomfortable and unhappy do in our affairs.

We should try to be so strong that we can push it from us and from there generate inner peace for ourselves.

That the only way of life will be that we stay out of trouble and not hurt ourselves in our mind and upset us, because then there is no place for joy.

Give the people around us easy forgiveness and be the brightest don’t let it affect our life to do evil, but proceed with a lifestyle that happiness represented and created.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, April 24, 2015

The Best Relationship is When we are a Bosom Friend, Life-Partner, Peaceful Place and Righthand for our Partner

The Best Relationship is When we are a Bosom Friend, Life-Partner, Peaceful Place and Righthand for our Partner

The Best Relationship is When we are a Bosom Friend, Life-Partner, Peaceful Place and Righthand for our Partner.

More than seven billion people on this
planet so a choice is abundant in it, but in this large population now
to find someone to share the rest of our life is more difficult than finding a bunch of bananas in a department store.

Everyone on the global is unique with a different look and character
also phenomenon thoughts with the possibility that all this any time is

There is nothing as changeable as a human-life

But knowledge is something we can learn and not get rid of, experiences
also make us richer and stronger, and the perfect individual is not yet
to be born.

So problems and miscommunication is something that will always stay with
every relationship and when emotions come to pass than it will be even
more complicated.

Then adulthood and purpose of life plays a big role in which several individuals must produce a suitable solution to keep the peace.

It’s of intense interest that we must realize after every controversy
that after we must again go to the same door and maybe shared the bed.

Discord is only for short-sighted and unwise egocentric individuals who
introverted thinking and not future-oriented philosophizing.

Partnership is very important for all of us and certainly in a love relationship where we need to think for the long term and want to share everything from passion.

If we are passionate about someone, we must sacrifice ourselves
sometimes to be no individual who caused discord with someone we don’t
like abandoned or can let go.

Since that time our mouth can be an emotional pop with words is possible but the reality is different and exits the heart full of inclination.

When we come together with someone that we feel ourselves as if cradling
place by a bosom friend, spouse or that it seems to be our righthand
than we can imagine and conceive of the relationship is partner
with financial resources
from nothing to everything and with anything into a nobody.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

Freedom of Expression is Good but we Need to know Our Limit

Freedom of Expression is Good but we Need to know Our Limit

Freedom of Expression is Good but we Need to know Our Limit.

Freedom is happiness, that’s obviously
the truth when we have something in our thoughts and we can do it
without afterwards worries or concerns having about it that will be a
sovereignty in our mind.

It’s something that can create a comprehensive joy, but also that we are
insatiable eventually because all but simply to obtain without any

Be free to bring our thoughts into words out is also a sense of relief
when we own something to annoy or don’t agree with it, we can let our
voice hear. The truth can be said always is taught me, but it is not
always appropriate to say it in on the wrong place or time frame, because maybe we can hurt someone with it.

In life we ​​are actually
almost obliged to take into account each other, as others would have to
do with us to live peacefully together.

Tell like it is, isn’t bad but the manner how we’re speaking to them
make it intelligible and understandable as good and clear as possible in
a pacifist way.

Someone offend and insult is so easy, but we want others to do this with us? NO aren’t we?

Be loving and provide for each other which gives a better communication and cheerfulness making life become more pleasant and peaceful.

Every sane person still has no need for difficulties and endless
discussions with disadvantages of each other, just taking hold with each

We all are looking for improving life chances and everyone is free to express his opinion, but how we articulate something deside the mood.

Let our brains think better than using abusive words in an announcement that could damage only human feelings.

People in such a manner injurious behavior and handling form approach or
condemn their appearance, background or behavior with words is totally

Know in every circumstance not always cross the line in a speech to or
about others in order to preserve freedom in peace for everyone and

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Wednesday, April 22, 2015

A Human always wants More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful is in Ups and Downs

A Human always wants More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful is in Ups and Downs

A Human always wants More but a Happy Person is the One who Always Thankful is in Ups and Downs.

Life can be very satisfying to us but at
the same time can also be unbearably complicated so we get an
overwhelming impression of everything and there displeasure sympathize.

This can change our mood to a restless feeling by dubious thoughts
wondering where asking we deserve to have this and why at this time.

However, there may also can be a positive response, and knowing that we
are still not able to bring to this happened change and accept it as it

Since then ooking for the best possible alternatives to devise a
concrete conclusion that gives us joy and new again victorious courage.

If we know in ourselves that joyous moments get the most out of life should make us realize that something like that is regrettable, it does not appear to be worth to get disappointed.

Our state of mind that would end only of upside in the wrong direction in which we ourselves thus will hurt what is unwise.

The harder we look up at live events all the more complicated it will all be and does not prosper, but woe to us.

Think of it as a new experience, life lesson that will improve our way of thinking and life experiences with benefits to create solutions faster in the future.

They are actually opportunities to perfect our own personality to
intangibility against problems so that we can protect ourselves and
become stronger.

Let it not affect our positive imagination about life but am just grateful and try to find the balance between solutions and improvements.

With ups and downs will always be grateful to give life more impact and satisfaction so that we can embrace the happiness with a smile.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Sometimes we’re missing the Beautiful Moments of the Past

Sometimes we’re missing the Beautiful Moments of the Past

Sometimes we’re missing the Beautiful Moments of the Past.

has a past, whether it was good or bad, we are now improves to a better
or inferior person. That happiness now whether its good or bad,
antecedents we all have.

But now on this moment it’s the day of our life
and now for everyone it will be determined whether the past continues
to haunt us by the benign or malignant things we have done.

Also, events that others have done to us, or if they have done something
great and this does continue to play a role in our mind.

Every life has a history and brought us to the person and personality with behavior that we now have at this moment.

Nobody is perfect, everyone make mistakes and we all are able to learn
from them (as we can read this) so in the course of time a person may
change his character with minus and plus points.

Each of us has the potential there to suit his personality to a perfect satisfaction.

We meet people in our existence on earth that will give lasting thoughts
and other characters that we want to forget as quickly as possible to
get rid of our discontent.

Also, regret that we encounter loving people we would never want to miss in our life, but which disappear by nature or unforeseen moments.

But we have to stay positive and go on with our life, because these are
moments that we don’t control and every bad thought or action will make
it even more worse.

So, it may also be that before it was better for us than now or vice
versa and let our experience there have been a good lesson in life where respect and appreciation always counts and nothing is coming by itself and stay permanent.

The beautiful moments of the past will always affect us all, it has changed our life and we know that it will never come back.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, April 18, 2015

Life is Like a Maze, by a Wrong Decision we Will not Get out Off It

Life is Like a Maze, by a Wrong Decision we Will not Get out Off It

Life is Like a Maze, by a Wrong Decision we Will not Get out Off It.

Life gives us many opportunities with
endless possibilities but we have to create ourselves the right way to
arrive at that point what will effectively improve our life.

There are several roads to take just like a maze to get there, but a
wrong decision will take us nowhere and only give much annoyance and let
us lose time.

The getters will continue to search for that important point and by
their effective perseverance are more likely to get there but they can
also fail.

Persist in a dream or desire to get there give them the courage to
continue for a try and seek not to give up, but continue with the hope
and determination to achieve it will someday.

By learning the knowledge and practical experiences, they will make
progress that will bring them closer to their goal and increase faith
into it.

Setbacks by obstacles they accept to respond positively with it and come
up with a suitable solution there along for the day, for continue the
journey continues to the target with an even stronger willpower.

If we have a direction and purpose but don’t reach the goal in sight
that can create uncertainties that must be overcome by demonstrating our
strong character.

Everyone is often much stronger and more talented than we sometimes
think, that will show when we get in a position or situation that we
need to make choices and then be forced to do so.

What should we do turn to left, right or up or down a question that will
play an important role in our thoughts and ultimately bring about its
perfect or not immediately the succeeding decision.

At that time, we will never know, and only hope that we have made the
right decision in the maze on the way to the future-oriented point for
our prosperity.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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