Friday, September 4, 2015

Catamaran to Buy, sale or Charter

Catamaran to Buy, sale or Charter

Wisdom begins with Your Mind 2015

Wisdom begins with Your Mind 2015

Wisdom begins with Your Mind

What is in Your Mind and for what are You waiting?

In our short life of living, how can You handle it?

Negative thinking make You cannot survive.

Or is it too exaggeration to mention it.

I think not, just look back into the past and think back to what negative things  that have given You the glee.

You are losing time because it will be different when You have more wisdom.

Because Your wisdom to work in the right to place is a lesson in life.

You have come across something that is not nice in Your mind.

But by Your wisdom, and it has transformed into positive energy is a wise lesson for You.

So You should know what steps to take and avoid it for the next time.

Because “once bitten twice shy”

Positive mind never leave You and always have a place in your life.

Everyone wants to have positive energy around his circle of friends.

Wisdom give You positive energy, because negative attitude is no fun.

Laughter,  joy and happiness are also see as positive.

Be wise and be positive in life.

The different between good and evil sort the negative to positive.

Use Your wisdom to make way for the positive in your life and remove the negative space.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Thursday, September 3, 2015

Perfection for Life 2015

Perfection for Life 2015

Perfection for Life

Everyone wants to be perfect in life.

But no one in our life is 100% perfect.

Everyone makes unrecoverable mistakes in their life.

Thus perfection become impossible.

Everybody have something that they can do with perfect.

Everyone has their own qualities achieved in a specialty field.

Is talented to develop something perfect.

Many may miss their opportunities in life.

Due to their interest was focused on another area.

Makes the perfection skip through in their life.

But it is perfect for You if You can do what You want and satisfied Your heart.

This indicates Your perfection for life.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Life is not always Simple 2015

Life is not always Simple 2015

Life is not always Simple

It is always not easy if we want to achieve something.

Not every route we will go without problems.

Obstacles may just emerge as we on our way to our final destination.

Because of this then we lose the time and prevented us from the chance to arrive earlier.

If we do not have an appointment somewhere at a certain time it should be no problem.

It can be a problematic case and You may lose Your face.

Because You need to follow up and accomplish for the appointments that You have make.

Therefore it is always wise to plan in advance and depart early for an appointment.

So that You and another side will never get disappointed when You are on time.

Then everything will goes smooth in a friendly atmosphere.

And no one is stressed by rushing or because of waiting too long.

Always be prepared for unexpected events.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Cultural Differences 2015

Cultural Differences 2015

Cultural Differences

Who do not like to travel and discover what is happening around the world.

Look at the ways which others peoples live and what food they eat.

And what daily activities they perform in their livelihood.

How they have decorated their houses and also the opportunity to see the way they sleep in their bedroom.

Every people has its own habits and lifestyle.

It is very interesting for You to know more deeply into several cultures.

Experience for Yourself their living style and think about trying to adapt in their cultures.

Enjoy the freedoms and limitations in a country where you are traveling on that moment.

Experience with different climates and landscapes and also the customize clothing Yourself.

Currencies and other prices are difference with of your local currency.

Completely different way of life than You are grown up makes it more exciting and attractive for You.

An adventure on the way to another culture.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Monday, August 31, 2015

Different Perspective of Life 2015

Different Perspective of Life 2015

Different Perspective of Life

Many of us grow up in an environment with all amenities.

The things around us is very ordinary for us.

We are not used to it  but we have the advantage.

But we only realize that when we are confronted with it.

We can discover it in the media or through traveling and encounter with our own experience.

See how another grows up and their living conditions.

You can witness that they are just as happy or even happier than You.

They are satisfied with the things and habits where they live.

Have lots of fun even though they having less than us

When I”m at there, I can see from my own eyes that who have the more advantages or disadvantages.

I have found that when there are fewer facilities will bring much more joy together and a stronger bond with each other.

No envy and jealousy among them and they always love to help each other.

Together work for a better future.

Whereby my visions had given me a different perspective of life.

Because the smile from Your heart is more valuable than the illusion.

And that is just exactly the perspective of life.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Sunday, August 30, 2015

High Five For Friendship 2015

High Five For Friendship 2015

High Five For Friendship.

Friendship is an important thing of our life.

Whether with family or strangers is exactly a part of our life.

Gives more joy and closer relationship in life.

Friends do things together and help each other.

Trust each other with mutual respect.

Can depends on each other in hard times or mentality problems.

Not to earn money to each other but work together in a structured plan for the money.

Happy to share their knowledge and profits together.

Speaking with sense or sensitive.

But will always honor their friendship.

With always a respectful solution for each.

High Five to friends of Life.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Monday, August 24, 2015

Message in a Bottle 2015

Message in a Bottle 2015

Message in a Bottle

We all might have problems sometime that we cannot share or want to tell to someone.

The problem goes around with You for days, weeks, months or even years.

It will keep us constantly busy and thinking for it.

But it’s a secret of ourselves and we do not want to talk about it.

It was such a bad or unpleasant experience that we better keep the secret.

We experience it constantly again and can not give it a place in our life.

But can not get it out of our minds.

It affects our emotion and it frustrates us sometimes.

We need to find a solution to get rid of our problem, but how?

Write down everything on a paper with all the emotions there and fold it in a special way.

Put it in a bottle and throw to the sea or bury the bottle somewhere on a secret place.

To pass the message to another.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Friday, August 21, 2015

Het leven is net als een Achtbaan 2015

Het leven is net als een Achtbaan 2015

Het leven is net als een Achtbaan 2015

Author by Jan Jansen  | Aug 22, 2015 | in Nederlands | 1,104 views | Comments0

Het leven is net als een Achtbaan

Wat is ons leven toch mooi en spannend.

We weten wat er gisteren is gebeurd maar nooit wat er morgen kan gebeuren.

Vandaag zijn we niets en morgen staan wij aan de top of andersom.

Wij beleven ze allemaal hoogte en diepte punten in ons leven.

Gaan naar links en vallen in een groot en diep gat.

Slaan af naar rechts en komen in een lift terecht en brengt ons naar de top.

Het leven is gewoon vol met verrassingen en positieve dingen.

Vanuit het gat klimmen we weer naar de top en van de top vallen we weer
in het gat, met allerlei hindernissen en leuke avonturen.

Het is maar net hoe wij er zelf tegenaan aankijken.

Zijn wij positief ingesteld of hebben wij een negatieve kijk op het leven.

Met positieve uitgaanspunten komen we meestal het verste en zijn de dingen gemakkelijker te verwerken en uit te voeren.

Negatief beginnen is je eigen al opstellen als een verliezer en geeft geen goede moed en een welvaart gevoel.

Stap positief in de achtbaan en kom er nog positiever uit.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.
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Life is like a Roller Coaster 2015

Life is like a Roller Coaster 2015

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Horen, Zien en Zwijgen 2015

Horen, Zien en Zwijgen 2015

Horen, Zien en Zwijgen

Dat standbeeld kunnen wij allemaal wel en hebben het op zeker wel eens gezien.

Het is ook al eeuwen oud en in die tijd hechten de mensen ook waarde aan het spreekwoord.

Tegenwoordig zijn de tijden drastisch veranderd en is respect omgeruild voor disrespect.

Het woord word niet meer gerespecteerd en ze zeggen maar wat om zo erbij te horen.

Want als ze erbij horen hebben ze kans om iets te horen en te zien en het te verzwijgen.

Of ze zien en horen iets en ze kunnen niet zwijgen door het te behaalde voordeel ervan.

In het heden is het weten en zwijgen, het niemand laten zien en zorgen dat anderen er zeker niet over horen.

Want anders gaat dat als resultaat opleveren dat jouw uitvinding niet
word verzwegen en door iedereen word gehoord en door jouw als laatste
word gezien.

Doordat geld jagers de valuta meer waarderen dan het woord en het niet
kunnen verzwijgen het graag een ander laten horen en op die manier
onverdiende gelden willen zien.

Daarna wij ze niet meer willen zien en er niks meer over willen horen en uit schaamte er over zwijgen.
Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.
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Hear, See and Silenced 2015

Hear, See and Silenced 2015

Horen, Zien en Zwijgen

Dat standbeeld kunnen wij allemaal wel en hebben het op zeker wel eens gezien.

Het is ook al eeuwen oud en in die tijd hechten de mensen ook waarde aan het spreekwoord.

Tegenwoordig zijn de tijden drastisch veranderd en is respect omgeruild voor disrespect.

Het woord word niet meer gerespecteerd en ze zeggen maar wat om zo erbij te horen.

Want als ze erbij horen hebben ze kans om iets te horen en te zien en het te verzwijgen.

Of ze zien en horen iets en ze kunnen niet zwijgen door het te behaalde voordeel ervan.

In het heden is het weten en zwijgen, het niemand laten zien en zorgen dat anderen er zeker niet over horen.

Want anders gaat dat als resultaat opleveren dat jouw uitvinding niet
word verzwegen en door iedereen word gehoord en door jouw als laatste
word gezien.

Doordat geld jagers de valuta meer waarderen dan het woord en het niet
kunnen verzwijgen het graag een ander laten horen en op die manier
onverdiende gelden willen zien.

Daarna wij ze niet meer willen zien en er niks meer over willen horen en uit schaamte er over zwijgen.
Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2015




I am here to wait for You.

It’s already been so many nights.

Also waiting for many hours.

That You let me looking for You.

Because I think You will not come.

And You only let me dream.

Thinking that You might come back.

And then kiss me on my mouth.

But now You have gone too far.

And I walk in a circle for days to look for You.

Fortunately, it is not cold and for me You are my Gold.

I want to share my life with You.

Why did You give me a false hope.

And leave me alone in the dessert.

I wish You a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

De Weg is Nooit te Lang.

De Weg is Nooit te Lang.

De Weg is Nooit te Lang

Om goede zaken met succesvolle mensen te doen moet jij eerst resultaten laten zien.

Voordat wij resultaten kunnen laten zien is er vooraf een lange weg afgelegd.

De behaalde resultaten zijn niet van de ene naar de andere dag behaald.

Zijn goed voorbereid en gebaseerd op een lange termijn formule met een winst belang.

Als wij die aan onze partners of klanten kunnen laten zien is het niet
meer moeilijk om hen de eerste stap te laten zetten voor een verstandige

De stap of stappen die zij gaan zetten brengen hen voordelen met winsten op dus dat is vooruit kijken in de toekomst.

Iedereen zal het dan ook met hun eens zijn als zij die zakelijke beslissing nemen.

Want ieder verstandig mens wil graag op die weg met voordeel en winsten komen en op weg naar succes.

Hoe meer mensen zich aan sluiten en verenigen om op die succes weg zaken te doen.
Des te meer winsten zullen er zijn om
daarmee die weg uit te breiden naar nog betere verbindingen en daardoor
nog succes vollere resultaten te kunnen laten zien.

De infra structuren kunnen aanpassen door vermeerderd gebruik van de weg.

Alle voorzieningen kunnen aanpassen dat het gebruik ervan alleen maar
meer comfortabeler word met een makkelijker gebruik naar andere wegen te

Zo tezamen aan een verenigde toekomst werken zodat iedereen daar meer
voordeel uithaalt door elkaar te steunen en winsten te gunnen.

Samen op weg naar een welvarende toekomst.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

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The Road is Never too Long.

The Road is Never too Long.

The Road is Never too Long

In order to do good business with successful peoples, You have to show the results first.

Their is a long way to go before we can show our results.

The results cannot be achieved in one day.

We must be well prepared and based on a long-term formula with a profit interest.

If we can show that to our partners or customers it is not difficult to get them  to make a sensible decision on the first step.

Step by steps will bring them benefits and gains so they may looking ahead into the future.

Everyone will therefore agree when they make that business decision.

Every business man would like to follow that road with advantage and profits, and on the way to success.

How more people there are to connect and unite on that success way to do business.

The more profit will be there to invest and for expanding the future
road to get more better connections and therefore we can show then more
successful results.

The infrastructures can be adjusted by increasing of road use.

So that we can adopt to use the infrastructure with more comfortable and easier for us to connect with others ways.

Together to walk as a united to the future so that everyone can gain more benefit for support each other and reward profits.

Towards a prosperous future with all the network connections.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Friday, July 31, 2015

Eternal Love.

Eternal Love.

Eternal Love

I remember well the first time when I was in love.

Constantly think about that person in my mind and wondering what would happen.

Wish to stay continuously together and feel the warmth around us.

Then feel comfortable and knew that everything was safe.

Thought that we would stay together forever, because that was what indicated in my heart and feeling.

I was so happy and had so much confidence that I had captured a heart that I love.

Together we could conquer the world as long as we loved each other.

Every morning when I woke up the sun was shining all for me when I heard the voice from the one I love.

When I looked into Your eyes, my eyes sparkled same as the stars.

These feelings are not easy to describe let alone write it out.

But I think you do understand and agree with me.

If we follow our hearts then we will do nothing wrong and can have the most joy.

When the moment goes wrong, we can only blame ourselves and learn from it.

But it is for sure that we currently enjoy with our feelings.

Our hearts tied together for an eternal love between us.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Thursday, July 30, 2015

The Game of Chances

The Game of Chances

The Game of Chances

Many of us would like to take their chance especially to try to make some extra income.

Go to the casino to gamble and have a pleasant evening.

Keeping the intensity in mind and only think for to win.

They not think that gambling is more than just taking a chance, but when we lose it can have big consequences on it.

It can also be an addiction or the tendency to get our money quick back.

Usually we want to win back the lost money, but as a result we can lose
even more, because of we will or have the chance to lose control.

Every wise man should understand that if we do not have systems to play
there, we could lost all we have, because it will make for the casino to
win for to cover their running costs.

There is no mercy from the casino if we will loss our cash and there is also not a possibility to return any money to us.

If we are just going to play and start with gambling then the casino will always have more chances than You.

There are also persons players who are not gamblers and only calculate by all the odds to have a chance and win from the casino.

They have worked out entire systems with benefit calculations.

So they only go play a game with an advantage by their higher calculated probabilities.

Especially going to bet when they know from their calculation that will may have more opportunities to win than the casino.

The professional players play and bet only with a profitable and good tactic.

Betting with maximum amounts when the calculated probability only is maximal or with a guaranteed benefit.

Do not risk their money to gamble when the probability is very low.

The professional player know what they are doing and have their own pattern and self-esteem control system.

Play to win but will often be removed by management of the casinos.

All the connected casinos will be informed of that person.

Their first visit in the next casino will be denied for entrance directly after the passport control.

Because casinos are only there to make profits and for let us to lose.

Their formula is authorized to make calculations let us lose it safe for
them and we are not empowered for making calculations to win.

The game of chances is not equal with casino owners.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Home Sweet Home.

Home Sweet Home.

Home Sweet Home

Many of us reside in other cities or countries.

But this is the month with many holidays that we prefer celebrating at home.

Gather together to reunite along with family and friends.

Together share with each other everything that happened this year.

Talking about prosperity and adversity with a smile at each other.

New plans for the new year focused on our future together.

Because with family and friends, we can talk about intimate things.

Together doing fun things and dine with the fine refreshments.

A real reunion with lots of love and affection for each other.

They are people where you always can rely on when have problems.

Have most of Joy together with the feeling at home.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Complex Life.

Complex Life.

Complex Life

How complicated a life can be?

On that question we all have a good answer.

The life experience that we all have already demonstrated to ​​us how complex situations we have been through.

But no matter how complicated it may be, we always know we can come back to balance our life.

With our patience and determination, all the complex situations can be resolved.

Sometimes it is easier to solve, but on the other time it will be more
complex, because the opportunities doesn’t available at that time for

However sometimes You can get more help at the right timing.

It is like a hurricane and can be very damaging and therefore created  the complex problems for You.

Then Your contacts and opportunities comes to You and contribute with a quick solutions.

But it can also be so complex thing that only You can solve it by Your own strong character, because they are psychology.

In life there are few things that we can not solve, but we must always remain calm and collected.

Then our complex life can turn into an Easy life.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Sunday, July 26, 2015

We will not get Bored with Our Partner.

We will not get Bored with Our Partner.

Good morning afternoon evening or night my Friend enjoy I wish You a Positive Day
You can read my story, Poetry in

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Happy day my Friend.

Bio about Jan Jansen #janjansen
Open Networker Jan Jansen​ all his social media accounts here :!/EasyBranches

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#Quote #Proverbs #Sayings #Inspiration #Life #Motivation
#pics #Daily #Stories #janjansen #peace #easybranches #easyjanjansen
#janjansen  Jan Jansen

Good morning afternoon evening or night my Friend enjoy I wish You a Positive Day
You can read my story, Poetry in

Feel FREE to share or tag Yourself into my Posts
Happy day my Friend.

Bio about Jan Jansen #janjansen
Open Networker Jan Jansen​ all his social media accounts here :!/EasyBranches

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#Quote #Proverbs #Sayings #Inspiration #Life #Motivation
#pics #Daily #Stories #janjansen #peace #easybranches #easyjanjansen
#janjansen  Jan Jansen

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Welkom in onze Nieuwe Wereld.

Welkom in onze Nieuwe Wereld.

Welkom in onze Nieuwe Wereld

Sommigen hebben ons misschien verkeerde aanwijzingen gegeven.

En ons laten denken dat onze wereld zou vergaan op een dag.

Velen zijn daar in gaan geloven en hebben bepaalde maatregelen genomen.

Dachten echt dat het afgelopen zou zijn met ademhalen op die dag.

Velen konden dan zo stoppen met roken en alcohol drinken wat niet lukte
van te voren ze beloofden het hun eigen iedere keer maar weer.

Maar hun wens is deze keer ook weer niet uitgekomen en doen het nog steeds.

Want we zijn er nog steeds met de zelfde glimlach  en er is niks veranderd.

De wereld is nog niet vergaan en wij blijven ook nog een tijdje bestaan.

Hopelijk met een goede gezondheid en voorspoed in de toekomst.

Dus laat laten we iedereen verwelkomen in de nieuwe wereld met positive en vreedzame gedachten.

Blijf in U zelf geloven met goede moed voor een nieuw en beter leven.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

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Welcome to our New World.

Welcome to our New World.

Welcome to our New World

Maybe some persons have given us the wrong directions.

And given us the prediction that the world would end on one day.

Many have believed on it and have taken certain precautions measurement.

Really thought that they will stop breathing after that day.

Many attempt to quit smoking and drinking liquor but failed in advance every time they promise it to themselves.

Their wish for this time to stop with addicted things as alcoholic drinks and smoking is also not true, but they still do it.

Because we are still here with the same smile and there’s nothing changed.

The world has not gone and we remain alive for a now.

Hopes for a good health and prosperity in the future.

So welcome all of us in peace to the new world with a positive mind.

Keep believing in Yourself with good cheer for a better life for the coming time.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Two Hearts become One.

Two Hearts become One.

Two Hearts become One

When the first eye contact, we already know what we want.

Then it remains to be seen whether the love is from both sides.

The Visual of Your eyes have given a signal to Your heart about that person.

But do the other person have the identical signal?

We can find out more when our conversation go along.

It will show us the mutual  feelings with an outcome.

If so, there will be more inspiration from the conversation and go further on to an relationship.

When You both think the same and share the common interest then it should be alright.

There will be multiple appointments follow by a closer feeling and desire for each other.

That desire will only strengthen by time and follow up with the new plans.

When we have been together for long time, then it is very natural to both discus about married and build a family.

With the same feelings and way of thinking we will go over the years and our two hearts will become one.

When the two hearts are with the same thinking and feelings, only the death can tear us apart.

Because when two hearts flow into each other , it will be an eternal love forever.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen @authorjanjansen
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