Saturday, February 8, 2014

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.

The post “Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde.” appear on “Nederlands” by Jan Jansen

via Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde..

Familie is een Plek waar het Leven Begint met een Nooit Eindigende Liefde Wijzelf zijn geboren in de aanwezigheid van onze ouders en dat zijn onze trouwste familieleden en vrienden. Vanaf die eerste dag zijn zij het die ons met een hechte band de meeste liefde hebben gegeven in het leven. Er kunnen ook directe of indirecte familieleden zijn waarmee wij ook een zeer goede relatie mee kunnen opbouwen en misschien bloedverwanten of aangetrouwde familieleden. Maar die worden in ieder geval als familielid toegevoegd en geaccepteerd door liefde. Bloed verwante familieleden kunnen we niet zelf kiezen en de zorgzame en liefdevolle bezorgdheid van onze familie voor elkaar is eeuwigdurend, niemand in de wereld kan deze gevoelens vervangen voor ons. Familie is ook de meest veiligste plek voor ons op deze aarde, wanneer we te kampen hebben met problemen in ons leven, tegen de tijd dat we ons huis of die van familieleden bereiken, voelen we ons veilig op eigen bodem. Iedereen verlangt naar geborgenheid en veiligheid onze familie is een liefde die nooit eindigt wat er ook gebeurd er zal altijd een verband blijven goed of slecht maar uit onze gedachte zullen ze nooit verdwijnen. Het is eigenlijk moeilijk te beschrijven maar het is als ijzer voor een magneet, familieleden blijven altijd naar elkaar aangetrokken worden met liefde en begrip. Sta samen sterk in het leven en blijf familie de eindeloze liefde geven. Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid. Auteur Jan Jansen Lees Meer Gedichten……. #gedichten #poetry #gedicht #verhaal #verhalen #poëzie #easybranches #janjansen

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love.

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love.

Family is a Place where Life Begins with a Never-ending Love

We were born in the presence of our parents and they are our most loyal friends.

From the first day, they are the one who have given us a strong bond in our life with their endless love.

There may also be some indirect relatives, or our in-laws with whom we can build a very strong relationship.

They are not our our direct family members, but we still accept them as our family by love.

We can not choose our blood related family members, but the caring and
loving concern for each of us within our family is an eternal one,
nobody in the world can replace these feelings for us.

Family is also the most safest place for us in this earth, whenever we
have to struggle in our life, by the time we reached our home, we feel
safe and secure in our home soil.

Everyone should know that the security and safety feeling which give to us by our family is a love that will never ends.

So no matter what,  in good or bad times, they will never disappear from our mind.

It is really hard to describe but it’s like an iron to a magnet, family
members continue to be always attracted and stick to each other with
their endless love and understanding.

Let’s us stand strong together in life and continue to give our family the endless love.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, February 7, 2014

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom.

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom.

Every Human who Live on this Earth Deserves a Pure Transparent Freedom

This is true but the word “freedom ” does
not mean that we can do anything we want, because we are part of the
society that demands responsibility from everybody.

All of us are free to do anything in the society but then again we
should always be responsible for the actions done by ourselves.

We have the freedom about this, so we can make the decision on how we
want to position ourselves with own behaviour or the way we dressed up.

For many people, the definition of freedom is that they can do whatever
they want, but that is wrong, because there are too many criminal rules
in the law book that everyone should follow.

Many demand freedom of speech or freedom to the press and think they are
free to do everything so they accomplish it in such a way to gain their
so called “freedom”.

But again there are limitations and rules being drawn up in the first
place so that will be some who struggle with contradictory in it without
a total freedom.

We will only be free if we have peace within ourselves and realized the
opportunity there, so we won’t be penalized for every single choice by

Our mind can be free and no restrictions on us when we have the peace for ourselves and for everybody else.

Can make our own choices and not to be dependent on things which are entrusted to us, that is the freedom.

Pure transparent freedom is very simple by abolishing the rules, so
everyone can define and implement it with their own choice, but that is
not possible.

So the result is that no one will be having the total freedom, but we
all still can feel comfortable with our own choice if we able to abide
all the rules.

This will follow-up with no problems to set us free.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, February 6, 2014

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life.

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life.

A Person who Nurse a Grievance will Never find Happiness in Life

Sometime it is unfortunately in our life
that the unpleasant things happen which can affect our feelings so we
will be having a lot of grief.

This gives such a huge emotional impact in our life which is almost
impossible to forget, but to constantly take it to anywhere is very

If it’s continue stay in our thoughts, it will play an important role
that may consistently give a profound pain to us, and every time this
will be a painful feeling arises with a retributive response to that

But this is unwise and it will only bring ourselves into trouble
mentally and contrary to our freedom limitations, because it has
actually captured our feelings.

When we think of it, its will give us no chance to consider about other
important things, it will also determine our state of mind and can turn
us into a bad mood.

We are going to create hatred toward others but also to ourselves and that will just make our life to be more unbearable.

It is better to accept the knowledge which has been transferred and
learn from it, and erase the designated person who gave us this bad
feelings from our contact and friend list.

And then again move on with our life positively so it will no longer play as a major role in our mind anymore.

Give forgiveness to ourselves and forgive others for their actions, this
is not because we agree with it, but just to recover our inner peace.

Because nurse a grievance will never compensate caused of grief for us, or to celebrate it as a victory.

It will not make us happier to make the same mistakes as the other person and give it back to them.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely.

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely.

Money is the Root of Evil if We do Not Use it Wisely

Money can provide a solution for many things, but not everything is for sale .

But everyone needs money to survive, and some persons want to do
everything to obtain for it that honesty is no longer a factor for them.

If we have an income and do not use it wisely, we will quickly running
out of money to pay for other services, and it can go wrong from there.

We ended up in a situation that we can not settle all of our debts, as a
conclusion that the outstanding amount will become higher.

And so we work ourselves into trouble and it creates bad feelings by our
own mistakes, because a creditor would not wait and we need to pay more
to them for the interest.

We are then be punished for our mistakes by increasing our debts but a solution must be needed to pay for everything.

A wise person will be working more harder or selling some of their assets to resolves all the outstanding debts in a good way.

The unwise person loses his self-respect and chooses to make money in
illegal ways, which will always be a wrong sequel in their life.

There are also other cases of money “greed” and then it will deploy all the damages.

Respect, decency or honesty is not important for these people, what
matters most for them is how fast our money goes into their pockets.

They are the evil and have no mercy or comfort for others, they see only
all the earned (cheating) money by them as a victory, and they don’t
care how they get the money.

Everything is prepared and counterfeit to them, we will never know the
true behavior of that person, we will understand it later, because it
looks like they are acting in a movie that time to achieve their desire

Money is hard to resist, especially if we lose our self-control, it can even increase the virulence factors in ourselves.

Never let money to be the culprit in our life, we should know how to spend it wisely and do not live beyond our means.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble.

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble.

It is Not Difficult to get Things that We Want in Our Life if We can Always be Humble

Nature does not need us but we need it to
survive, so always relativize our life with nature and be content with
whatever things that comes into our life.

Who does good will meet better, if we appear ourselves smaller than who
we are to the outsiders, so it is difficult for them to belittle us.

Ask ourselves what life want from us not what we want in life.

Of course, we must also have a purpose in our life, but it should not be something that we only can accomplish it in our dream.

Be realistic and that can make the difference in our lifestyle between
relaxed and a stressed life, because no one can break iron with hands.

Also realize that we are all interdependent of each other from the beginining of our birth.

A wise man know that it never changed, so we should help each other as much as possible, from our heart.

If we ourselves are not on the victory podium, we can not fall and this
will give us more relaxation because no one expect a better performance
from us.

Humility means that we can understand each other quickly, because nobody
is perfect and rapid acceptance of this is needed to be smart.

We will understand ourselves and others more faster so a disappointment will not come to us easily.

People who are humble will be able to make more fun for their views on life and with humility they can make their own laughter.

They will not quick judge others and this will bring better feelings
among the circle, so never wait for acknowledgments from others, because
they know their place in the society.

The silence is what motivates them and acceptance of what they already
have in life and to appreciate all the experiences will give them a free

That give an easier opportunity in social life because others do not see
them as a challenger but as a person who do not want to gain power in

But more importantly for them is to find friendship and not always
looking for the errors by someone else, knowing that when two people are
fighting, both sides are wrong,

Allow others to learn something with a reward will determine how far
we’ve come, because the conditions we have will show what we can

Someone who has suffered setbacks also knows that it will determine the circumstances on how far we can go.

Friendship and social are so important in our life, so we need to build a
good foundation with that  which can lead us to a better life.

Self-knowledge is so important, we can realize it when we look into the
mirror and smile to acknowledge that humility is the right choice.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self.

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self.

The Way a Person Behaves when he has Everything, will Reflect his True Self

In our life, no one can tell during a meeting what the other person owns or how are their inner feelings.

We can never determined it In a conversation, regardless of what our eyes see or what was being said.

A first meeting and conversation is always dependent on the importance
of why this appointment take place and that can determine the
temperature of mood.

Whether to achieve benefits or disadvantages will play a major role in the middle of a conversation.

Never judge a book by its cover, because a millionaire do not need fancy dress or to drive in a Rolls Royce.

Because of wrong judgement, we start already with the initial errors and
that can bring the disappointment for others so we can only try to
recover our mistake with a excuse.

Actually, who, what, color, rich and how important someone is, should play no role in our life.

Because everyone were born on the same manner with equal rights, only some people abuse it, but that is another matter.

But everyone deserves to get respect and can also give it to others, to be kind does not cost any money.

Some may think that they are better than others, because they have more
possessions and therefore can get higher opportunities, but that’s

A righteous person will never judge something when there is no 100 % proof of this.

We should give a kind word for everyone and respect them regardless of their appearance or true origins.

Understanding is what is often lacking in most people, they can not make
any justification on others but only can classify their own life.

An open-minded person will care about others and also be able to assess the situation and carry out his actions from there.

We all are not raised in the same family and country, so there will
always remain some differences among us but the respect should be the

Everyone have their pros and cons but we all can show the same respect for each other with a friendly smile.

Don’t let the opulence affect our life, be happy and respect what we
have so we can let everyone to keep their self-esteem and to rule as it
does with respect.

Love and friendship is more valuable than materialistic so don’t wait
until we lose on both only then we will understand the real value of it.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement.

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement.

Every Failure is a Great Lesson for Us to Grow with Improvement

Why we do not have the on and off switch on the body that we can use, this will be better when we have it in our life.

Then we can make a good choice, because everybody in life make mistakes
so maybe it is better to have a switch with three button to decide for
small, medium or big mistakes.

So that we can adapt to the person who join in our conversation and then
be free to make a choice depending on how the communication is

Every conversation which turns out to be a setback shall not defeat us, because we can learn from it.

And every blunder we make in our life both private or business is also
not a downfall for us, because we can learn to use it good as an
informative experience.

It will just prevent us from a collapse, because we can take
preventative measures which will ensure that it not will become a

Think slightly further, it can help us to prevent that we will not fail
and our pursue not can lead to a disaster, because we already carry out
the necessary actions to remedy the situation, so our intelligence will
be a blessing in disguise.

Through trial and error we can be wise, so do not be afraid to do things wrong, but just go ahead with it.

Life experience give us the opportunity to develop further and to
achieve our ideals, of course there will be time and financial losses
but in the end we won’t miss out on the goal we want to achieve.

As we learn from our failure, we can improve our life and continue with learning the lesson.

As long as we never give up, then we will grow in this society.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Do Not Overthink about Something, Because that will only Lead Us to Negative Thoughts

Sometimes we make things that touch our feelings which can cause the emotions arise and it will not disappear from our mind.

In fact, we make ourselves crazy by keep thinking about something which is already happened but we can not simply change it.

It is normal to think about it in real life but if we keep thinking about negative, that will affect our mind.

When we are nervous and thereby can be over-strained, it is actually a psychological war within ourselves.

If we keep those things away from us, at the same time we can be busy
with fun things and that would give us a positive thoughts.

The moment we no more have counsel or ideas to get rid of these foolish
thoughts, it is wise to listen the advice from a specialist in this

Because if we keep thinking about something that we have no solution, it’s just a waste of our time.

Without a solution, we will only evolve negative thoughts, and there will be no place for our joyful moments.

Life will then shows frustrating examples to us and that will attune our thoughts upon.

Let us not be influenced by negative things and block it from our mind, we should see it as a lesson of life.

Try to start every day with a clean slate of mind, be optimistic and do
not think too much more negative things which have happened in the past.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, January 31, 2014

Een Echte Leider Inspireert anderen door Daden, niet Louter Alleen op Woorden.

Een Echte Leider Inspireert anderen door Daden, niet Louter Alleen op Woorden.

Een Echte Leider Inspireert anderen door Daden, niet Louter Alleen op Woorden

Wij zijn allen leiders en hebben de leiding over onze eigen gedachten en ons lichaam.

Als wij daar niet goed mee weten om te gaan gaat alles in ons leven
verkeerd en zullen we de controle verliezen en komen met loze woorden.

Een leider weet ook op de zwaarste momenten oplossingen te vinden voor
zichzelf en zo anderen te inspireren met daden te laten zien en hun moed
in te spreken.

Door voorbeelden met resultaten te tonen kunnen we anderen ervan
overtuigen dat het geen mooie woorden zijn maar de gerealiseerde
waarheid word getoond.

Op het moment dat we onze woorden niet in daden kunnen omzetten zal het
vertrouwen in ons verloren gaan en worden onze zwakke kanten
blootgesteld aan iedereen.

Dan kunnen we over leiderschap al niet meer spreken en zullen we alleen
nog maar instaat zijn om een andere leider te kunnen volgen.

Als wij dan anderen kunnen inspireren door betere resultaten te
verwezenlijken dan de leider zouden we instaat zijn om het leiderschap
terug te veroveren.

Geen woorden maar daden is de enige bron om anderen te inspireren om ons
aan te wijzen als een leider die instaat is om betere resultaten dan
anderen te laten zien.

Want wie wil er nu luisteren naar een persoon wat denkt een leider te
zijn maar die ons niks kan leren met woorden en als het op daden aankomt
niet weet hoe de juiste volgorde is om het beste resultaat te

De persoon die in een gemeenschap in het bijzijn van meerdere mensen die
in competitie zijn beste daden met nummer 1 resultaten kan tonen mag
zich een waardige leider noemen.

Een leider is iemand die woorden kan omzetten in geïnspireerde daden en daden kan verklaren met inspirerende woorden.

We zijn allemaal leiders en zoeken naar een vreedzaam leven in harmonie.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

A True Leader Inspires Others through Actions, Not Purely on Words

A True Leader Inspires Others through Actions, Not Purely on Words

A True Leader Inspires Others through Actions, Not Purely on Words

We are all leaders and in charge of our own mind and body.

If we do not know how to take care this, everything might go wrong in
our life, we will lose control and come up with empty words.

A leader know how to find solution in the toughest moments for
themselves and thereby can inspire others with deeds, this will give
them courage.

Through examples of results, we show that we can convince others not only by nice words but also can display the actual truth.

On the moment when we can not turn our words into actions, for sure
somebody will lost confidence in us and our weaknesses are being exposed
to everyone.

Then we can no longer speak of leadership, and we will only be the follower of  another leader.

If we can inspire others to achieve better results than the leader then we would be able to regain the leadership again.

Not only words is the only source to inspire people but to show with
better results than others, so we can convince them by displaying our
actions on who to be appointed as their leader.

Because nobody want to listen to a person who pretend themselves as a
leader but can’t teach anything with words and when it comes to deeds,
they do not know what is the correct order to obtain the best results.

The person who stay in a community with the presence of several people,
are in a league action to show the best results, then they can call
themselves a worthy leader.

A true leader can convert their words into inspired actions and all deeds which will motivate others with inspiring words.

We are all Leaders and searching for a peaceful life in harmony.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Be Blessed for Our Gratitude then We are Not Far from the Goal to Achieve Prosperity

Be Blessed for Our Gratitude then We are Not Far from the Goal to Achieve Prosperity

Be Blessed for Our Gratitude then We are Not Far from the Goal to Achieve Prosperity

We all know that few things in life we never can achieve the success independently without the help and expertise of others.

To be able to use it, we need a good social attitude and to know what is the real meaning for the word “respect”.

When the people acknowledge our gratitude, and telling this to others, then a good wealth is waiting for us.

Appreciate others who help us with anything, or we work together with
them if necessary in our partnership by giving a loyalty reward.

This will help us to move forward in spreading our best efforts and
contributions to be the provision of mutual respect and support.

“Sharing is caring” , and someone who loves to share will always be able
to divide interests in life, selfishness and greed will do no good and
it will only reduce the prosperity.

And this will not create goodwill among human, those who not want to
share and collaborate with others will not make friends and that shall
not allow for their contact propagation.

Be grateful when we are able to work with others and together give the
power with a sharing knowledge to build as a powerful team to achieve
the goals.

A team with their respective various assignments, will make the move
faster to get the quicker results achieved with the goal of success.

As a result, many people will share the prosperity and everyone can achieve their desired purpose.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Always be Prepared under Whatever Circumstances.

Always be Prepared under Whatever Circumstances.

Always be Prepared under Whatever Circumstances

It is almost impossible to get everything perfect and to run smoothly throughout our lives .

Sometimes unexpected things happen, but if we are well prepared, we will not get into panic when we face in this situation.

As the proverb says : “Dig the well before we get thirsty”

Therefore, it is good if we can think of most things ahead in order to prepare ourselves before it’s too late.

Small things can seems to be unimportant sometimes but it can run into a gigantic problem.

So prevention is better than cure and if we have taken all the initial steps then the solution will not be far away from us.

Preparing for something is even more important for the end result that
we want to reach, because without preparation it is impossible to
achieve this.

There should always be a back-up plan when things go unexpectedly wrong,
we no more have to think about the solution but can take immediate
action to remedy it.

It is always better that an outsider does not even notice that there is
something  going on in wrong direction, because at that time there may
be panic and this will definitely cause a negative impact.

If we always working together as a team, then more persons can think of the preparations on the subjects which may can go wrong.

That will make the difference and a lot more easier to deliver things in a well organized event or excellent products.

Never think that everything in our life will be perfectly smooth, just
because of we already have certain advantages that others do not possess

There will always be some things happen on the oddest moments in our life, which we ourselves will be completely amazed by it.

Always be well prepared for every circumstance, so an unexpected surprise can be solved with keep smiling even if we have tears.

Let’s don’t give the chance for any unexpected event to be triumph in the expected time.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.

The post \”Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone..

Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.

The post \”Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone..

Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.

Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone.

Encouragement is the Best support we can Give to Someone

Life can have an excellent side, and then we are very happy, but there is sometimes a downside with a low point.

On that moment our thoughts are not quite clear, then we must conclude
that there are many things no longer important, because we miss the

Many of us have been acquainted with the dark side and met the bad times in our life before.

And in this period without the encouraging words of our parents, friends
or loved ones, it is almost impossible for us to move on.

But the encouraging words will give us hope so we see the light shining
again and get back our courage to continue oriented for solutions.

It is sometimes easy to give monetary benefits to another person or receive it but that is not always the good solution.

Because sometimes we just forget that most people need encouragement which can not be obtained with money.

An auxiliary support can help someone to get their confidence back and
then completely re-energized to sees life as optimistic again.

A “heart stabbing under the belt” can sometimes work wonders and during a
setback, the battery can be charging with full of energy to help us
think positively.

That is why it is so important that we are among the right people who
want to give each other support and not just looking for profit.

Support each other in troubling times is something that needed by everyone, because a year has no 365 exceptional days.

When we are having the dark days, we all need a shoulder to cry on,
preferably someone who can give encouragement and support for our grief.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Monday, January 27, 2014

Never Tell the Story from a Book that We have Not Read.

Never Tell the Story from a Book that We have Not Read.

Never Tell the Story from a Book that We have Not Read

There are people in this world who know
things better but still we can’t tell if the person actually did it or
experienced it before.

It’s usually something that they heard from others or read it somewhere,
then go the extra mile to completely fabricated the original story.

They find it important and come across as interesting, especially when
they twisted and turn the truth to let other believe their story.

So they spread the bad word about others who not entirely deserve to be
blamed and they only want to get advantages for themselves by doing

Sometimes we hear stories about ourselves that we do not even know
anything about it, and it just tells us how exaggerated others to us .

We should know how to react with our attitude and tied with our mouths
when listen to something completely not based on the truth.

Because of a different story has has been scattered throughout the world
and when people only listen the version from one side, they will judged
immediately and this only make the matters to become more worse.

We can not defend our own if not listen to our story when the narrator is in there, and so they all get the credit.

But if we do not absolutely know first about something, it is better not
to believe directly anything we think it is equivalent, but always
trying to approach for an explanation, so we are able to listen the
story from both sides.

Because to have judgments about something that we do not know for sure
is unwise and can be a major mistake that may became a big disadvantage
for us later.

Someone who talks about others will also speak about us when we are not there, therefore it will be no good for us.

Only when we have read the story ourselves or experienced it then we can tell or judge about what is the truth.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Always Begin our New Day with a Broad Smile.

Always Begin our New Day with a Broad Smile.

Always Begin our New Day with a Broad Smile

Why we should not start our day optimistically with a smile?

A new day can bring happiness that may not be there yesterday, and to be
pessimistic, we only make ourselves down and it give us a bad mood.

Then it will radiates from our face and give others a bad impression so
they are reluctant to approach for a chat or smile with us.

Be always cheerful and optimistic in our mind then we can easily get the lesser situations in our life under control.

We also will have the earlier opportunity to work with others and to
share joyful moments which can give a better impression of ourselves.

If our day started with a bad temper will only raised more negativity in us and that is not a wise move.

Getting up with a passionate smile and courage will make us realize that
we must do everything in order to show a wider laugh to others.

Due to we manage to solve all the problems one by one and complete with
seeing the joy again thus can restore ourselves in a good mood.

Not give others a chance to be influenced by our negative mood, so
immediately from the opening of our eyes, we have to think about all
problems what can bring to us on this day.

It’s better to awake with a brilliant smile and think for awhile the
problems that we are going to fix again today is the best way to improve
our life.

Sometimes it is not going to be easy in life, but a broad smile will make everyone happy and enjoyable.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.

The post \”Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Self Confidence is the First Step to Success..

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success We not call a spade a spade and can safely say that everyone want a successful life. But to achieve success is not something that just happens by itself and first we should know in what direction we want to go for being successful. For sure we need to have a comprehensive plan with every detail in it, so we cannot forget entirely how we are going to address all of them. Only if we have trust in ourselves then the plan will have a better chance to be successful. Complete with a confident plan we can start it with full courage and work out everything down to the last detail. If we are not sure about something, we should not allow ourselves be bluffed by it but first figure out everything properly so we are able to organize everything very well. Without proper guidance, we will never achieve a perfect result and will rather prevail in the opposite side and that is failure. But every successful person has so much confidence and ideas in there mind, so there is always a suitable solution by them for every shortcoming. They start things full of confidence and passion in their minds, because everything has already been inscribed, so they only have to follow the planned steps to get their desired end result. So as we want to perform in a complete developed plan, we must follow the first steps with fully confident in order to get a successful result. We wish everybody success with self confidence, because these are the first steps in a successful plan. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.

The post \”Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.\” appear on \”English\” by Jan Jansen

via Self Confidence is the First Step to Success..

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success We not call a spade a spade and can safely say that everyone want a successful life. But to achieve success is not something that just happens by itself and first we should know in what direction we want to go for being successful. For sure we need to have a comprehensive plan with every detail in it, so we cannot forget entirely how we are going to address all of them. Only if we have trust in ourselves then the plan will have a better chance to be successful. Complete with a confident plan we can start it with full courage and work out everything down to the last detail. If we are not sure about something, we should not allow ourselves be bluffed by it but first figure out everything properly so we are able to organize everything very well. Without proper guidance, we will never achieve a perfect result and will rather prevail in the opposite side and that is failure. But every successful person has so much confidence and ideas in there mind, so there is always a suitable solution by them for every shortcoming. They start things full of confidence and passion in their minds, because everything has already been inscribed, so they only have to follow the planned steps to get their desired end result. So as we want to perform in a complete developed plan, we must follow the first steps with fully confident in order to get a successful result. We wish everybody success with self confidence, because these are the first steps in a successful plan. I wish you a healthy life. Kindly Regards, Author Jan Jansen Read More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote #easybranches #janjansen

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success.

Self Confidence is the First Step to Success

We not call a spade a spade and can safely say that everyone want a successful life.

But to achieve success is not something that just happens by itself and first we

should know in what direction we want to go for being successful.

For sure we need to have a comprehensive plan with every detail in it,
so we cannot forget entirely how we are going to address all of them.

Only if we have trust in ourselves then the plan will have a better chance to be successful.

Complete with a confident plan we can start it with full courage and work out everything down to the last detail.

If we are not sure about something, we should not allow ourselves be
bluffed by it but first figure out everything properly so we are able to
organize everything very well.

Without proper guidance, we will never achieve a perfect result and will
rather prevail in the opposite side and that is failure.

But every successful person has so much confidence and ideas in there
mind, so  there is always a suitable solution by them for every

They start things full of confidence and passion in their minds, because
everything has already been inscribed, so they only have to follow the
planned steps to get their desired end result.

So as we want to perform in a complete developed plan, we must follow
the first steps with fully confident in order to get a successful

We wish everybody success with self confidence, because these are the first steps in a successful plan.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Friday, January 24, 2014

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us.

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for u.

Successful individuals will not be respected if there is no moral dignity in them.We can go somewhere just to show our presence and do not talk anything, but it is still very important and interesting for a specific person or a group of peoples whom are there with us.Usually, this added value of presence is good for several people including ourselves.If we can influence the atmosphere or someone by being at the right place, that will give us a respected and satisfied feeling.Our presence can be important in many different areas, it can mean social, but it also have to do with our work.Being there with love and understanding is obviously good for our ego.And when others love us, because of our personality, that will be excellent.Being true to ourselves and others, and thus should give them the respect they deserve what will be giving a lot of added value for everyone.Before we take the trouble to go somewhere for a reason, always think of something or someone important for us at that location.If there is anyone in this location or multiple people waiting for us and they are so happy with our presence there, we must realize that it is a respect for us.This means that we have the added value in their life, and that we are important to them, for one reason or another.And so it is the same for ourselves when someone is in our close vicinity, because they are the persons who give us the added value that we need to fulfill our desire in life.So we realize and know that the presence of that person or persons are very important for us and therefore we respect them by their added value. I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,Author Jan Jansen More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote#easybranches #janjansen

via Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us..

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us.

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for u.

Successful individuals will not be respected if there is no moral dignity in them.We can go somewhere just to show our presence and do not talk anything, but it is still very important and interesting for a specific person or a group of peoples whom are there with us.Usually, this added value of presence is good for several people including ourselves.If we can influence the atmosphere or someone by being at the right place, that will give us a respected and satisfied feeling.Our presence can be important in many different areas, it can mean social, but it also have to do with our work.Being there with love and understanding is obviously good for our ego.And when others love us, because of our personality, that will be excellent.Being true to ourselves and others, and thus should give them the respect they deserve what will be giving a lot of added value for everyone.Before we take the trouble to go somewhere for a reason, always think of something or someone important for us at that location.If there is anyone in this location or multiple people waiting for us and they are so happy with our presence there, we must realize that it is a respect for us.This means that we have the added value in their life, and that we are important to them, for one reason or another.And so it is the same for ourselves when someone is in our close vicinity, because they are the persons who give us the added value that we need to fulfill our desire in life.So we realize and know that the presence of that person or persons are very important for us and therefore we respect them by their added value. I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,Author Jan Jansen More Poetry……. #poem #poetry #poems #story #stories #quote#easybranches #janjansen

via Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us..

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us.

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us.

Our Presence should Bring the Added Value to Someone who is Important for us

Successful individuals will not be respected if there is no moral dignity in them.

We can go somewhere just to show our presence and do not talk anything,
but it is still very important and interesting for a specific person or a
group of peoples whom are there with us.

Usually, this added value of presence is good for several people including ourselves.

If we can influence the atmosphere or someone by being at the right place, that will give us a respected and satisfied feeling.

Our presence can be important in many different areas, it can mean social, but it also have to do with our work.

Being there with love and understanding is obviously good for our ego.

And when others love us, because of our personality, that will be excellent.

Being true to ourselves and others, and thus should give them the
respect they deserve what will be giving a lot of added value for

Before we take the trouble to go somewhere for a reason, always think of something or someone important for us at that location.

If there is anyone in this location or multiple people waiting for us
and they are so happy with our presence there, we must realize that it
is a respect for us.

This means that we have the added value in their life, and that we are important to them, for one reason or another.

And so it is the same for ourselves when someone is in our close
vicinity, because they are the persons who give us the added value that
we need to fulfill our desire in life.

So we realize and know that the presence of that person or persons are
very important for us and therefore we respect them by their added

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sometimes It is Better Late than Never.

Sometimes It is Better Late than Never.

Sometimes It is Better Late than Never

When we are young, we all have dreams about future, but as time passes, we may not been able to make this become a reality.
We have the capabilities for different
things and the ability to perform it, but there may have a few wishes
that we still could not fulfill it now.
There are many changes over the years,
also the thoughts about our life but certain things from childhood will
always remain in our memory.
Until perhaps after years, the possibility may arises that we are able to turn our dream from the past into a reality.
And at that time we might be having the uncertainty, because we think that we are too old to start something.
Because we already have several other activities in our hand and thereby having doubt to even begin with it.
Perhaps its no longer fit into our lifestyle or we already have new family members that deserve our attention more.
It was a dream for us when we only a
kid and it’s never happened because there was no possibility for make it
real on that time, but now everything is possible!!!!
Our wishes and dreams have no expiration date, so why should we restrained ourselves and not let it become true.
We are never too old to learn something and almost nothing is being tied to a physical disadvantage by age.
Never stop to pursue and to let our
childhood dream become true, and when it really turns into a reality, we
will welcome it with joy.
It’s better late than never so it is always possible for us to achieve anything in reality from our past thoughts.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship.

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship.

A Small Leak will Sink a Great Ship

Some of us like to use the leisure
approach against a small problem, but remember that it can turn into a
gigantic and if we cannot solve, it would be a disaster.

Every problem we have is too much, that is the way we should strongly think about it .

At that time it perhaps mean nothing, but if we feel we have the
responsibility to understand it, we may prevent it from getting out of
hand which possibly cause the multiple effects for us.

The problem may become so large and the panic begins, so we should not overlook it.

It is not possible to solve anything quickly because by then we will be
nervous and making mistakes when we force ourselves to clear the trouble
too fast.

Even in our personal life, it is important to stay out of the trouble
area and to communicate decently with united to each other.

It will be selfish if we are misbehaving and not will tolerate it from other, then we will always offend others with nothing.

We should be facing each other very socially, because an insult may be
perceived as a humiliation and anticipate in an illicit fight.

Patience is virtue, so try to wait for the right moment to discuss sensitive things in order to  live in peace together.

Do not lost friendship of years due to a very small argument and be loyal to each other after a tedious discussion.

Most of the times, saying sorry and admit mistakes may just be enough to resolve any disagreements.

Be reticent and patience is a noble sentiment, and this can prevent the ship on the open ocean sinks through a small hole

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Past is a History.

Past is a History.

Past is a History

Many people talk and think about it, and its keeps appearing too often in our mind.
It ‘s already happened, and all belonged to the past, but most things are still in our thoughts even we live in the present.
should not let the bad experiences to be haunted our life, instead
treat it as a lesson for us and learned from it, and engrave it as a
good memory for history in our mind.
things will not hurt us, but we can not forget those malignant events
which have happened in the past and its keep repeating in our heads.
So we have to understand the situation more and conclude it with peace because that was a part of the past and it’s over.
Try to think wisely so to give ourselves the love of life.
Do not let the pain of the past to dominate our mind and think better for the future.
The past will never come back exactly as before, now we are living in the present.
should have learned from it and the sooner we can forgive bad things,
our life will be reviving with a positive and joyful start.
Say goodbye to bitter past and only remember the positive things can make peace for our thoughts.
And this will give us no chance to think about the negative past.
‘s the whole way to lift ourselves out from the past so more joyous
moments will come to us and we can live in peace and no more wake up
because of bad dreams.
Let rest the past in peace, keep it as a history and welcome the future with a smile.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen

Monday, January 20, 2014

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Do not be Overconfidence because There is Always One Mountain Higher than Another

Be civilized, simple and remain polite become difficult for many people especially when it’s all going very well.
Most of us forget that all is relative and may change from time to time, because we are living in the moment.”now”
But by hubris we no longer think about it, because it goes so good that after only can be more better.
Be confident about everything what we do is ok but don’t get over it,  because we are not going to get along any better.
It is not wise if we think we already bigger than the rest, because there is always someone else who is better .
Whichever “too” statements could cause problems in our life, too big, too small or too overconfident etc.
But we also must not be discouraged, because when we’ve done our best, we have nothing to be ashamed of.
And we may quite confident and proud of ourselves for it anyway because we have done it.
But remain humble is something which have a longer shelf-life with a better starting base.

In adversity, we will not loss of face and others are more likely to
understand about the situation, if we are modest than that then we are
overconfident against  everyone and people will not like us.
When we
are overconfident, it will show reversed to others in a bad time, they
will be more happy to say “good for that conceit sufferer.”
Better we behave normal then its already crazy enough for life, because tall trees catch much wind.
As we stand on the top of a mountain, we will always see higher mountains.
To reach the top is a long way to go, but no one can predict the speed of going down.

Be ourselves and let’s move mountains with our minds, because hubris
will only shift our character and attitude to another level.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards,
Author Jan Jansen