Sunday, April 6, 2014

Hatred is a Network of Mirrors that will Reflect on Our Own.

Hatred is a Network of Mirrors that will Reflect on Our Own.

Hatred is a Network of Mirrors that will Reflect on Our Own

Satire can occur in a person that have
done things wrong to us or our loved ones, and that is understandable,
but hate someone or something what we do not know or have never met is a

Prejudice is one of the biggest mistakes that we can make in our life
because it is a thought which is not entirely based on our own
experience or the truth .

Soon after we have taken note of something we can start with our
judgment , but judging by the words or experiences of others is
completely unwise.

If we do not know in advance what has happened between something or some people we know, we should never give an honest opinion.

Every stories always have three sides : person who create hatred , a victim and the truth.

We can not hate someone because they are different from us or just listening to the word from somebody else for some reason.

Experience something ourselves first before we make any judgments
without reasons. therefore hate others because of the history by when we
do not even lived or experienced that is unjustified.

Everything is a reflection of our own attitude “hate to be hated”, “give love to be loved ” , “who does well will met well”.

Reflection between the good and evil can always be overcome and give us
the inner peace and restful souls with a sense of pride when we are
confronted with our own face in a mirror.

Hostility or revenge will change our own behavior into evil and never
can create the relaxation that we need to have a good feeling.

The hatred feeling that emit by us will be reflected in others and give
them a wrong impression about us, and if we are cheerful and laughing
then the radiation will also come back with joy and pleasure.

Meditate and philosophize about hate is a impossible case and will only
bring our own spiritually in trouble, so say goodbye to the people with
hateful thoughts and get on with our life.

There are seven billion people in the world and we can not hate or judge everyone, but we can choose the friends by ourselves.

Live with caring so that when the time comes, we will not hate the person we meet in the mirror.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

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