Monday, March 9, 2015

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind.

Many things we do in our life are based on having faith in ourselves or others, and from there we follow instinctively what dictates our heart.

We have our own lifestyle and demeanor with spoken words which ourselves
are satisfied with it and have a good feeling as the way we behave.

Other people, friends or relations may have a different course of action, but that’s their life
and not ours, we can choose how to deal with them by making adjustments
to ourselves or waving goodbye to them, everyone is free in this

We can not choose on our family members, but for choosing friends and
acquaintances, we all should have the power to decide about who does or
does not suit us.

We all should just click instinctively, and it is important to
understand each other well in harmony, so whenever there is a dispute
between us, we can talk about it with a good mutual communication.

Sometimes we are extremely impressed with something and want to share
with others, but not to everyone, just with those who we respect and

We want to share our thoughts and find out what other think about it,
because it is true from our hearts, so we are very impressed and proud
to tell others about that.

Then we may hear some different view via the mindset of others while
exchanging thoughts with them, it can be  happened because everybody
view things differently based on their position.

That can either bring improvement or deterioration in our idea, but most
important for us is to have hope with believing in our instinct and
thoughts together.

If we believe in our thoughts, we should just keep our lifestyles and
not let the thinking by others to affect our mind, because that will
give us no joy.

Never follow the thought by others if we believe in ourselves, because that will probably drown our inner beauty.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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