Saturday, October 17, 2015

Meet Our Own Mirror Image

Meet Our Own Mirror Image

Meet Our Own Mirror Image

If we are looking good around and learn from it, the nature will helps us with everything.
We need only to think about it as well, about the how and why and after can know or understand it completely.
All of life is a complete reflection of ourselves as in face off the same fully respected people.
A person that give a lot of respect get more consideration with respect back again.
We ourselves do good for the world and others as they do well back again to us.
Whoever does good, which well met.
Everything is a reflection of what we give ourselves to the society.
Life is so simple if we are fortunate enough to be able to meet people with the same mutual respect.
The reflection of ourselves will always overcome the evils.
honest is the best policy and will get every finish line in life with a
victory achieved with satisfaction and a inner pride.
ourselves not with others and hope that everyone his thoughts are equal
in our circle of friends so we know that we are dealing with the right
Humans with concern, alertness, attentiveness, indulgent,
respect, flexibility, admiration, appreciation and bestow respect to
every relationship.
Bet You!
That of course will met people on our
life path which we must sense perceive and experience that not
everybody thinking and feels the same like us.
Let ourselves
therefore not automatically discourage by these individuals, they bump
naturally into someone that have much more worse manners and intentions
with them.
Honesty with respect will always win, life is a mirror
image with a boomerang effect which give in returns justice and

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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