Saturday, November 7, 2015

Velocity is Vigor

Velocity is Vigor

Velocity is Vigor

Speed ​​is the quantity of change per unit time.
If our speed was so fast as lightning, we can quick achieve a lot in a short time.
This enables us to shorten the time of any operation in our continued existence on earth.
give possibilities and accessibility to promoted finished resultant
deeds with a faster distribution and this increase our capabilities.
By proliferating the pace we can produce higher capacities.
And with swiftness, we can deliver more in a shorter time frame.
By possess quickness we’re able to achieve more in our life.
are able to accomplish more and to make appointments with agreements
about what is beneficial for all, because multiplication of contacts is
also a development process.
Speed ​​overcomes almost everything in our life if there is the potential for development are, because we only have two hands.
should also be possible physically and mentally what is dependent on
our physical condition, sometimes our brains want to, but there is for
forthcoming no possibility.
The sun is not hurried by early risers, so never lose control of our talented skills, quality orientation or patience.
The speed of light is not measurable, it will not be and we never have to match it.
is perfect, but striving for perfection is the fastest decision for
ourselves with velocity and vigor on the way to a better life.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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