Some have Help Needed
Some have Help Needed
Please help us with all our problems?
They pile up and are getting multiplies but also more worse.
It all looks so good in the coming future, but now today we have nothing to this prediction.
The problems now must be solved first before we can take the next step or steps.
Some can not cope with themselves more and see the trees for the forest anymore.
Are psychologically a weak point and have for their own no more recommendations.
Think everything is turned against them and no more trust their own shadow.
Assume that the people around have turned against them and can not handle that feeling.
Some are team workers and know that if unite together then we can handle everything.
Only many people understand that not so good and go for egoism so thinking only on own interest.
And thinking only for the short period, forget that since unites with
friends there is striving for the rest of their life for togetherness..
Together to help each other through difficult periods and then take care for each other.
Whether it is jealousy or ignorance we can not explain, maybe it’s some kind of power struggle.
But mankind is so changing that many things are not exactly to follow anymore.
Whether the economic crisis entails it or greedy, why some people do not understand or know it.
Everyone knows that deserves money comes and most cash leave us again
and to earn it is not difficult if we have a good reputation and deliver
excellent work.
Rulings or oral statements are only words and are often not fulfilled, results that count in life.
Some need to get help among the populations, but most people are getting harder and have no more compassion for another.
Self-interest is so naturally obvious at this time, we only need to look around us.
Together we are strong and united unbeatable, so we can achieve more results with every ones input of their own knowledge.
Many people who support each other together with different knowledge of something is an powerful empire.
Allow those people and let coöperate together can make many things dynamic and well again.
But many will still need many nights of sleep for thinking through their opportunism.
Time losses right now when it’s so important, why they think so narcissistic many will do not understand that.
That puts some who need quick help on thinking, but something change to it, alone they cannot.
Or are that the person who understand or see everything wrong?
Until the time arises that we ourselves need help.
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