Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

In our life there are so many things that unintentionally can go wrong by some unexpected circumstances.

And of course, thereby there are many things go wrong in our own life in an unpleasant way and give us heartache.

At such time we can about that do quite comfortless or get being malicious, but that will not change the situation.

We can go sit in the pit or find oneself on, but must also climb out again to move on with our life.

So it’s very good if we can control our own and start to thinking positively about it with finding a suitable solution.

Everyone knows that it is not easy to think positive in a bad situation
and sometimes ourselves can also have problems with it, but that’s which
forms a part of our life.

Somewhere negatively to respond, solves nothing and can make matters only more worse, psychologically and mentally.

It is rather more likely to cause additional difficulties than it would
control or solve the situation and that not will be the very worst.

We can also get ourselves physically in trouble, so does not be too worried and try on a relaxing way to solve everything.

Because if we can not control the situation itself, can it be a danger to ourselves.

What will happen if we disappear in our bad situation, who is going to solve our problem?

Here lurks the great danger and our problem will only worsen, because we
ourselves some extent to take over the responsibility, because in
actions of another is to wait and see what will happen.

So it is wise to always remain positive, start to think about it and learn from it, that will bring always a better solution.

Patiently awaiting for the exact timing and then motivated take the effective action will give us better results.

Hasty do something does not give every time a good feeling afterwards,
and certainly not if we perform to do an action in a bad mood.

Even if something bad happens and we then want to make or take a quick decision by the nerves.

All things that are normal in life and will happen unconsciously by everyone, but try to remain calm continuously.

Maybe only at prodigy not happen those things, which are the outliers among us.

Try every day to start positively, with wonderful thoughts, after all it
is a new beginning of a fresh day with other opportunities and chances.

And starting daily anything positive there will be also a possibility  favorable to succeed at everything.

But when it not will happen like this and unfortunately something negative will happened, I feel so sorry for it.

It’s then tedious for our positive thinking, but I can not be
responsible for implications and take therefore also no justification
accountable for it.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

Positive Thinking

In our life there are so many things that unintentionally can go wrong by some unexpected circumstances.

And of course, thereby there are many things go wrong in our own life in an unpleasant way and give us heartache.

At such time we can about that do quite comfortless or get being malicious, but that will not change the situation.

We can go sit in the pit or find oneself on, but must also climb out again to move on with our life.

So it’s very good if we can control our own and start to thinking positively about it with finding a suitable solution.

Everyone knows that it is not easy to think positive in a bad situation
and sometimes ourselves can also have problems with it, but that’s which
forms a part of our life.

Somewhere negatively to respond, solves nothing and can make matters only more worse, psychologically and mentally.

It is rather more likely to cause additional difficulties than it would
control or solve the situation and that not will be the very worst.

We can also get ourselves physically in trouble, so does not be too worried and try on a relaxing way to solve everything.

Because if we can not control the situation itself, can it be a danger to ourselves.

What will happen if we disappear in our bad situation, who is going to solve our problem?

Here lurks the great danger and our problem will only worsen, because we
ourselves some extent to take over the responsibility, because in
actions of another is to wait and see what will happen.

So it is wise to always remain positive, start to think about it and learn from it, that will bring always a better solution.

Patiently awaiting for the exact timing and then motivated take the effective action will give us better results.

Hasty do something does not give every time a good feeling afterwards,
and certainly not if we perform to do an action in a bad mood.

Even if something bad happens and we then want to make or take a quick decision by the nerves.

All things that are normal in life and will happen unconsciously by everyone, but try to remain calm continuously.

Maybe only at prodigy not happen those things, which are the outliers among us.

Try every day to start positively, with wonderful thoughts, after all it
is a new beginning of a fresh day with other opportunities and chances.

And starting daily anything positive there will be also a possibility  favorable to succeed at everything.

But when it not will happen like this and unfortunately something negative will happened, I feel so sorry for it.

It’s then tedious for our positive thinking, but I can not be
responsible for implications and take therefore also no justification
accountable for it.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Be Close to Each Other

Be Close to Each Other

Be Close to Each Other

In this modern age we can all be far away and it’s still very close by the route of new technologies via the Internet.

Someone’s on the other side of the world perhaps 25,000 kilometers far away and yet we cab see them everywhere or anywhere.

Via computer, telephone or iPad we can talk to each other completely free of charge and look at with an admiration.

Only we need to have an internet connection and device, but that is
still possible to be paid with a normal income or over a free WiFi

Itself through a phone we can see each other and hear easily at every place where we are in the global it is all possible today.

Only touch each other missing for the rest is the impossible become a reality and every contact together available worldwide.

Feelings and emotions can we show each other as we talk and hear the
sound of our voice with the facial expressions that are visible.

We can see each other both laugh and cry with emotionally sound if we miss each other too much or just when we are very happy.

And on distance get us all understanding faster and clearer with stunning picture and sound that we are destined for each other.

We are now so close to each other by the digital possibilities of today.

Conceivably staying together into the hands from one another is possible
only the attractive physical feeling against each other is not there

But that will maybe a possibility in our digital future that it might go bring this even over a network.

The ability to be close together, there is where everything revolves for a better feeling at the time when the need arises.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Monday, November 30, 2015

Gezonde Pure Vitamines Nodig

Gezonde Pure Vitamines Nodig

Gezonde Pure Vitamines Nodig

Voor een gezond lichaam hebben we iedere dag vocht, mineralen en vitamines nodig, we kunnen niet zonder.

Goed eten meerdere malen per dag en op verschillende tijden is erg
belangrijk, het beste is om gespreid te eten niet teveel tegelijk.

Groenten bevatten die vitaminen en mineralen die we nodig hebben voor de opbouw van een goede lichaamsgesteldheid.

Ook fruit is heel belangrijk voor ons lichamelijke gestel en bevat vele opbouwstoffen.

Drinken van verse fruit shake door bijvoorbeeld sinaasappels te persen
is ook lekker en gezond we kunnen ook verschillende vruchten mixen.

Citroenen zijn zuur om zo te eten maar om de sap ergens mee te mengen is erg smakelijk, onder andere met thee en honing.

Bladgroenten zijn zeer gezond, dus probeer daarnaast ook zo veel mogelijk vers fruit of andere groenten te eten.

Verse melk producten helpen ook aan de bouw van ons lichaam zij bevatten veel calcium.

Om alles te doen in het leven om gezond te blijven vergt dit veel zorg en tijd en daarbij lichaamsoefeningen is een aanrader.

Vitaminen hebben we nodig in het dagelijkse leven vooral als wij veel inspanningen doen met werken of sporten.

Vitaminen kunnen onze prestatiestandaard een forse verbetering geven
doordat ons lichaamsgestel alle stoffen bevat voor een betere prestatie
op weg naar een goede conditie.

Fysiek zal het dus daardoor ook betere gevoelens en inkomen geven door pure vitaminen natuurlijk.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid

Met Vriendelijke Groeten

© auteur Jan Jansen

Seeking Healthy Pure Vitamins

Seeking Healthy Pure Vitamins

Seeking Healthy Pure Vitamins

For a healthy body, we needed every day, water, necessary minerals and vitamins, we cannot do without.

Good food several times a day and at different times is very important,
best is  to spread eating over the day not too much at once.

Vegetables contain vitamins and minerals that we need to build up good body condition.

Also, fruit is very important to our physical state and contains many uplifting substances for our body.

Drinking fresh fruit shake or by example presses of oranges is also tasty and healthy we also can mix different fruits.

Lemons are sour to eat, but to mix the juice including with tea and honey is very tasty.

Leafy vegetables are very healthy, so also try as much to eat fresh fruit or vegetables.

Fresh milk products also help to build up our bodies, they contain lots of calcium.

Do everything in life to stay healthy takes a lot of care and time while exercise is a must.

Vitamins we need in everyday life, especially when we do a lot of efforts with work or sports.

Vitamins can our performance standards provide to a significant
improvement, because our body constitution contains all the materials
for a better performance on the road to a good condition.

Physically it will therefore giving a better feeling and income from pure naturally vitamins.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Sunday, November 29, 2015

To Stingy

To Stingy

To Stingy

We life to enjoy and entertain us.

However, many do not realize it and are so to stingy.

Are afraid to spend money today and to have fun.

Forget that life in a moment that can be past.

And that money and possessions we can not take with us when we die.

Everything than what we have will leave behind for another or others.

It is self-evident that we not can spend everything what we have.

Be to stingy and than is our life without entertainment.

That is not something what give us a good humored or to get cheerful.

For every coin three times to turn before that we spend it.

Is perhaps wise if we have the assurance that we get one hundred years.

But to be in our life so limiting and to stingy we shall not grow older with it.

Because we get not too old to do entertainment, we just get old by no more to entertain ourselves.

And be to stingy.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Saturday, November 28, 2015

Pleasure in our Life

Pleasure in our Life

Pleasure in our Life

Pleasure in our Life is what we gladly would like to experience with satisfaction.

Doing the nice things is what we want without too much worry or pain.

Thinking of the day tomorrow, but we living today.

Today do what is in our power so that if it is not necessary we not have
do it again tomorrow, even though we could repeat it easily.

That is ultimately also something that we easily can let happen, but it is better to pick it on this day.

Just do what will please us, so we can laugh and in a relaxed atmosphere with family, friends or acquaintances.

Have many fun in our life and in possession of a gift to be please our own.

Not like some individuals who skip that part or neglect it and do not know what to do with our abundant life.

Every person is one who can laugh and have fun without blushing and do
not need to know what is being aggressive or angry in life.

To be angry or aggressive with wrong thinking is for the unwise ones, sane people would rather laugh about mistakes.

And finds and thinking that its better to learn from it and make
pleasure to laugh at the silly things that are happening with and around

And will positive approach things and ponder with pleasure and a good feeling, because we only can learn from mistakes.

And the perfect person is still not born, everyone has their flaws.

Therefore, have pleasure and working for a better future must be our purpose in life.

With a smile on our mouth and lips give the purpose of life also more healthy sense.

Being satisfied with what we have right now with feeling or possession,
within our mind knowing that we can do it better will give us a happy
feeling on the way to endless happiness.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Friday, November 27, 2015



Fashion designer

Fashion designs, it’s just be beautiful to look at it with a impression and smile.

Vogue clothing is even nicer to have it all in our fashionable wardrobe and clothes closet.

The best part is if we can buy it easily, because of the price without
hesitation as a normal thing when we succumb to a fashionable style.

It will be a super thrill as we have this dress or costume with an elegant and classic design already have on our body.

A clothing collection in our possession makes our outward more chic and charmed by the different designs and colors.

Be honest it give to us all a good feeling when we look good with an excellent stylish outfit.

Nurturing contemporary trendy and tasteful outfit for going to an
elegant and classy place that give us an additional unconventional
feeling with a flashy appearance.

Clothes make the Man or Woman without doubts.

So do not hesitate and go towards the amazing fashion designers

Johnny and Nitu

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen
Download my APP here

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Hartstochtelijke Kus

Hartstochtelijke Kus

Hartstochtelijke Kus


Het is iets waar een ieder van ons een beter gevoel door Krijgt.

Het geeft aan de liefdes band en verlangens Voor elkaar.

Het is zo met familie en vrienden of onze echtgenoot.

Een kus kan de sterkte van een relatie bepalen en uiten.

Het is iets speciaals met goede gevoelens en begrippen.

Hieruit kunnen we meestal bepalen wat Voor soort relatie er is.

Een hechtere en goede vriendschap geeft het dikwijls aan.

Hoe hartstochtelijker de kus is , hoe beter de relatie.

Voor echtgenoten is het verlangen Naar de kus ook een teken.

Hoe meer verlangen naar de kus hoe groter de liefde.

Verlangens om te kussen is ook niet te blussen.

Dus beter kussen we er maar op Los.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

Auteur Jan Jansen

Passionate Kiss

Passionate Kiss

Passionate Kiss

It’s something all of us will feel better when we do it.

It shows the love connection and desires for each other.

That is so with family and friends or Your spouse.

A kiss can determine the strength of a relationship and express it.

It is something special with good feelings and understanding.

From this we can usually determine what kind of relationship it is.

With a kiss strengthened and a good friendship shows it often.

How passionately the kiss, the better the relationship.

For spouses, the desire to kiss is a sign.

The more desire to kiss how greater the love.

Desires to kiss is unquenchable.

So better we kiss a lot with a passionate kiss.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

Author Jan Jansen

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Vervullende Droomwensen

Vervullende Droomwensen

Fulfilling of Dream Wishes

Fulfilling of Dream Wishes

Fulfilling of Dream Wishes

Many among us have the greatest plans, wishes and ideas.

Some are even willing to go to extremes to fulfill their own or another their wish.

Would like let the other person get surprised and browbeat with happiness and love for to bring out their lucky wish.

By making their wish come true, we can demonstrate them our love and respect.

Let them welcome their day and give them what they never had expected it was for them just only a dream wish.

Complete with care and tenderness prepare everything at that time to see the tears of joy in their eyes.

Everything in advance secretly do so nothing is left to chance that it
could be detected earlier, because it must be a real intense surprise.

This special person so overpower with their wish so that the required preferred in their mind shall be fulfilled.

Thereby we will achieving the result for what we have worked on for
weeks or months in advance and have prepared till in details.

And this everything for that one and only special moment to see the
reaction of those on which everything hinges on that extraordinary day.

Our feelings of friendship and love that we than can let feel on this particular occasion to them.

So that two or multiple people’s hearts will beat faster through the thrills and spills for resulting of the arising reaction.

The emotions shall no longer to be restrain and for all present visible.

At that time, we can be proud of ourselves as the hatched desire is successful and our happiness is no more to stop.

Such a day will also to several people continue to play their thoughts and remembered with a satisfaction and a sense of honor.

That’s a hopeful card congratulation convert in a fulfillment that
brings everybody closer together in such a moment of happiness.

Also a expressly desired treat is something that everyone will love and
wish for giving to themselves is the implement fulfilling of dream

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Monday, November 23, 2015

Hungry desire

Hungry desire

Hungry desire

Hunger, this is a first class desire to eat it, if it special alone for us is prepared and cooked by a particular person.
Because we all are not hungry for food, the persons who have taken the effort to read this.
For sure are the most of us progressive hungry to a better life.
We all are hungry to a life that give us greater happiness, prosperity and provide us less worry.
A life what fewer setbacks knows as well where not presented standard distinguish differences and gratification is normal among the friendly people, who acceptance of one another.
Hungry for the love of culture from different kind people with each other and for one another.
Feeling hungry to have peace of mind therefore can stay peacefully and united with each other.
Do communal things together and start then to be hungry, because  will do more in solidarity to achieve goals.
That would make from our hungry for life a complete and fulfilled existence on earth as anyone’s attention could spend together in all contentment.
Countries with all their populations would unite together fight to hunger and wars this would than be a waste of time.
Everyone would then also realize how important it is to bundle together as one large group of relatives.
When hungry desires come into the wrong hands with a erroneous motto is a hopeless existence and will never generate a peaceful life.
Dominant positions and abuse thereof in our society, should not be tolerated and responded with love and not be answered with hatred.
Many have such a sharp-set yearning to a pacifistic and undisturbed life on this planet where hunger must be limited and honesty become a criterion.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
© author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Friday, November 20, 2015

Laten wij het Doen Voor en Met Elkaar

Laten wij het Doen Voor en Met Elkaar

Laten wij het Doen Voor en Met Elkaar

Bijna iedereen op deze planeet vergeet
dat wij allemaal zijn voortgekomen uit twee mensen die van elkaar
hielden en door voortplanting eigenlijk één grote familie zijn.

Dus vele handen met verschillende huidskleuren die bereid zijn om elkaar te helpen als leefgemeenschap daarvoor is eeuwigheid.

Velen verschillende kleuren die samen in gedachten en nastreven voor één dezelfde kleur.

Samen als een grote verstandige familie vooruitstrevend als één kleur denkend zonder erover na te denken.

Dan zijn wij als aardbewoners en als een verenigde bevolking op één aardbol goed opweg naar een vreedzaam bestaan.

Elkaar accepteren met gedragswijze en uiterlijk zoals iemand letterlijk
is en elkaar begrijpen als geen ander maar als een medemens.

Wetende dat vele kleuren tezamen gemengd een geweldige mooie kleur geeft
en die daarmee aangeeft dat een goede samenwerking meer bereikt.

Daarom is het belangrijk dat wij samen voor die enige en dezelfde kleur
kiezen in onze denkwijze en omgang met elkaar zodat er daardoor al veel
problemen opgelost zullen zijn.

Geen discreminatie of haat gevoelens hebben en beseffen om geen
agressieve woorden te gebruiken maar vriendelijk te zijn tegen elkaar.

Wij allen tezamen kunnen die barrière doorbreken die zich al ongekende tijd voordoet, maar bijna niemand neemt deze beslissing.

Vrede met elkaar en voor mekaar zou een betere gemoedsstemming met een glimlach geven onder de bevolkingen.

Zouden nieuwe deuren kunnen openen voor betere gemeenschappelijkheid en
communicatie met vriendschappelijke of zakelijke mogelijkheden.

Wat zou het toch geweldig zijn als wij dat nog eens kunnen meemaken in
ons leven om allemaal vredelievend met elkaar om te gaan als

Laten wij het doen voor en met elkaar zet gewoon zelf maar de eerste stap.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid

Met Vriendelijke Groeten

© auteur Jan Jansen

Lees Meer Gedichten…….

English Version
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Lets Do it For and With Each Other

Lets Do it For and With Each Other

Lets Do it For and With Each Other

Almost everyone forgets on this planet
that we all coming from two people who loved each other and by mating
actually we are one big family.

So many hands with different skin colors who are willing to help each
other as one community for the ones thinking like this there is

Many different colors together and in mind and pursue to one and the same color.

Together as one big sensible family progressive thinking of going to one color without thinking about it.

Then we are as earthlings and as a united population on one world globe well on our way to a peaceful existence.

Accept each other with education behavior manner and take like someone
how they are literally and understand each other better and not as
anyone else, but as a fellow human being.

Knowing that many colors blended together make an excellent beautiful
color and this indicates that a good collaboration is needed to achieve

It is therefore important that we choose together for that only one and
the same color in our way of thinking and dealing with each other so
therefore many problems will be already solved.

No discrimination or hatred feelings against others and realize not to use harsh words, but to be kind to each other.

All of us together can break that barrier that has now been sustained unprecedented time, but almost no one takes this decision.

Peace with each other and for one another would give a better state of mind with smiles among the global population.

Would open new doors for greater communality and communication with better amicable and business opportunities.

Would it not be great if we can participate during our life in all peaceableness together same as we are blood relatives.

Lets do it for and with each other, just put the first step ourselves.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

© author Jan Jansen

Dutch Version

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

From Earth to Heaven

From Earth to Heaven

From Earth to Heaven

Here on earth, where everything happens and where it’s all going on in our life, so the best out of it.
Between Earth and Sky, involuntarily we live on this World Globe and most believe that when we decease go to heaven.
At least that’s what most individuals says everywhere and are taught that if we are sincerely and careful in our life and not do things that are wrong.
Then there is a place in heaven for us, wait a prophet for us at the gateway and let us in.
Therefore, it is important to live justly and bring people through justified communication and love together.
Have the mentality to help by our experience of the life that we so can transfer to other humans.
Building up a daily schedule of our activities and do everything to improve it and keep checking on mistakes.
The control over ourselves we must never lose, because then it goes wrong and come justly on the wrong path.
Named crime, and that means by our actions, decisions and behavior against fellow beings in a negative sense.
A quiet and relaxing life will help us, follow the fair legal systems with respect and esteem for others.
Otherwise we will never find inner peace in everyday life on this planet with ourselves.
Not to be righteous to other humans shall give us always nervous and tense, so also we need to be constantly on our guard against by an possible action of another.
Openly, reliable, pure sincerely and be commensurate to everybody, give us all opportunities to undergo permanent friendships.
Life between Earth and Heaven to live in tension because of crime is not recommend as an accepted lifestyle.
We will be as free as a bird must fly in the sky without obstructions and problems that we ourselves have created to encounter.
To have many good contacts and friends that think the same way and can share this with us in order to experience the good side of life.
Living with each other in a good harmony with respect in peace to both sides is required in our life.
Then we can later through walking with a clean slate when the Prophet open the gateway in heaven and can look back at our life with a proud smile.
In all honesty we almost all think to go from earth to heaven.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
© author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Wednesday, November 18, 2015

What our Ancestors have Planted we Harvest Today

The foundation of our existence on earth we owe to our ancestors, some of us enjoy many benefits since birth.

For the sake of the accumulated goodwill and sympathy of our ancestors by propagation of multiple generations.

The genes of our ancestors we have inherited and so are our characters
trait and hereditary diseases that have emerged among family members
over the centuries.

Everything what did our ancestry and experienced we can dispose of it,
may will be suffering or enjoying their accumulated wealth.

Our life is nowadays and the past is to let rest, but it is something to be even a minute, to be in silent with respect.

What our ancestors have planted we harvest today and so we have the
opportunity to replant it for our successors which then they will

Everyone eventually seeking independence and wealth so as our
predecessors the interests of our ancestors have well observed. we can
now perhaps reap the benefits from it.

If there in the centuries-ancient family circle relatives were who the
ownership insight and trust broken or had abused, we have be let down by
there now and been duped with it.

This is an evolution of life where nobody can blame us with, but facing it for our less future opportunities.

Heritages are the first transferred properties, that determine our prospects, for what we need to do nothing as heir.

Announce about heritage where debts are, we get also free handed and we are responsible for it.

So it may also be that our own accumulated capital get lost due to the lifestyle or way of our parents or grandparents.

Provided that we have sorted out the legal paperwork and in everywhere from exempt and safeguarded with sadness and a smile.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

author Jan Jansen
Download my APP here

What our Ancestors have Planted we Harvest Today

The foundation of our existence on earth we owe to our ancestors, some of us enjoy many benefits since birth.

For the sake of the accumulated goodwill and sympathy of our ancestors by propagation of multiple generations.

The genes of our ancestors we have inherited and so are our characters
trait and hereditary diseases that have emerged among family members
over the centuries.

Everything what did our ancestry and experienced we can dispose of it,
may will be suffering or enjoying their accumulated wealth.

Our life is nowadays and the past is to let rest, but it is something to be even a minute, to be in silent with respect.

What our ancestors have planted we harvest today and so we have the
opportunity to replant it for our successors which then they will

Everyone eventually seeking independence and wealth so as our
predecessors the interests of our ancestors have well observed. we can
now perhaps reap the benefits from it.

If there in the centuries-ancient family circle relatives were who the
ownership insight and trust broken or had abused, we have be let down by
there now and been duped with it.

This is an evolution of life where nobody can blame us with, but facing it for our less future opportunities.

Heritages are the first transferred properties, that determine our prospects, for what we need to do nothing as heir.

Announce about heritage where debts are, we get also free handed and we are responsible for it.

So it may also be that our own accumulated capital get lost due to the lifestyle or way of our parents or grandparents.

Provided that we have sorted out the legal paperwork and in everywhere from exempt and safeguarded with sadness and a smile.

I wish you a healthy life

Kindly Regards

author Jan Jansen
Download my APP here

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jump to a Better Life

Jump to a Better Life

Jump to a Better Life

Sometimes we have to take risks for rectification or transmutation in our life.
We know that it can give us more perfecting, but the cost of failure would be high, because that will give a huge loss.
But at times there is no time to think a lot and we have to make a quick decision and then we have only two choices.
1. “We take no risk and do it not” and we continue at the same level or are in the starting blocks to start losing.
2. “We accept and do it” and have the opportunity for progress and a better life, but also the eventuality of defeat.
many among us it is a difficult situation and decision, because there
is a perspective and developmental in progressions for both win or lose.
a security and a return possibility with warranty we do not have in
that brief moment of our decisive can it give result or not.
But by being testified and to have confidence in ourselves, we can accentuate the decision and execute it.
Always consider first all risk factors and a quick calculation in the percentage of getting genuinely success.
Before we take action with a jump to a better life is something of vital importance before we decide it.
In our daily and in business life is taking risks actually a normal thing, we just need to ending up into busy traffic.
By think always what we do, but without having to take the first step, we will never know where the next steps will ending.
In order thereby with the first step encourage a action and to get started for an improving of our future.
Therefore it is very important to know where our personal abilities and limits are in our society.
shift beyond our boundaries can give us more opportunities and jump
back or about effectiveness can still be possible, because nothing is
permanent in our life.
Realistic thinking, that if the superior jump
across is successful, the jump will be back easily through learned from
the experience.
The leap to a better life will always be a question
mark and  adventure with a unpredictable realistic faithful result from
the commencement.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Monday, November 16, 2015

Love Goes through the Stomach

Love Goes through the Stomach

Love Goes through the Stomach

We all know that being in love can
give us an overwhelming feeling of having butterflies in one’s stomach
and imaginations in our mind.
But love does not have to come directly from two sides and sometimes needs it time to realize and experience the feeling.
invitation in a conversation, can be a start to let our feelings known
to another person with an optimistic hopeful intention to get a reply
with an affirmative answer.
Invite this person to dine at home with us and have prepared everything into the perfection.
in the house smelling fresh flowers with many brilliant colors when
taking entrance by the smell and appearance give an excellent impression
on our guest.
Romantic mood lighting, and in various places also the fragrance of scented candle for that extra nurturing feeling.
that upon entering will give it our guest a relaxed feeling to enter so
into a conversation utilizing taking it easy with a refreshing feeling.
dine table neatly covered and taken care of different types of cuisine
through the drinks to our liking desire and saucers and bowls with
All preliminary for a special day with our future loved
one with a prepared supper to bring it on table for showing our feeling
with a desire of mutual acknowledgment.
Filled with excitement to be lead-up during the dinner to show our love and clarify in a fairy-tale atmosphere and entourage.
the love of our dreams for which our enthusiasm and excitement arose
from nothing into a complex equation in this familiar quasi-logical
point into infinity.
Trusting that the Love goes through the stomach
at this dazzling evening and wish that every question get a answer and
all questions can be answered in a good and satisfied way.
So that
this outstanding invitation has create joint determination and
motivation to continue coexistence in our extension in future with
living together.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Sunday, November 15, 2015

Multicultural Community

Multicultural Community

Multicultural Community

On our planet are many different types of peoples and every nation has a local background and upbringing.
Different cultures with a different skin color, habits and manners.
there is in every nation other verbal intercultural communication even
between adjoining countries in terms of culture is there a different
from each other.
Other food dishes or snacks and beverages where they grow up with in their own environment.
How we grow up is for us a normal lifestyle and this we adapt to our way of life from birth.
will be that also for anyone else from another population, what we
normally think of them, because we are not accustomed through likeness
our different youth (grow up) experiences.
Will this be for them the same in opposite of us by the other culture and acclimatization of our differences in behaviors.
That’s why it’s so impressive when we can our own delve into the lifestyles of many cultures.
on this way to discover the habits of another and comparing the
wheeling and dealing of others persons life so we can heeding and
thinking about how lucky we are.
And so get to know why that another so live and we are growing up on a different way in our native land.
We will be amazed at the amount of different cultures with the associated beliefs that exist in our world on this planet.
a special experience to discover everything now easy to find on the
Internet at Google Search at with pictures and
A primary requirement on our planet is that all these
different cultures and religions in peace and uprightness can interact
along others in a peace-minded multicultural society.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Together at the Jovial Coffee Table

Together at the Jovial Coffee Table

Together at the Jovial Coffee Table

It is wonderful to enjoy together with our Beloved, Family or friends to sit at the jovial coffeetable.
about the past and the future together or in conjunction, we usually
have words to short when our feelings start speaking.
Everyone has his own view, experiences and story on the past or the future with a emotional sentiment and their opinion.
Cozy familiar together at the tea or coffee table full of treat, delights and refreshments with a friendly conversation.
Relax listen to another of his adventures, sensations and ideas about the so changeable personal life.
these make it a matter for a exceptional day with an improvement in the
sympathy and improving our bond of friendship is the starting point.
A Friendship with love and respect for each other the rest of our life.
Many individuals understand only on a certain age how important companionship is in our life.
needs support and warmth needed by sincere affection and human
heartiness with love by admiration for each other in our existence on

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Friday, November 13, 2015

The Leap into Deep Water

The Leap into Deep Water

The Leap into Deep Water

It’s a world of its own in the undulating blue sea with all that different coral and varieties marine life.
All these many disparate colors similar to a paint store and every painter who they’d like to use it for their work.
Our eyes do not have time to see everything so quickly changed everything around us in the deep sea waters.
The deeper we go the more interesting it is, but also more dangerous.
are actually in the ignorant jumped because no one knows in advance
what kind of living thing there will be swimming around us or lying on
the seabed.
No soothsayer knows what will be at that time in that place under water and what we are going to encounter during our dive.
That makes it for a lot of scuba divers so exciting to explore and see something new.
It can be a great surprise and very nice or one great misery upon encountering a carnivorous predator.
we encounter pretty colored fish or dolphins would signaling and
beholding that will be something perfect and give us a wonderful day.
when we paddling with our feet in the water or swimming  and predators
such as sharks, piranhas, snakes or crocodiles come up against give it a
lump in our throats.
We will need some time to process the shock of underwater creatures.
But even there we come across with a smile, because often these animals are also shocked and scared.
underwater world is just incredibly beautiful in tropical areas and a
must to see when visiting this area it can already with snorkeling.
Everywhere we can bumping or run to a risk, so it’s an exciting experience to see the ignorant underwater.
people also jump into the depths of life and take so more risks or
seize something on their necked that they can not handle, be careful
with these decisions.
The leap into deep water of life can be fatal and devastate our existence.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Thursday, November 12, 2015

Ant Colony

Ant Colony

Ant Colony

Ants are always in a groupment of colony-forming
social insects, which belong to the order of hymenoptera and are
descendants of wasps.
Ants constitute a dominant form of life on our earth they are so well organized as an huge army.
With several managerial ranks include scouts, food gatherers, nest-maintainers, nannies and soldiers and workers.
We often say that that person  is as strong as a lion.
But an ant can lift up to two hundred times its own weight.
Let us imagine our own, once that a human could also raise up our own and up heave in kilo’s 200 times.
That would be a miracle and implausible to think about it.
Ants are team workers and do everything systematically in groups all together for a better and more constructive future.
we as humans a lot learn from, everything in their life is based on
team work and so organized that everyone can improving themselves.
One group will explore things and if they find something, it will passed to the others and they go and collect it all together.
And bring it all to the base for to divide, which is the right way to unite together as one.
are very wise and smart and not to stop for self development to survive
all together as one major grouping (family) in a anthill.
It is one of the good examples in front of human personages what shown increasing individualism and selfishness.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Foodstuffs prepared in own Kitchen

Foodstuffs prepared in own Kitchen

Foodstuffs prepared in own Kitchen

We cannot life without eating
food, so in the kitchen there’s where our survival needs are usually
prepared by the best woman in the house.
In the morning, afternoon
and evening, we can prepare there our meals or at other desired times
but everything is prepared in the kitchen to make our meals.
Delicious dining meals are prepared there with the opportunity through to bake, boil or grill / oven.
A large kitchen with many equipment is a dream of every woman or Cooks.
How more preparation home appliances in the kitchen, the more different dishes can be made quickly.
Delicious food dishes also often need a long preparation and precision with addition of aromatics.
The right amount of spices and preparation time for a delightful taste can sometimes last for hours, days or weeks.
we eat something in home or a restaurant that tastes good we often do
not think about how long our housemate or a cook the “food preparation”
has done about it, before it flavorful nourishment was present on the
dining room table.
But perhaps we know the famous saying of a precious man.
That the man’s heart is through the stomach.
also a lesson for the most men, never to underestimate the work
operations at home, when they get back home from a full working day.
one who does the household has completed a total full-time job, as the
partner by homecoming become surprised with a nice meal.
For each
reader desired a tasty food with no hunger cravings but enjoying from
finished delicious foodstuffs prepared in own kitchen.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Monday, November 9, 2015

Miracles of Mother der Nature

Miracles of Mother der Nature

Miracles of Mother der Nature

We are often surprised by what our eyes see and what we sometimes experience during the great outdoors in nature.
Nature is always a surprise it is super beautiful or ugly in our point of view.
Nobody can prepare for natural disasters or the intensity of Mother der nature.
has to do with it, even though in their life has been only a heavy
downpour, or seen in the media what havoc a hurricane could cause.
can be very cold or hot and pretty awful too as it can turn from the
far left to right from starting sunshine go rain or summer to winter
tide possible flipped over.
Weather forecasts from Mother of nature
is now by many studies with computer programs and experiences almost
certainly to predict but it is never sure, because it remains our
Because of the natural wonders, we are now on this planet, but also can in seconds disappearing to the sublunary sphere.
the miracles of Mother der nature, gives that the human or animal does
no certitude a carefree existence on this earth globe.
Weather forecasts we can prognosticate nowadays, but changes can occur on every moment.
natural beauty of the outdoors is very colorful and it is unpredictable
and hard to believe, but it can destroy itself in seconds by a natural

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Sunday, November 8, 2015

Innocent Poisonous Spiders

Innocent Poisonous Spiders

Innocent Poisonous Spiders

It looks so innocent with all those pretty eccentric colors.
But one bite of this little spider can be major fatal to us.
The speed with which this spider does moving is flabbergasted and extremely fast.
So many striking colors and beautiful appearance this spider and four observant eyes that observe everything around him.
When we come near them or their spiderweb it certainly will not be unnoticed for the spider.
Nature knows no mercy and a spider bite will surely surprise us, because we probably have not noticed the spider itself.
kind of damage and problems this little spider can give us is
invaluable, because the poison at a to late response can mean our death
or give us a considerable wound.
Stay at a distance from these innocent poisonous spiders and then enjoy the amazingly uplifting colors is a must.
So can nothing happen with our state of predisposition and we remain out of reach to be toxic bitten by a small animal.
painful pricking or stabbing of an insect or spider-like animal seen by
doctors or other medical personnel attributed to spiders.
So look good to it or always be fully aware by what we were bitten to take effective recovery measures.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Saturday, November 7, 2015

Velocity is Vigor

Velocity is Vigor

Velocity is Vigor

Speed ​​is the quantity of change per unit time.
If our speed was so fast as lightning, we can quick achieve a lot in a short time.
This enables us to shorten the time of any operation in our continued existence on earth.
give possibilities and accessibility to promoted finished resultant
deeds with a faster distribution and this increase our capabilities.
By proliferating the pace we can produce higher capacities.
And with swiftness, we can deliver more in a shorter time frame.
By possess quickness we’re able to achieve more in our life.
are able to accomplish more and to make appointments with agreements
about what is beneficial for all, because multiplication of contacts is
also a development process.
Speed ​​overcomes almost everything in our life if there is the potential for development are, because we only have two hands.
should also be possible physically and mentally what is dependent on
our physical condition, sometimes our brains want to, but there is for
forthcoming no possibility.
The sun is not hurried by early risers, so never lose control of our talented skills, quality orientation or patience.
The speed of light is not measurable, it will not be and we never have to match it.
is perfect, but striving for perfection is the fastest decision for
ourselves with velocity and vigor on the way to a better life.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Friday, November 6, 2015

Managerial Position

Managerial Position

Managerial Position
A leader must have oversight and control over everything in his activity and function.
Must be able to see everything with clear mind and a good purpose plus also have an open visor.
Can easily detect the resulting errors with good perspective and evaluate on results of assignments.
Himself and team focus on certain areas with a weak foundation to make the necessary improvements there.
Communicating through multiple points and thus protections to maximize for to preventing dishonesty today and corruption.
taking into account assistance from indoors in teamwork and cameras let
them recording for registered unsavory practices.
Knowing what the weak links in their organizational units and at every wrong action could be enable to give a counter-reaction.
A gradual managerial position have at the top is a difficult and long road with a lot of philosophizing and responsibility.
In order to provide successful leadership is to have confidence, togetherness with good communication, etc. are present.
lose a leadership position is a quick and humiliating way that may
arise by failing to fulfill commitments and to be frivolity, because
other people want to see results.
Not followed spoken words or deeds
can be a culprit in life and hard physical and mental bodily ills induce
or influencing for (someone) multiple parties.
Many people on our planet can not handle such a setback and will change their demeanor.
its better not to forget that they are the inductive person itself,
been due to lack of knowledge or their frivolously behavior.

degradation is obviously to the detriment of anyone their existence in
our nature of thinking, a promotion would give a boost and proud, but at
that time they cannot vanquish a reduction in rank against themselves.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hairstyle Trend

Hairstyle Trend

Hairstyle Trend

Hairstyles are there in many different colors and varieties.
Both long and short hair, curls or braids the hair stylist know what to do with it.
Scalp hair grown naturally or at some humans it is no longer more there.
Or only to some areas on the head so rest is bare.
But not a day goes by that we are not concerned with our appearance and that our hair is good.
just an important issue in our life for ourselves and the presence of
our facial expression to others, in fact it determines a part of our own
There are many who constantly look in the mirror for show their best personal appearance into the social society.
Hence the saying “if my hair looks good, I can deal with anything”.
And it’s truth, we all want to looking good at its best for a satisfied feeling.
fashion trend this year is incredible if we see what they can do with
our hair when see surrounding us all these different hair models.
an astoundingly feeling we see sometimes a hair style that looks
fabulous, respect for the hairdresser and their hair styling tips.

I wish you a healthy life.
Kindly Regards, hhtp://
author Jan Jansen
Dutch Version
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