Monday, March 9, 2015

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind

Never Drown our Own Inner Beauty just to Follow what Others have in Their Mind.

Many things we do in our life are based on having faith in ourselves or others, and from there we follow instinctively what dictates our heart.

We have our own lifestyle and demeanor with spoken words which ourselves
are satisfied with it and have a good feeling as the way we behave.

Other people, friends or relations may have a different course of action, but that’s their life
and not ours, we can choose how to deal with them by making adjustments
to ourselves or waving goodbye to them, everyone is free in this

We can not choose on our family members, but for choosing friends and
acquaintances, we all should have the power to decide about who does or
does not suit us.

We all should just click instinctively, and it is important to
understand each other well in harmony, so whenever there is a dispute
between us, we can talk about it with a good mutual communication.

Sometimes we are extremely impressed with something and want to share
with others, but not to everyone, just with those who we respect and

We want to share our thoughts and find out what other think about it,
because it is true from our hearts, so we are very impressed and proud
to tell others about that.

Then we may hear some different view via the mindset of others while
exchanging thoughts with them, it can be  happened because everybody
view things differently based on their position.

That can either bring improvement or deterioration in our idea, but most
important for us is to have hope with believing in our instinct and
thoughts together.

If we believe in our thoughts, we should just keep our lifestyles and
not let the thinking by others to affect our mind, because that will
give us no joy.

Never follow the thought by others if we believe in ourselves, because that will probably drown our inner beauty.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, March 8, 2015

Snelheid Geeft ons het Tempo, maar we Moeten nog Steeds het Juiste Ritme Vinden om Dingen af te Maken met Efficiëntie

Snelheid Geeft ons het Tempo, maar we Moeten nog Steeds het Juiste Ritme Vinden om Dingen af te Maken met Efficiëntie

Snelheid Geeft ons het Tempo, maar we Moeten nog Steeds het Juiste Ritme Vinden om Dingen af te Maken met Efficiëntie

Tegenwoordig is iedereen gehaast en wil
alles snel, bijna niemand is geduldig en wil de dingen graag ontvangen
sneller als dat de klok tikt.

Tijd is geld en met snelheid kan dat bespaart worden hoe meer we in een
korter tijdframe kunnen doen of afmaken des te meer tijdsruimte we over
hebben om iets anders te doen.

Maar als we alles te vlug willen doen kunnen er fouten worden gemaakt
dat ontaard in stress en problemen die we dan weer moeten oplossen.

En het beste zal zijn als we elk probleem op het nippertje kunnen
oplossen, maar altijd onthouden “Haastige spoed is zelden goed”

Ook als wij de dingen holderdebolder doen en vliegensvlug klaar willen
zijn is er waarschijnlijk ook kans dat er kwaliteiten verlies ontstaat
en dat geeft geen vooruitzicht in vertrouwen en toekomstgericht.

Als de bliksem en gejaagd iets ondernemen veroorzaakt overhaastige
beslissingen die onrust verstoren met incorrecte handelingen waarmee een
reputatie verloren kan gaan.

De functionaliteit en doelmatigheid moet goed overwogen worden als wij
de voortvarendheid willen opvoeren, want dat geeft ons de langdurigheid
in een connectie.

Bij regelmatigheid van dezelfde herhalingen zal de levendigheid
opgevoerd kunnen worden door de aangeleerde regelmaat die we dan al

Om dingen met snelheid en in een tempo efficiënt af te maken moeten we
het juiste ritme vinden om het zelfde of betere niveau wat

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.auteur Jan Jansen

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Velocity give us the Tempo but we still Need to Find a Correct Rhythm to Finish Things Off with Efficiency

Velocity give us the Tempo but we still Need to Find a Correct Rhythm to Finish Things Off with Efficiency

Velocity give us the Tempo but we still Need to Find a Correct Rhythm to Finish Things Off with Efficiency

Nowadays, everyone is in a rush and want
to do everything fast, almost no one have more patient and would like to
receive the things faster, especially when the clock is ticking.

Time is money, and with speed maybe we can save our time because then we
will finish our works in a shorter timeframe so we will have more space
to do something else.

But if we want to do everything too quickly, mistakes can be done which
make us degenerated into stress and it also create more problems for us
in which we have to solve it again.

And it will be best if we can solve every problem in the nick of time, but always remember “Haste makes waste”.

If we do things in a rush and want to finish it off at top speed,
probably the quality of our works might be loss, and that gives no
prospect in confidence and forward looking.

When chase to complete things in a lightning speed, can caused a hasty
decision that will disrupt unrest, an incorrect operation may also
causing us to lost our reputation.

The functionality and efficiency must be carefully considered if we want
to increase our vitality, because that’s going to enhance the long
duration of our connection.

In repetitions the same vigour will be staged over and over again by the regularity that we already possess.

To do things with speed and finish it off with an efficient pace, we
have to find the right rhythm to keep everything in order, then we will
find a correct tempo to produce good results from our works.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, March 7, 2015

Silence is the Secret Weapon to Unleash when we are Being Tangled Between War of Words

Silence is the Secret Weapon to Unleash when we are Being Tangled Between War of Words

Silence is the Secret Weapon to Unleash when we are Being Tangled Between War of Words

Not everyone is good at communicating or can choose the right words to let everybody understand and familiar with each other.

There are people who can talk with so impressive that each of them would
be impressed , and it is difficult to respond back to them because
there is almost no chance to do so.

They have a vocabulary skill as thick as dictionary or set of
encyclopedias, and if we do not listen or understand certain words from
them, we will be lost in their story.

But we can not interrupt them, because they keep rattling and their lips are moving non-stop, the only opportunity
is to listen, but maybe some things we cannot explicate it without too
much confusing, so we want to debate with them with our valid point.

They think we manage to interpreted on what they’ve said, but
unfortunately that is not the case, and without patience, they give us
no chance to answer them again, because they do not like to be
interrupted and want to finish their story quickly.

And if we interfere their speech, they might be losing out control, so
it will be a different tone and unpleasant words comes out from their
mouth which we might not like to hear about it.

If we do not want to be tangled between a conversation that is
completely out of control, we can choose to response with plain language
in a decent way, but remain silence is the best solution because quiet
moments will appear soon after the “war”.

If we do not wish to be involved in a war of words,  silence is the secret weapon in retaliation to keep the peace

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, March 6, 2015

Unbiased Judgment is Never Judging People based on their Appearance

Unbiased Judgment is Never Judging People based on their Appearance

Unbiased Judgment is Never Judging People based on their Appearance

is the same, we all have an unique character and appearance, sometimes
ones who look as frightening and perilous can be very kindly, or
somebody can be looking very sweet and innocent from their outlooks but
they can be very dangerous.

But one thing is for sure, we are all people with
emotional feelings of respect and love, so we don’t want to be insulted
without any legitimate reason.

Treat people the way we want to be treated, talk to them as we want to be approached and respect because they deserve it.

We cannot insult someone and expect them to be kindly with us, since they already feel hurt.

If ourselves has been humiliated, this will not indicates a good
feeling to us and it can take away our control of effort, but we are
fortunate and wise enough to realize that annoyance only give grieves to
ourselves .

It gives no mirth or joy so try to give ourselves calmness for a peaceful response and keep our calm in every communication.

We not give others an opportunity to bring their evil thoughts to us, by knowing that our mood remains concentrated and focused on the glee.

Appearances can be changed by the years but a benign heart and habits of someone will not change quickly.

To affront or hurting someone is easily than to treat everyone
respectfully regardless of how they approach us or what is their
extrinsic relation.

The outlook of a person can be so amazing but it is the interiority of a person can extend or strengthening the relationship.

We should never judge people by their appearance, because that is an
impartial verdict while we do not even understand the personality of
that person.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Purity is the Power of Affection to give Each Other Grace

Purity is the Power of Affection to give Each Other Grace

Purity is the Power of Affection to give Each Other Grace

Trouble is something nobody waits and everybody wants to stay out from it, because that just give emotional distress and frustration.

When the situation are being stuck between the war
of words with two speeches, the best solution is to discuss or perhaps
negotiate together so both party can end up in a treaty of peace.

Trait of character of many people in world is changing fast but if we
can preserve purity of our mind, we still be able not to loss the
dissipation of innocence in ourselves,

A colloquy allows us to exchange of our intelligible views transfer it
to others during a conversation which we’re able to settle our
differences and reach for an perfect conformity together.

A discussion between two or more people is a wise move to realize that
everyone has flaws and makes mistakes, but the best thing from it is
everything will be cleared up in harmony with a clear understanding of
each other’s mistakes.

United together in peace with our thought after a peaceful talks, so the
perfect agreement can be reached by both with a decision is a rescue
remedy for peace mutually.

Sympathy and understanding each other after a consultation by forgetting
the little mistakes and willing to think for a peaceful future together
is a sign of maturity.

By just doing it once, it can no more be turning back, so we must wise
think about it with an acceptance and that condone to forgiveness by
forgetting it.

By the time we can give each other grace through the purity of our
character, then we will realize that affection is our strength for a
peaceful future together.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Three Components of Holistic Marketing Approach for Your Business

Three Components of Holistic Marketing Approach for Your Business

5 Amazing Shooting Apps for the Firearm Fanatic.

5 Amazing Shooting Apps for the Firearm Fanatic.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Peace of Mind is having the Strong Sense of Ignoring All the Innumerable Baseless Assumption Against Us

Peace of Mind is having the Strong Sense of Ignoring All the Innumerable Baseless Assumption Against Us

Peace of Mind is having the Strong Sense of Ignoring All the Innumerable Baseless Assumption Against Us

As we know, gossiping is part of the
daily conversation of many people, they like to talk about others and
speak against the next person when they meet us.

If we have to make it by our own then we do not need to worry about the
real facts, because that is due to a lack of conversation and what they
want to tell is untruth.

If we organize our life from our heart then we can be self satisfied
with it, that is what can make us happy and how others think then its
their problem.

Every decision we make is coming from our heart, this can give the joy
that we deserved and others may not agree with it sometimes.

Sometimes we may not agreed by the decisions of others, but then we not always have the influence to change it.

People now take a decision with an appropriate reason for them and if we
do not know the backgrounds behind, it can be difficult for us to

For us it is unfounded and we should get them out of our mind, because
we do not know everything about it and this will cause many
misunderstandings in the world.

Frivolous act instead of spreading an authentic story around the world
is actually a mindless crime committed, where later an apology must be
submitted if we are being loyal and honest.

Tell the intriguing stories to bring people amiable mind together is
something oppressive befalls to others, it give us not security or maybe
its absolutely not truthful.

The real characteristic can be shown from the person who tells it when
there is no honest explanation, and we should considered carefully about
what to say to this individual.

Because what is being transferred by them to others could probably wrong, so we might get ourselves into trouble.

But we have the ultimate power to do that what we like, so we can feel
happy ourselves, and from there also we can having the pleasure to be
with others if they accept our attitude.

So just ignore countless baseless reasons against us and move on with a strong sense of joy in peace.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, March 3, 2015

To Terminate our Prosaic Life, We Should Be Utterly Fearless to do Something Extraordinary

To Terminate our Prosaic Life, We Should Be Utterly Fearless to do Something Extraordinary

To Terminate our Prosaic Life, We Should Be Utterly Fearless to do Something Extraordinary

An organized life is very important and it give us a decisive confidence by knowing that everything will be okay if we just have patience.

But repeat doing the same thing every day, we will get boredom in the
long run, this also limited our opportunities to develop knowledge and
reduce the chances for skills improvement.

The monotonous and prosaic life
brings us no future and it will be a burden to us and to the people
close to us, because when there is no variation in life, our personality
and characters might be affected.

When there is much knowledge available then we cannot further developed
with it, because we might be thinking that it’s no necessary with what
we are doing.

Actually, we give the based society an opportunity
to not to develop ourselves, but in fact we can, and in many cases we
become the victim, because of a lack of knowledge in other areas.

To get rid of it, we are obliged to do something completely different
and thus with jumping into the deep water we can gain a brand new

With our new experiences, there are also better chances for us as we’ve
learned to distinguish the differences between things made and what we
are discovering currently.

We must overcome our fear to step into something new and then go to work
with perfection so we can compete with others when there is

It will be very grateful to possess the diversity to look at things
differently than general public, this is the things most people are
desired for it, because they also want to have a life change.

Be completely fearless to do something special, thus we can transform the prosaic of our daily life into a new challenges.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, March 2, 2015

Creativity is the Best Ingredients to Cook Delicious Foods

Creativity is the Best Ingredients to Cook Delicious Foods

Creativity is the Best Ingredients to Cook Delicious Foods

An imaginative power gives us unlimited
imagination and the opportunities to be resourceful to new ideas, or we
can improve on top of the developments to what we are doing.

Always believe on every thought available about which direction we want to go, will manifest results in our life.

We no need to be too wise for coming up with new ideas, with creativity,
we can discover them naturally, just leave the original thing to be
stimulated by fantasy and then it will change into our own creation.

Of course it will not be a success for us each time, and sometimes we
might be disappointed with it, but its still brings variation in our
life which is better than nothing at all.

Even sometimes there is so many alternations and amendments need to be
done, so we sometimes may lie on the floor with laughter or tears in our
eyes of joy.

With a positive thoughts, we can only learn from our experiences, without our own commitment and artistry we also cannot become wiser and after that its possible we’re digress off to a standard life.

There may be many good opportunities and future plans, but if our
thought and power of creation ability does not work together, only
little will change.

Think differently than others gives an added value to our personality,
be honest, polite and decent to other fellows beings with extreme mind
on certain things give a difference but also justified the acceptance of
us by others.

Extreme cook uses its own ingredients and creativity to entertain their diners to enjoy the wonderful prepared delicious meals.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Successful Person is the One who Always Stay Focused and Never Hesitate on Making the Decision

Successful Person is the One who Always Stay Focused and Never Hesitate on Making the Decision

Successful Person is the One who Always Stay Focused and Never Hesitate on Making the Decision

wants to be success in peacefully, especially in front of the people
that we love, to make a good communication is the perfect decision for

Friendly and honest communication gives everyone more opportunities in life and strengthens every relationship for a pleasant fellowship.

Contacts and friends around the world is a more important aspect in our life than most individuals think.

We may see this in the way others approached us, and how it then
developed with further contact as we give the honest but unhelpful
answers for them.

Its snapshots with a shortsighted thinking, that is the result from
them, because the next time we already know the reason why they
approached us and almost everyone has doubts whether to spend more time
on them.

Our time is limited and therefore many trying to contact us maybe for
taking the profits, but when it is not successful, they make the
decision to break contact and move on to the next opportunity to lose no more again a minute with us.

They are of course always find the reasons to react of disapproval on
someone’s behavior, but how and why the approach will be very
influential for the future together.

Extensive and extraordinary things or business aspects are not made in a
day or so, a longterm friendship definitely has no importance in these

The focus is on a quick decision, which must be made by a question that
they want to hear and answered with words which can satisfy for their
happiness and with a wrong answer, communications in future will become

But the successful individual will continue to focus on not losing
contact and does not hesitate to make the decision with the subsequent
words “how may I help You or be at Your service?”

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, February 28, 2015

Our True Abilities can be Revealed when we are Facing the Sternest Test

Our True Abilities can be Revealed when we are Facing the Sternest Test

Our True Abilities can be Revealed when we are Facing the Sternest Test

We all like to have a relax life and hope to work as little as possible to be eligible for definitive uttermost reward without much effort or obstacles.

Many people are still looking for this kind of life, but there is almost
nothing can go automatic by self, and our experience just doing all the
opposite instead of getting something easily.

Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but we all are much
stronger than we think both spiritually and mentally, thereby we have
these doubts because there is sometimes  aloofness tend to possess
pessimistic views which may manifest ourselves by human nature.

In certain situations where we are stuck in some junction, there is no
way for turning back, then it’s all or nothing, so we are forced to
continue the journey without mercy.

At that time, we might have more power than we can ever imagine, and it
will be shown also to ourselves and others, by surpassing our physical
and mental mindset, everyone will be amazed and surprised by us.

We should never underestimate our own ability, we must have more
self-assured and confidence to ourselves then we can be quicker response
to things.

We sometimes need to overcome our fear more faster and don’t wait until
we get into a difficult situation, because then we’ll have no choice

That could give us psychological problems which we have to overcome if
we fail in something, then we will get ourselves into anxiety
performance, so we should try to avoid it.

We should broadened our horizons anytime by pushing ourselves over boundaries in a life test, so our true character may be revealed, then it will be easier for us while facing the stern test.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, February 27, 2015

Our Life Room should Fully Fill up with Contentment, and Leave No Space for Resentment

Our Life Room should Fully Fill up with Contentment, and Leave No Space for Resentment

Our Life Room should Fully Fill up with Contentment, and Leave No Space for Resentment

t is not hard to get annoy everywhere and
making bad comments, but if we can adapt to any situation by ourselves,
then we will be easily get satisfied to achieve a greater benefits.

Any negative thoughts about something can give us annoyance and this
also will have a bad influence on the subsequent reaction, where
irritation affecting our mood and brings bad impact to influence

Then others will also be irritable by our behavior and after which this is escalating throughout the entire conversation, so the situation becomes out of hand and uncontrollable.

Stay relax and not quick to react with angrily or aggressively then we
can always bring out the best during that moment, restrain ourselves so
we can prevent the situation becomes tense, thus at the end of the
conversation, everybody gets satisfaction.

No evil thoughts in the end and everyone is satisfied, it is very
important for us to always leave or say goodbye to another person with
good feeling, the happiness can be transmitted around even after we’re
leaving that place.

If we keeps doing in this way, we can set our life with a more peaceful thoughts and convey the positive messages to others, then we would be a good example for them.

Keep walking around with dissatisfaction is not good for anyone and will
never give no joy, always stay positive in every situation, because
there is always a solution for everything.

And if it’s still no solution can be found, then we should just treat it
as a good lesson for us to learn what is going to deliver its benefits
in the future.

We are not compulsory to deal with others, we are the boss from
ourselves, to move on, we have the option to make own decision from our
heart, whether its a good or bad decision, the choice is always by us.

Hatred towards others is a waste of time, we need to diversify our own
mind with a better mood, so if we feel ourselves uncomfortable with
certain people it is better to banish them from our life and forget them with a clean mind.

There should be absolutely no place in our life
room for hatred or revenge, because this merely just gives ourselves a
psychological conflicts, we better fill up fully that place with joy and
satisfaction for a good mood.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Do Everything with our Best Today, then We are in the Driving Seat to the Perfect Direction of Tomorrow

Do Everything with our Best Today, then We are in the Driving Seat to the Perfect Direction of Tomorrow

Do Everything with our Best Today, then We are in the Driving Seat to the Perfect Direction of Tomorrow

has their own limited capabilities, we all have to respect that, a
person can not do more things which is already exceeding his best,
because there is a physical or intelligence limit.

With a proficient hand and dexterity skills, someone with less knowledge
about the matter can perform much better than somebody who knows all
about it, but both are needed together for a good progress in the

If everything we do with a stake of 99%, then we do not need to worry,
because all will be well organized and we just need to be willing to
learn from our own mistakes.

Whenever there is a shortage of knowledge, we will still be able to find
the possibility for a further development to enhance ourselves, there
is no doubt about it.

The important thing is not to be over dependent on others, and if we
take the full efforts to learn every knowledge that is required, then we
can have every situation under control by our own hand to empower our

Even then, we still need to keep a list of contacts database of people
around us, so we can get their assistance whenever is necessary.

Unfortunately, we cannot know or be expert in everything one
hundred percent, so sometimes we still need to depend on others, and
it’s advisable and important to keep all the contacts,  so we know who
can be contacted with when we required help on some particular things.

To be well prepared in life
for the future seems not so important for many people, because they
only live for today, and that is a sad true but shortsighted thinking.

The problems for tomorrow can be prevented by optimal deployment
today, and be organized with the totality of our life, so we can
pursuits for good layout.

With a future-oriented plan in our mind today, we can firmly hold the
steering in driving seat without any worry, so tomorrow we can keeps on
navigating to look for the best lookout point during the journey of our life.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Always Live with an Ambition, Because Once we Lost it, We’re Sightless and Losing our Direction in Life

Always Live with an Ambition, Because Once we Lost it, We’re Sightless and Losing our Direction in Life

Always Live with an Ambition, Because Once we Lost it, We’re Sightless and Losing our Direction in Life

We all will be extremely happy if we can pursuits our dream with the opportunity available, and our heart also are satisfied with it because we’ve found the available options to do it, there’s nothing better like that in life.

Practically everyone ever encounter with those moments when we’re
totally being apathetic and like to be alone to unwind ourselves, but
after awhile we are happy when we are no longer alone.

Once our internal battery is recharged, we can be excited to enjoy all
the events around us, in which others also benefits from our behaviors
in these activities.

Once we charged our body with a brand new energy, this give us an
inspiration for new ideas that may be useful for anyone who really need

Our aspirations which are encouraged by excessive energy can give us the opportunity to think clearly with our mind.

A cow will never be able to catch a hare, so in finality we do not lose time and our objective can be set up at anywhere else.

This impulse us to set a target for things which is interests us, and it
will give inspiration about what we should possess to raise our
ambition to succeed it.

Remain positive invariably, so even if the things goes wrong, our mind
will not give a disappointing insight on something and thereby we may
lose the purpose, but continue to strive to achieve it.

So we will not be blind and lose direction in life because of losing the ambition by negative inspirations in mind, always remains optimistic and hopeful for everything.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, February 23, 2015

Sometimes it is Better to be Embarrassed by Own Efforts rather than Regret for the Rest of our Life without Trying

Sometimes it is Better to be Embarrassed by Own Efforts rather than Regret for the Rest of our Life without Trying

Sometimes it is Better to be Embarrassed by Own Efforts rather than Regret for the Rest of our Life without Trying

Unfortunately we do not have the knowledge about everything, therefore we cannot have the good control over all things around us.

But we are never too old to learn, just that sometimes it’s not easy and
we will make some mistakes in the beginning of the learning process.

Sometimes others may laugh at us by our trivial imperfection just because of we’re lacking the knowledge to be the expertise.

And therefore its easily to make mistake in the beginning by failings on
this matter and this might induce feelings of shame and embarrassment
to us.

But it will be very unwise decision for us if we do not want to continue on what we’re doing due to the feeling of embarrassment,

By doing so, we will never be able to develop ourselves, because by
learning something , we will realize about what future can be directed
to us and this will help us to be better with intelligence in our life.

The more skills we possess then our future will be lots easier, when
we’re running into trouble, there can be a solution quickly through our

Mastery in as many platforms and disciplines possible will be a great
advantage in our daily life, and it will constantly come in handy, no
matter its during ordinary or the strangest moments.

We can never be wise enough on this planet where everything is based on
intelligence and sagacity, but we can be having a good insight with our
resourceful information and the comprehensive understanding on
something, and our response can give others a respectable value.

Therefore it is better to not be ashamed or feel embarrass when we are
trying to learn something, because when we give our full effort, then we
will never regret nothing in the future.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, February 22, 2015

Embrace the Truth and Reality will Make us Stronger

Embrace the Truth and Reality will Make us Stronger

Embrace the Truth and Reality will Make us Stronger

The truth is hard what people often said
and that’s true in some cases but honesty will prevail constantly in
relationships and can give the strength for a long-lasting friendship.

Loyalty and justice exudes power and will never show a dark side of a person but the practical reality will give future prospects and respect.

The twisted truth obviously tell a different story, expecting to be able
to score better, but it will just prove otherwise to others.

The trust and respect will disappear entirely imbued by the lies that
are being told, where others not at all be amused or will believe in it.

A different version than the truth will never be there, no matter how
beautiful and believable the story were presented by somebody, the truth
will always come out.

The truth will eventually overtakes all lies, it is an explanatory phrase.

The veracity and authenticity of our spoken words give others the opportunity to gain an impression of us and analyze our purity trust.

That is the practical realities of life, which we ourselves have in
hand, because of our behavior and spoken words to others, they will
appreciate it with value and honor.

There will be admiration and awe so that they can assess us within our
value, the bond of trust together is grows by their experiences that
they have observed about us openly.

Accreditation is a powerful force that can benefit learning and give others the opportunity to introduce us to their connection without suspicion or not have concerns and worries.

The past experiences has proven that the support on our trust that we have together is without doubt.

Fidelity and loyalty so we will be able to count on each other shall
make us stronger, so we can constantly embrace the truth and reality
together with fairness.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

You can Download My APPS here –>

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Envisioning for Success will only Remain in our Dream if we Not Taking the First Step to Transform it

Envisioning for Success will only Remain in our Dream if we Not Taking the First Step to Transform it

Envisioning for Success will only Remain in our Dream if we Not Taking the First Step to Transform it

Sometimes when we see something that has drawn our attention and interest we will wonder and ask ourselves about it.

The way how someone can came out on their superb idea to discover and
invent some new thing, that’s appears to be so excellent in our

The same example in the automotive industry, as a new model comes out,
we sometimes think it’s so much better than previous model that the car
maker can’t easily produce a more better products than this.

But maybe in one years time or less, there is already an improved
version in production which is even more beautiful and more new features
comes out to the automotive market, that will be even easier to operate
for the car user.

The technique is nothing as long as we are beginning with something, and
almost every new invention start with a dream in someone’s thought and
they able to work it out in essence.

There are plenty of people who first had nothing and become millionaires
because of the idea they have, and to start it with their self

They keeps working out with their idea, and when the investor saw there is good opportunity to invest in their concept and dare to invest on it, then its the time for them to share profits together.

If we really have a good concept to start it out with something, there
is an equal chance for all of us to be succeeded through a proper

When we have doubts on our own idea and still put the concept on hold,
then for sure it will not yield any results, so we should not just
remain it in our mind.

With action we can also interpret this and show factually whether we can realize those thought what we have in our dream.

Have faith in our dream will make things easier,even though sometimes we
need to face with the hard reality in order to accomplish our dream.

Be a dream chaser instead of just a dreamer in our mind.

To transform it into reality, we will have to envisioning our dream on the road to success.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen
You can Download My APP Here –>

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Reageer Positief Inplaats van onze Stem te Verhogen, want Bloemen Groeien alleen door Zon en Regen, Niet door Donder of Storm

Reageer Positief Inplaats van onze Stem te Verhogen, want Bloemen Groeien alleen door Zon en Regen, Niet door Donder of Storm

Reageer Positief Inplaats van onze Stem te Verhogen, want Bloemen Groeien alleen door Zon en Regen, Niet door Donder of Storm

worden of een grote mond geven als we ons bedreigt voelen door de
woorden van een ander is geen verstandige keuze en kan alleen maar
escaleren in uit de hand lopende problemen.

Waar niemand iets aan heeft en de gemoederen verhoogt tot het aanzetten
van agressie waarna de volledige dag of langer een totaal ander beeld
heeft dan normaal.

Door emotioneel gedrag kunnen we vaak in de fout gaan en soms is het ook
wel te begrijpen als we gelijk hebben maar toekomstgericht is het zo
belangrijk om ons te kunnen beheersen.

Op de eerste plaats geeft het ons een onprettig gevoel en de situatie
word er niet mee verbetert maar eerder verslechtert, want de kans is
daar dat het van kwaad tot erger word door de oplopende emotionele
reacties tegen elkaar.

Terwijl als we relax en kalm reageren we alles onder controle kunnen
houden tenminste in ieder geval onszelf wat al heel doorslaggevend kan
zijn voor een pacifistische oplossing.

Vredelievend en rechtvaardig met onze medemens omgaan heeft meerdere
voordelen dan alleen maar vriendschap, onze gesteldheid straalt ook
innerlijke rust uit, omdat we rein van binnen zijn en openlijk kunnen
repliceren op iedere uitspraak van anderen.

Het geeft ons een immanent gevoel waaraan we ook ons gedrag aanpassen
met als voorkomen dat wij vrij zijn om rechtvaardig te handelen en dat
door bijna iedereen gerespecteerd zal worden.

Een stem verheffing zal ons geen goed doen intrinsiek en wekt meer emoties op waardoor de beheersing onstabiel word.

Ook mensen op dezelfde plaats die dit horen en niet weten waar de
discussie overgaat kunnen een andere impressie van ons krijgen, terwijl
we misschien zelfs in ons gelijk staan.

In donder of storm willen we niet leven maar een beetje regen met veel
zonneschijn om de bloemen te laten bloeien zal alles positief maken
zodat we onze stem niet hoeven te verhogen bij een argument.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.

auteur Jan Jansen

Download mijn APP Hier –>

Lift Up the Mind Instead of Raising our Voice, because Only Rains will Grow Flowers, Not Thunder

Lift Up the Mind Instead of Raising our Voice, because Only Rains will Grow Flowers, Not Thunder

Lift Up the Mind Instead of Raising our Voice, because Only Rains will Grow Flowers, Not Thunder

or give a big mouth when we feel threatened by the words of another is
not a wise choice and it can only escalate problems out of hand.

If somebody increases their tempers to incite aggression, the whole full day will have a totally different picture than normal.

By emotional behavior we often go wrong and sometimes it is somewhat
understandable when we’re right, but it is so important to be able to
control ourselves for a forward-looking future.

Even that may give us an unpleasant feeling at first, but the situation
will not improve, its just will deteriorates more, because the chance is
that it will be getting from bad to worse situation due to an excessive
emotional reactions to each other.

If we are able to relax and calm down, we can react to keep everything
under good control, at least in any case this can be very decisive for
ourselves to find a solution with pacifism.

Peaceful and fair dealing with our fellow man will have more advantages
than only just friendship, it will also exudes inner peace from our
state of mind, because when we are pure inside, we can openly replicate
every statement by others.

It give us a pretty immanent sense when we are able to adjust our
behavior, so we are free to act justly and be respected by almost

A raised in voice will do us no good intrinsically and this only will
generates more emotions so the control will becomes unstable .

Also, people in the same place who hear this and do not know what the
discussion is going on, will have a different impression on us, even if
we are still within our right.

We do not want to live in thunder or storm, but a little rain with lots
of sunshine to flourish the flowers will make everything positive, so we
do not have to raise our voice in an argument.

I wish you a healthy life.

Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen
 Download My APP Here –>