Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves.

It is sad and at the same time almost
unbelievable that people exist that begrudge another nothing, often it
is envy because the other person is better or draws more attention then
others. Therefore jealousy arises usually by a feeling of inferiority or
the rivalry and competition with a question of feeling that give their
thinking vision loss.

Champions can be combative but impossible in every battle for life time
have the same performance and this will have result into accept it with a

Indeed, there is always someone better than others, so it is with
outward beauty at any given moment it fades after years, only the inner
beauty can prevail forever.

Sometimes we simply are inferior and that is not that bad, we are not
subordinate to another, but have a lower score with points, appearance
looking, intelligent or anything else.

In vain, there are certain individuals who can not tolerate it or want
to accept anything and then go do it to obstruct us for self-interest at
least that’s the intent.

Generally, these people are very sociable and willing to assist others
with an exaggerated behavior of kindness but inwardly samples without
remorse and guilty feeling when they do something bad to others with the
exclusion of self-reproach.

Everything they do or are doing is entirely based on opportunism and if
it will do not succeed they drop others like bricks in the water how
deeper the better.

Only benefits they want to achieve and long-lasting friendships are
almost impossible, because in a friendship is sympathy and love
important and is not based on profit interests.

With this attitude and character such suckers often have a hateful
superiority which they want to perform better towards then others and
thereby it go wrong which lucky its employs giving justice for others.

Incidentally, they are sometimes the evil that wants to hurt others,
mostly this will give others the advantage instead of a disadvantage
which is a nice reward afterwards where we can be laugh and have fun of
the benefit.

So it often comes up by the sweet revenge of another through envy on a
rival of their character, it unpack a positive effect is that opponent
yields gets the advantage.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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