Wednesday, June 24, 2015

It is Better Not to Look Back in the Past, the Wind, Water and Festival Parade are all Moving Forwards

It is Better Not to Look Back in the Past, the Wind, Water and Festival Parade are all Moving Forwards

It is Better Not to Look Back in the Past, the Wind, Water and Festival Parade are all Moving Forwards.

Many among us look to old grudges or going to make comparisons with the past, which no longer belongs to the present.

The moment of standing here and now life is what our future is going to determine a built reputation from the past may help us.

It’s no use crying over spilled milk, all that has happened in our
younger years and what we then have lost or had been is now totally
wasted energy if we use there our thoughts or make statements.

That time will never come back and the clock is ticking just ahead, so
if we are wise we are adapting ourselves and work towards the future or
we want to be a historian?

Maybe it used to be better or worse but that is no more important maybe
it are excellent memories today or something has happened and never want
to do more again about the past.

So we must give a positive consideration to and make it become merely
promoted in the future with great and joyous moments in retrospect.

Nobody is complete, excellent or perfect, but we are all important for
each other and especially for ourselves in a mirror image we should look
at a proud person.

The person who only improvements for themselves and the world wants to
make by being there constantly working with an enthusiastic character
and willpower.

Think of a better future for motivation and create joyful moments where
the individual self and others will benefit from having all for
enhancing future prospects.

Let bygones be bygones, there are good and excellent experiences we’ve
enjoyed and learn from the bad ones and a improving future awaits for

The past has already happened and stopped, looking back is over, let us go forward and think of a sophisticated perspective.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Who goes Back to the Past is Someone that Trying Fine Flour to Grind and Sawdust are Trying to Saw

Who goes Back to the Past is Someone that Trying Fine Flour to Grind and Sawdust are Trying to Saw

Who goes Back to the Past is Someone that Trying Fine Flour to Grind and Sawdust are Trying to Saw.

We all love a carefree life and like to sit under the sunshine, with dark clouds the sun’s rays will never get a chance to reach us.

So it is in our own lives as we constantly keep looking back or fall
back on the dark side of our past, rest and relaxation will never be
able to watch in life.

Continuously we will be confronting memories that have done us enough pain that we are every time very upset at the thought.

This gives us just miserable time, will the rest of this life haunt us with an influence that bring no pleasure or relaxing moments.

To rid ourselves of this we will have to forget all the lavish infected
moments from the past to make way for a joyful interaction.

Are you absolutely aware that everything that has made the wrong impact
on our emotional feelings is something that we should give up.

How hard it seems or is, thinking back it is just annoyance and
frustration resulting in an optimum relaxed feeling is never possible.

It was perhaps shocking and inappropriate what happened to us happened at that time, but that’s just the life that we must accept that the actions of people and events are often inexplicable.

Too much dwelling on events where we passed nothing more can change
because it already belongs to history its has been painfull and hurt

Be mature and not naive be realistic and realize what has happened is part of life and sometimes there we ourselves are guilty to give them our confidence.

Trust is good control is better, but that is sometimes tedious or
difficult of to do that it’s looks wrong, because so as the hotel lord
is so he trust his familiar guests.

And we count and expect on honestly by love and friendship than come in any unlawful acts in which we would harm ourselves or others.

But the practice has proved different outcomes or given to us which we
have become more cautious, but still be in a position to go back into
the error.

Through a social life and trust in other people, we will always retain a victim role and we must always rely on that.

To increase opportunities and want to have a smoother life we ​​are almost obliged to take risks, so that we also learn the mindset of different individuals.

Here we win some and we lose something and experience are priceless,
with a positive insight and thoughts we make it and will always

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, June 21, 2015

Time is Not to Waste, if Were not Use it Right, it Will use Us

Time is Not to Waste, if Were not Use it Right, it Will use Us

Time is Not to Waste, if Were not Use it Right, it Will use Us.

Every time we hear the clock ticking or can see what time it is, we know that there is life and there is nothing wrong with our ears or eyes.

People watch many times a day of a timepiece, because that everyone knows how important time is in our life.

Our entire life is a time lapse of timespace as the time period has expired is that the end of ourselves.

So it is of big influence that we every second, minute and hour in one
day we spend it very good, because there are only twenty-four hours in a
day and before we know our days are counted.

Nobody gets a live program so everyone passage of time on this earth is
different and unpredictable, it can be expected to last longer or

Many things to help us forward are all based on time or have a time frame for which we receive a fee.

This fee we need to pay our environment and life needs, this can be a happy time as heirs or to pursue activities.

We must in any case well aware that our time period on this earth has a
limit, and if we use time unwisely we don’t get a resit. The time does
not stop and lost every second that is used carelessly will include lost
future opportunities and no second chance more to us.

Our limited time so get shortened by thoughtless to exploit these seconds or time period and apply to obtain future prospects.

So we have wronged ourselves and shortchanged perhaps by ignorance and
because we inconsiderate and reckless with time have handled.

So have time abused us by not properly spend so we have lost that time frame by not take care of it in the right way.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, June 20, 2015

A Fair Chance we should Earning

A Fair Chance we should Earning

A Fair Chance we should Earning.

If we are honest about what you are about
to read then you will probably agree with me, because we all wait for
opportunities or hope that and believe at least in this no doubt there.

So grab our opportunities or chance if there is a possibility, for
reasons there will probably no chance that its come a second time or
more or are we one of those lucky ones who will get a second or even
more opportunities, but hope there is not too much on.

Occasionally it seems like it’s all wrong divided on this planet, one
gets everything and the other nothing, at times happened across
everything and nothing at all on this side.

That can sometimes be frustrating and disappointing with sad moments but
that’s life, just keep believing in ourselves and knowing that after
rain come sunshine.

Unlucky in a storm, we can lose everything, but our character and
determination to start again with a positive effort can let us rise up
again with pride.

An honest and positive thoughts will always serve our improvements
through willpower and try to stay then come progressively closer to our
new goal.

As Napoleon pointed out that a quitter never can win and a winner never
gives up, says enough about achieving and exploiting opportunities.

Go for it when the time is right and chances are there, will not let
them pass away and grab it with both hands by full enthusiasm and effort
so that we can change the temporal for the eternal if we seize that opportunity.

By continuing to wait for the opportunity
seize us and not knowing but just hope that this will ever happen is
like waiting for a trip to the moon what few chosen individuals is laid
on earth and this is the truth.

We have to earn a fair chance to get ahead or to improve our future
prospects in life, but without diligent and industrious we will without
great effort and commitment miss every opportunity and shall pass up afterwards with a tear.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, June 19, 2015

Love is Something that is Based in the Heart and Confirmed by Deeds

Love is Something that is Based in the Heart and Confirmed by Deeds

Love is Something that is Based in the Heart and Confirmed by Deeds.

Falling in love is the best and worst of times we get in life through our feelings, happiness radiates out of our eyes or the tears rolling down the cheeks.

No one can ignore the feelings of love, because they are honest and
emotional ordeal from a natural build and confirming.It can make us
completely madly with sleepless nights and days, fantasizing daydreaming therein expectations that give us the best possible sense.

If a couple together have the same passion for each other there are few things in life more important than to have togetherness and a good understanding.

A reciprocal instant to each other we can see all acknowledge feelings and increase the longing startling with excitement.

Nobody and nothing can change that feeling only the people involved can
multiply this by undergoing emotional sensations and shivers in the

Open heart and sparkling in time come than true relaxation and delight
show us the luck to realize how attractive and inspired our life actually is.

Also give love to our fellow man by helpful, friendly, and experience can be ourselves and others give a very good sense of contentment.

Unfortunately, we also experience less pleasant times in our lives, but
they are there to overcome with a positive courage to joyfully continue.

Love and patience conquers everything in our lives, waiting for the
right time to pick the apples from the tree and enjoy it then profusely
from is the key to every lock.

Everyone has their ups and downs in life or relationships, but the love
for each other will always provide for a sweet reunion where sins are
forgiven and the friendship or relationship become more strengthened.

For example, action confirms that there are a lot of love is established in the heart.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, June 18, 2015

Satisfy Everyone Demand Sometimes more of Ourselves than Assign Boundaries

Satisfy Everyone Demand Sometimes more of Ourselves than Assign Boundaries

Satisfy Everyone Demand Sometimes more of Ourselves than Assign Boundaries.

To be a cook for everyone eats needs is impossible with so many different cultures and cuisine dishes.

In a restaurant is the menu and beyond, is it possible to make more by
the food preparer who cooks, but that request is a special request and
maybe is not possible.To satisfy everyone’s wishes is not possible, they
can ask but that is no guarantee and we can not give answers to all

Also, we often want to help but are tied to lack of time or
responsibilities for other things or appointments with friends, so we
have to say no with an internal sorry.

Some people can not understand because they simply are fixated on their own life and problems, because usually an explanation of why is not more feasible.

They are also not 24 hours available to others and have also a private
life, because they think to be the number one and are the important

Until they need attention or help themselves then they forget everything
and that others have a private life, because they are again number 1
and the most important.

Sadly but true, we must then correct their odd and indicate that at some times there are be more important things in our life and we have to spend time on that.

An example is work, grocery shopping, taking children to or from school,
appointments for a better future are all valuable things in life of people that have priorities.

From our hearts we might want to do everything at once and help but
unfortunately that is not possible because we can not be at the same
time on two places work and deliver our commitment.

That is why we must state borders, because satisfy everybody demands more of ourselves than we can afford.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, June 15, 2015

Wees Dankbaar voor de Mensen om Ons Heen Ze Geven Constant de Mogelijkheid om te Leren

Wees Dankbaar voor de Mensen om Ons Heen Ze Geven Constant de Mogelijkheid om te Leren

Wees Dankbaar voor de Mensen om Ons Heen Ze Geven Constant de Mogelijkheid om te Leren.

Niemand heeft ons gelukkig
geleerd dat het leven eenvoudig zal zijn of gaat worden, maar we kunnen
het onszelf wel gemakkelijker maken door realistisch te zijn.

Goed nadenken over vele dingen in ons leven doet laten beseffen waarom
er zoveel goeds en slecht op deze aardbol is onder de bevolking.

Door te leren in het onderwijs kunnen we wijzer worden tenminste als wij
daarvoor bereid zijn het te doen of de mogelijkheden daarvoor hebben.

Educatie is één van de belangrijkste elementen van iemand zijn gedrag,
wat we niet weten kunnen wij ook niet volgen of doen, want er is geen

Kennisgeving kan ons vanaf de geboorte bijgebracht worden en dat klinkt
misschien raar voor sommigen onderons, maar dat is voor ieder land en
bevolking anders.

Dat kan te maken hebben met de ontwikkelingen, het geloof of regels van het bewind in die landen.

Zodat het kan voorkomen dat een ieder andere opvattingen heeft over zijn
levenswijze en die wil volgen, door de omstandigheden waarin zij zich

Elke eenling is ook vrij om zijn eigen leven zo in te delen om zich gelukkig te voelen, de één kiest voor een risicovol leven de ander houd meer van rust en zekerheid.

Daar is eenieder vrij in, blij moeten wij zijn dat er buiten op straat
zoveel verschillende soorten bevolkingen met allemaal verschillende
doelen en gedachten zijn.

Het kan misschien niet altijd even leuk of plezierig zijn doordat wij
elke sterveling op een andere manier en omgang leren kennen, maar dat
geeft ons een totaal beter beeld.

Hoe meer verschillend denkende mensen wij leren kennen en er mee omgaan
des te groter is onze inschatting en oordeelvelling over bepaalde

De manier hoe iemand zich gedraagt en doet tegenover ons kan een
ingeving zijn door onze ervaring wat de uitkomst daarvan kan zijn en
soms zitten we er totaal naast.

Er is namelijk niets zo veranderlijk als een mens en mensenleven,
hoeveel mensenkennis wij ook hebben de situatie waarin iemand zich
bevind bepaald zijn actie.

Veel gedragingen van iemand zullen wij in de loop der tijd kunnen
relativeren met andere ervaringen maar honderd procent zeker is het

Zo hebben we constant de mogelijkheid om te blijven leren van de mensen
in onze vriendschapscirkel wat dan een beter inzicht zal geven over de
wensen die hun hebben met ons.

Het allerbeste toegewenst en een goede gezondheid.auteur Jan Jansen
hten, Klik Hier…….

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Be Thankful for the People Around us They Constantly give the Opportunity to Learn

Be Thankful for the People Around us They Constantly give the Opportunity to Learn

Be Thankful for the People Around us They Constantly give the Opportunity to Learn.

Nobody has fortunately shown us that life will be easy, or is going to be, but we can make it easier on ourselves by being realistic.

Well think about many things in life do let us understand why there are so many good and bad on this earth among the population.

By learning in education we can be wiser, at least if we are prepared to do it or have the potential for it.

Education is one of the most important elements of one’s behavior, we do
not know we can not follow or do, because there is no knowledge.

Notification can be imparted to us from birth and that may sound weird
to some of us, but that is different for each country and population.

This may have to do with the developments, believe or rules of the regime in these countries.

So it is possible that everyone has different ideas about his life and who wants to follow, by the circumstances in which they find themselves.

Each loner is free to share as in his own life to feel happy, one chooses a risky life another love more peace and security.

There is freedom to everyone, we should be glad that out on the street
are so many different types of populations all with different goals and

It may not always be fun or enjoyable because we know each mortal in a
different way and fellowship, but that will give us a better overall
picture about the humankind.

How more different thinking people we know or met to deal with them the
greater is our estimation and opinion about certain individuals.

The way someone behaves and does against us can be an signal from our
experience what will be the outcome and sometimes we are totally beside

Indeed, there is nothing as changeable as a human being and human life,
the situation in which people are standing or facing will decide and
determine someones action.

Many behaviors of someone we will be able to relativize in the course of
time with our different experiences, but it is never one hundred
percent sure.

So, we are constantly able to continue learn from the people in our
circle of friendship which will give us a better understanding of the
wishes they have with us.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Sunday, June 14, 2015

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves

Sweet Revenge of Others often Unpack Positive for Ourselves.

It is sad and at the same time almost
unbelievable that people exist that begrudge another nothing, often it
is envy because the other person is better or draws more attention then
others. Therefore jealousy arises usually by a feeling of inferiority or
the rivalry and competition with a question of feeling that give their
thinking vision loss.

Champions can be combative but impossible in every battle for life time
have the same performance and this will have result into accept it with a

Indeed, there is always someone better than others, so it is with
outward beauty at any given moment it fades after years, only the inner
beauty can prevail forever.

Sometimes we simply are inferior and that is not that bad, we are not
subordinate to another, but have a lower score with points, appearance
looking, intelligent or anything else.

In vain, there are certain individuals who can not tolerate it or want
to accept anything and then go do it to obstruct us for self-interest at
least that’s the intent.

Generally, these people are very sociable and willing to assist others
with an exaggerated behavior of kindness but inwardly samples without
remorse and guilty feeling when they do something bad to others with the
exclusion of self-reproach.

Everything they do or are doing is entirely based on opportunism and if
it will do not succeed they drop others like bricks in the water how
deeper the better.

Only benefits they want to achieve and long-lasting friendships are
almost impossible, because in a friendship is sympathy and love
important and is not based on profit interests.

With this attitude and character such suckers often have a hateful
superiority which they want to perform better towards then others and
thereby it go wrong which lucky its employs giving justice for others.

Incidentally, they are sometimes the evil that wants to hurt others,
mostly this will give others the advantage instead of a disadvantage
which is a nice reward afterwards where we can be laugh and have fun of
the benefit.

So it often comes up by the sweet revenge of another through envy on a
rival of their character, it unpack a positive effect is that opponent
yields gets the advantage.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, June 13, 2015

The Unexpected Remain to Surprise us even Though we Are Prepared for It

The Unexpected Remain to Surprise us even Though we Are Prepared for It

The Unexpected Remain to Surprise us even Though we Are Prepared for It.

Every now and then we come into contact
with miracles are completely overwhelmed and amazed, because we thought
to be prepared for anything.

The bizarre thing in life is that we think and hope all have learned and done to perfection, while we still are faced with riddles.

At such time we have a real problem, because we had totally not taken
into account or attention there, that’s like lightning by sunshine

With our mouth talk is easy, we need only to move our lips and there is
already noise, but many solutions can then no longer be solved with

That takes more than talk and a good show especially as we are
completely off the map and derailed to the right direction, it is
literally a tragedy if that happens to us and we are really shocked by

Started with good cheer and all was planned with a good view and
position until the excellence so everything seemed to be perfect until
the hell broke and something evil was discovered there.

This discovery was unfortunately no treasure of gold that we had overlooked but such a disappointment that the atmosphere and everyone was stripped.

Question marks were many in their minds but could not make up and
acceptance was the only thing that still remained for us, excuses which
was what followed with a red color of shame on the face.

Thus, we have discovered again that we can strive for excellence and
that all our energy to stabbing with the best intention, but that
nothing is guaranteed or 100% in life.

We can be so well prepared everything with excellent planning, but the
unexpected can still strike up and surprising us without a smile on our

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, June 12, 2015

Providing from Ourselves to Others can Sometimes Cost a High Toll

Providing from Ourselves to Others can Sometimes Cost a High Toll

Providing from Ourselves to Others can Sometimes Cost a High Toll.

In our lives, we all need a wheelbarrow to move a huge pile of sand easily, because without the help everything will go slower.

Get a helping hand or disclosed handed can sometimes be very helpful
especially if there is not enough knowledge and it will encourage all to
a faster process.

Occasionally we are so impulsive to assist someone with help, that we
ourselves completely forgotten by the enthusiasm and we also work or
have important things to do, the clock is ticking and we are sometimes
tied to deadlines or appointments.

Sometimes to help others we walk ourselves over, it’s good to help
others, but we must also realize that we ourselves are also important
and remember to show clear boundaries there.

Someone who is strongly needy or in distress, then it is fine to give
their spontaneous backing and thus help them out to achieve a state of

Then we are glad that we helped someone who needed us at that time and hence has come out of the problems.

At a time when we ourselves are in trouble, we hope someone to help us
and perhaps there to ask, but with good friends its not necessary to see

It may also be that if we helped someone at that time, they will express
their overly nice and gratitude but later everything quickly returned
to normal or forgotten.

It is better not to annoy our own there and see it as a part of life, as
the candle fire is on everyone can enjoy the light and romance.

Some are not as intelligent and blow out the candle themselves, this
causing a freedom to others and they can make a choice to let shine the
light again or leave the other in the dark.

For the most part we ourselves can determine our happiness and
contentment when we think deeply about experienced confrontations and
for what purpose and mood that arose.

To help another is not bad but thinking primarily about ourselves is the
effort to overcome the feeling and satisfaction and triumph to another.

If we are willing to pay a high price does not matter to whom we
providing our own, because in our hearts, the sun will always shine and
the triumph last forever.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, June 11, 2015

When Something Extreme Happen People Change

When Something Extreme Happen People Change

When Something Extreme Happen People Change.

We are all born with innocent thoughts and brought the best to perform what is in our parents and our own equity.

All precautionary measures before must be carried out by our parents and
they will sacrifice their own to give us an existence so safe as
possible on this planet.

With everything that they have experienced and give problems to their
own, they try to teach us so well as possible for our protection.

They have already experienced many things in their life, some has bad
memories left in their souls and want to save us from it, sometimes it
seemed excessive to us.

But now we ourselves have reached a certain age and more than a dozen experiences richer, we know why we were warned that time.

Stubborn as we were at that time when we do not want to listen, are we
now being confronted with itself and would be happy to assist others now
with it, because we know what a pain it can leave in a human.

Through trial and error they get wise, unfortunately, is that so and
every experience gives us a new impression and sometimes a warning how
dangerous it can be.

Maybe not dangerous in the sense that it is risky but any such thing
which leave lasting memories and pain with us and we can not let it go.

Our thinking and mindset is totally changed and therefore also
confidence in other people can cause a significant adverse impact, but
in some cases also a very positive picture.

Always be optimistic and
cheerful with a benevolent mood and convincing that everything will be
okay if we achieve on our own work and ourselves are committed.

After setbacks we are cautious and by windfalls overconfident which give us the opportunity that we the next time tapped on ourfingers as a gift.

We must allow ourselves to realize that we undergo many events in life and by every experience in which we have a chance to learn our lesson for increase our intelligence.

By seeing all equal or as a negative image we will never be able to get life experience and knowledge to be wiser, therefore acknowledge and recognize it.

We can interpret in different ways and include in our life, but in fact we should be happy that we came in and get the opportunity to learn.

Sooner or later we would maybe something met that does go wrong are
brought into contact and we likely can not cope it without knowing, so
the sooner the confrontation quicker there is a solution and especially
for the subsequent time.

Experiences have a great influence on our behavior and reaction in life,
how depresive and melancholy we might see it the harder this will get.

Let stressful events or incidents us as human beings not change, but see
it as a positive experience that cooperate to improve our future.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, June 8, 2015

Every Heart know Dark Sides as Clouds Overlay the Moon

Every Heart know Dark Sides as Clouds Overlay the Moon

Every Heart know Dark Sides as Clouds Overlay the Moon.

On the outside, we can never see how others feel inside their heart because most do not like to show the trouble to others.

Often we try to hold ourselves big against others while our heart is crying and we sometimes get deeply unhappy.

Also, it is not wise to hang out our dirty laundry, so we give others the opportunity do a little on top of it and so everything gets very exaggerated.

Our problems will surely doubles as it has passed the different tongues and that will not bring much good for us.

If we go with bad or unauthorized information it will be for many
gloating and like to spread it with over the tonque with a smile, some
will have compassion and try to help.

Many forget that we all have moments or periods when it is not going
well with us and that may not have to be financially but also can be
physically or mentally and needy.

Others then show their compassion on those moments very welcome and appreciated, because every support we can use then.

Especially when we are emotionally hurt this gives a big impact on our mental state and his grief not listen to reason.

The state of mind of us will be as a astray, we know ourselves to give
almost no more advice and see nothing anymore but black lace.

That is a completely wrong setting and must convert it as soon as possible to a Positive side to allow ourselves to realize that there will again be a solution and protect ourselves so.

Light will always come again how dark it is, our self-confidence give us these signals and we should believe in with conviction.

After rain comes sunshine or storm, but the balance will always return to a good climate that we must assume.

As the clouds cover the moon will always appear darker sides in our
hearts that we will cry rather than laugh but always have faith that
good times will always return.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Saturday, June 6, 2015

A Person can not Wear a Mask for Long

A Person can not Wear a Mask for Long

A Person can not Wear a Mask for Long.

Because of problems and greed today many people take a different lifestyle in a shortened word “scam”.

They try to save their own ass or to enrich themselves or by others, but that will not be rewarded in the long run.

Sooner or later there will have to pay the price and that can be through
legal action or loneliness because there are not friends anymore.

So, the problems or wealth can be at that time dissolved or are present but there will often arrive a less fun end.

No one wants to be fooled, so there will always caused a conflict with the creation of enemies.

Someone can have a mask to hide the truth or do for themselves
differently to get something done, but that will not be able to last

At some point the reality will show its sides and the truth comes to
light, because it can not last, and a mistake is easily made.

They can not expect that everyone is stupid but remains at a given
moment, people are fed up and realize the goal of them and that’s scam.

Then they’ll lose a new contact because the confidence in their is
broken and a wise man will turn to their back and stay far away.

And so, one by one the people around them will lose until they change
but it is already too late and perhaps unrecoverable bad name.

Be wise and correct it is better everything slowly dissolve or get rich with a clean list and a relaxed heart and soul than to lose face.

No one can continue to wear a mask long because there is always a time
will come when we must show our true face and it is better to do it with

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Friday, June 5, 2015

Nobody Wants to Wear Two Suitcases

Nobody Wants to Wear Two Suitcases

Nobody Wants to Wear Two Suitcases.

There’s nobody in the world who is quite
perfect or can do everything close to perfection, there are certain
personalities who think differently and behave like that.

But we all have already experienced that there is no one who does not
make mistakes and that is human, so there we have to settle in and
conduct it.

But by continuing to make the same mistakes will at some point cause
problems that we sometimes can not handle and so what give additional

Therefore it is wise and good to think about it afterwards extra about
everything and to learn from the first mistake and thereby increase our

By philosophize and over thinking about what has happened, we can make a
plan on tackle it differently next time without mistakes.

It’s a gaffe and stupidity if we would accept a similar mistake again
and so have our chance to miss the previous experience of having learned
something from it.

We are actually twice with our head against the same wall appeared and with our face to stones hurts.

Be thoughtful and judicious at the same event let our memories do good
work and remind us, that it was not to be nice or something to cheer of.

It can also cause damage to others not just for ourselves, because we
are not always alone, and that is something that we should try to avoid
at all times.

Everyone makes mistakes, but we do not need to enter into repeat if we
have learned been there again it would be unwise to ourselves and to
others unjustly.

And when our luggage is overweight by mistakes we also have to pay extra
for it and that is something unnecessary if all we can prevent.

There are certain guide lines in life with each other for to minimize the mistakes and problems in our life such as not lying, being honest and living in harmony with each other by helping etc.

It is up to us for pursue or ignore them and that will determine our life not to wear two times the same bags.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Thursday, June 4, 2015

It is Sometimes Good to make a Realistic Consideration about Right and Wrong

It is Sometimes Good to make a Realistic Consideration about Right and Wrong

It is Sometimes Good to make a Realistic Consideration about Right and Wrong.

Our daily life sometimes becomes so an routine that we often no longer dwelling on the rush and hurry that we create ourselves.

We forget about our health and are only concerned with performance enhancements and a good future with joyful feelings.

It all seems so obvious at one point because we know exactly what and
where we are doing as a constant search for improvement and faster

Because that is the most important thing in the world speed to gain time
and the best qualities to compete against others with the most options.

The choice so that others should benefit must be overwhelming and rather
than too little excessive, because that can always be adjusted to less.

But the moment that we do not have too many features on offer it is
difficult to expand into more and we have a problem if there be a ask

The biggest problem now is that there are people who are candidate for
speed rather than quality and this makes everything from bad to worse.

A constructive reputation for their is no longer more important and the
greatest enemy of this is money, something they choose rather than to
produce an excellent product.

Thinking for help the humanity and society to reach the perfection is
absolutely not interesting for them, making as much money in the
shortest time possible is the goal.

If they harm it must cause to others or the environment is only an
afterthought for them, they not even thinking or thought about it, the
dollar signs is what count.

Inner peace will some even added to it, because that is their lifestyle,
but inner rest will be their never awarded, because there will be
always victims and enemies.

Therefore it is always wise to make a good and realistic consideration
between right and wrong for a relaxed future in peace with prosperity.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Friends Who Through Life Pass by can Be an Affect for our Very Future

Friends Who Through Life Pass by can Be an Affect for our Very Future

Friends Who Through Life Pass by can Be an Affect for our Very Future.

We all hope for a long and healthy life what is possible to get on this global, and where that will be is not so important, if we are lucky in that place.

Our life consists of different phases with different ages and mental experiences where we encounter new faces every time.

By this faces are humans with different characters and ideas about life,
where we can sometimes agree with and other times completely disagree.

Each individual has their own preferences and ideas how to place
themselves and to behave in our society, personal education will
determined that for the most part.

If we have more personal contact with private individuals which will
give us an impression on them and through communication, we learn their
way of thinking and purpose in life.

Through our experiences together it can grow into a close friendship or
relationship with having a good day or hello and also kindness from both

When they have bad intentions in a memorable event, that can could linger long grieved in our memory.

If we are disappointed in that person, then this impression has left a
bad mark on us, so that we will get more suspicion in humanity and at
the next meeting with someone we will be more careful.

And the more unpleasant experiences we will experience in our existence
on earth, the more we become suspicious towards mankind, because our
trust is violated.

It is very important to be cautious establish with new contacts, because
they are in first strangers that we need to know very well before we
put our trust in them blindly.

Family and friends can make and break us psychologically notion, dealing
with the experiences together and have a major impact on our mentality
thinking into the future.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Distinguishing us from Many Fish in the Water is Not bad

Distinguishing us from Many Fish in the Water is Not bad

Distinguishing us from Many Fish in the Water is Not bad.

That we all do not look the same we
should just be glad, because if everyone could give the same appearance
today that would be difficulty.

The most important thing is that we feel ourselves well with our
appearance and what others think it is something we really do not have
to spend so much attention.

It’s just very difficult in life to be able to provide everyone with their needs and deliver their judgments.

How do we want our outward appearance to others is to show ourselves and
we have to live with, if there a mirror is present we look into it with

We are then a proud person and whether our hair color look red, yellow
or purple that has nothing to make with us inner character, appearance
is just a small part of a person, everyone dreams about being a
personality cult and wants be different.

If anyone would like changed his aspect to feel better while then we
should just accept that and do not discriminate but keep the harmony and
continue to love each other.

Despite the differences in the appearances of other individuals by birth
or changes by themselves doesn’t make them a bad person.

We must learn to tolerate and accept each other as we are willing to life in peace on this earth what is from every ethnic group, in love is better for all of us.

Choices we need to make how we want to treat our fellow human beings
where everyone can feel good and that is by helping each other in a
peaceful gathering.

The past is there to let rest and we life
in the here and now, this day we can bring a change together to that by
not looking at outward person look or to judge them on this.
Distinguished us from the many fish in the water is not bad, but
remember that all these fishes need water to survive, so don’t make
turbid water and think of peace.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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Monday, June 1, 2015

Feed Another with Wisely Advice is Easier than Apply it for Ourselves, but Try it to Do

Feed Another with Wisely Advice is Easier than Apply it for Ourselves, but Try it to Do

Feed Another with Wisely Advice is Easier than Apply it for Ourselves, but Try it to Do.

criticize or point out their mistakes with a frustrated or degrading
premise is so simple, but in order to help them with positive impact is
better for both.

Everyone knows that if we want beautiful roses while we also will have
to accept the thorns to grow with it, so is it also with a good life.

It almost never is consistently good, there will always be obstacles
might only physical or vice versa, but it is almost impossible that
every day is good, better periods are possible.

In some situations come or be thought that we are in a corner and we
cannot make a normal or realistic decisions, because its only based on
fear, survival, bluff, great courage etc.

We drive too hard and then it was impossible to cut through the red light and after tell our family members or other we love not to go through the red light.

That is something completely counterproductive, but with good intentions
and concern, it is all easier said than done but often define
situations brash our actions.

We can be very intelligent and wise to think about anything but an
unexpected circumstance can make us reckless and emotional issue of
insanity mind.

And then it’s easy for another that is not affected emotionally to
effortlessly advice and counsel but then this become almost never
adopted or it is too late.

So self-control and make representations in mind and figure out what we
would do in certain situations and how we will react is not a bad trait
and recommended.

The difficulty is to feed it to apply to ourselves in that plight,
because give another a advice while we are completely relaxed is as
breathe wind in the fresh air.

I wish you a healthy life.Kindly Regards,

author Jan Jansen

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